Commander Clash 21: Viewer Submitted Decks
Hello and welcome to another Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. Recently, we asked you guys to submit your Commander decks for us to showcase in Commander Clash, and you guys certainly delivered! We had a lot of sweet decks to choose from and eventually settled on these four. Here's what we've got:
- Seth draws cards so he can draw more cards so he can draw more cards -- with Arjun, the Shifting Flame (submitted by Adam Kaiser)
- Richard ramps hard to cast giant spells with Rosheen Meanderer (submitted by CelineT)
- Jake plays Commander in Hardcore Mode with Phage the Untouchable, a commander that can kill him for casting her (submitted by LucasZ)
- Tomer has come prebeared to annoy everyone with a grizzly bear pun fur every situation with a Prime Speaker Zegana Tribal Bear deck (submitted by Tygran)
Quite the diverse roster for this game! Let's see who comes out on top! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.
Seth's Deck (Arjun)
Richard's Deck (Rosheen)
Jake's Deck (Phage)
Tomer's Deck (Bears)
Post-Game Thoughts
To the surprise of no one, I made some pretty big mistakes this game. The very big one was not leading off with a kick'd Rite of Replication on the Psychosis Crawler. I had a strong feeling that Seth was holding up at least one counter, which is why I was happy to see Richard try to destroy the Crawler and bait out the counter. I thought Seth had one more though, so I led with Progenitor Mimic, hoping to eat another counter before following up with Rite. Unfortunately, Seth didn't have the counter and popped the Whirlpool Warrior to go find one, ruining my potential game-winning play. I should've definitely just led with the Rite, as that would play around an option that I knew Seth had rather than the one he could've had. The second big misplay was not playing Prime Speaker Zegana on my last turn to draw 3 more cards; had I done Rite and cast Zegana, there might have been a chance for me to actually win.
I really enjoyed the viewer submissions! There were a lot of sweet decks to choose from and it was tough to settle on just one. Off the top of my head, there were two cool Alesha, Who Smiles at Death toolbox decks that looked fun, some sweet five-color decks that were wildly different from each other except for all having the tempting Maze's End alternative win-con, and a really interesting Jori En, Ruin Diver list that ran a bunch of Chaos cards like Possibility Storm that made it easy to trigger her card draw.
If you guys enjoyed this week, let us know! We'll definitely do this again if you guys want to see it brought back.
Next Week: Historical Period Commander!
We're continuing our romp through Magic's history, building decks with cards that were printed in a specific time period. The first time we did this, we played with cards printed from the beginning of Magic up to and including Exodus block. This time we'll be doing 6th Edition up to and including Onslaught block. With this heavy restriction in place, the decks will look very different from a usual Commander deck and the results should be sweet! As always, we encourage you to leave us a comment on this article, on youtube, or on Twitter @BudgetCommander . Your feedback is greatly appreciated, be it thoughts on the game, ideas on how to improve the series, or suggestions for future themes; we read all of them and bring them up in discussions. Thanks for watching!