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Commander Clash S2 Episode 33: Season Finale!

Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. This week is the season finale, which marks Richard's last game as part of the core crew for a while. To honor our friend's departure, each of us built decks that pay homage to Richard's playstyle and legacy in Commander Clash. Here's what we came up with:

  • Tom tells the story and legends of Sir Richard, the knight who went on to unite a kingdom, researched by Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
  • Richard brings one more underdog tribe to the table, this time going Knight Tribal led by Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa
  • Seth champions an underdog tribe as well, the limited fodder Shade Tribal, led by Ihsan's Shade
  • Tomer busts out Spooky Skeletons, a deck based on Richard's Halloween list where each nonland card is related to skeletons/bones, with the help of Meren of Clan Nel Toth

There's a ton of janky tribal decks this week, as is fitting for Richard's sendoff! What jank list will prevail? Let's find out! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.


Tom's Deck (Sir Richard)


Richard's Deck (Knight Tribal)


Seth's Deck (Shade Tribal)


Tomer's Deck (Spooky Skeletons)



Post-Game Thoughts

That was a long, sweet game. Everyone got to show off their deck and do their thing. Each deck was janky and casual, but well-built and had layers of synergy, and above all they had tons of flavor. It felt like a proper sendoff for Richard. 

One card that seriously impressed me was Lifecrafter's Bestiary: I assumed it would be a good card when it was spoiled, but this is the first time I got to see it in actual play and it exceeded my expectations. I have a feeling that Richard's deck would've stumbled had it not been for this innocuous artifact smoothing out his draws and keeping his hand full. With the Bestiary keeping his hand full of gas, his deck managed to chug through the ridiculous amount of board wipes that bombarded the battlefield.

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You also got to see a glimmer of Meren of Clan Nel Toth's power, even when leading a terrible deck. She just oozes card advantage and was the sole reason I did pretty much anything that game. At the head of a good deck, she's absolutely bonkers and needs to be killed on sight and her graveyard repeatedly exiled or else she just wins.


New Season Soon!

We will be taking a one week break before jumping into the third season of Commander Clash. We've already chosen Richard's replacement but we're keeping it a secret for now. Thanks for watching and we'll be back soon! As always, we love to hear from you guys! Tell us what you like to see, what you don't like, any ideas that we can put forward for future videos, or anything else you'd like to tell us! You can reach us in the comments section below or tweet me @BudgetCommander.

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