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Pauper 10K Mont Grand Tournament

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-09-01

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
7 - 1 Mono-Blue Aggro ericks2 $ 50 80 tix Expand
7 - 1 Mono-Red Combo Mateus Gabriel Ascari $ 76 47 tix Expand
6 - 0 Mono-White Aggro Maestrello $ 45 53 tix Expand
6 - 0 Izzet Control Vinicius Raymundi $ 85 130 tix Expand
6 - 1 Mono-Red Aggro BoletoAgiota $ 74 62 tix Expand
6 - 1 Mono-Blue Delver Leshira $ 51 70 tix Expand
6 - 1 Jund Combo Luiz Paulo C Pereira $ 98 92 tix Expand
6 - 1 Grixis Affinity pedrocaceres $ 85 103 tix Expand
6 - 1 Gruul Combo PedroJuniior $ 34 108 tix Expand
6 - 1 Grixis Affinity telin $ 76 96 tix Expand
6 - 2 Naya Bogles Daygoroo $ 42 41 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Madness DelJV $ 50 64 tix Expand
6 - 2 Izzet Control Felipe Machado $ 87 112 tix Expand
6 - 2 Izzet Control fernandomp85 $ 78 132 tix Expand
6 - 2 Mono-Blue Delver GuiMachado $ 48 78 tix Expand
6 - 2 Rakdos Madness Henrique Duarte Thimm Palma $ 52 68 tix Expand
6 - 2 Izzet Control Lucas Oliveira $ 75 103 tix Expand
6 - 2 Mono-Red Aggro Lucas Rosa $ 71 49 tix Expand
6 - 2 Azorius Aggro LucasFernades $ 85 165 tix Expand
6 - 2 Jund Combo Nash06 $ 81 82 tix Expand
6 - 2 Jund Combo Pedro Gomes $ 90 85 tix Expand
6 - 2 Gruul Midrange PrimoShow $ 46 98 tix Expand
6 - 2 Mono-Red Aggro Tiago Fuguete $ 75 49 tix Expand
6 - 2 Gruul Ramp XandreB $ 47 107 tix Expand
5 - 1 Izzet Tempo Tulio Reis $ 87 131 tix Expand
5 - 2 Azorius Tempo Agnaldo dos Santos Teixeira Junior Gnarr $ 72 91 tix Expand
5 - 2 Izzet Control Alaor $ 82 105 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jund Combo caio castello $ 99 93 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jund Combo DAVI ALVES $ 43 54 tix Expand
5 - 2 Rakdos Madness GabCoach $ 43 38 tix Expand
5 - 2 Jund Combo Raphael Pimenta $ 90 113 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Red Aggro AleDosGoblins $ 82 74 tix Expand
5 - 3 Golgari Combo Bolandro $ 94 67 tix Expand
5 - 3 Gruul Ramp Bracale $ 31 87 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Blue Delver Carlos Frank $ 51 74 tix Expand
5 - 3 Gruul Ramp CecilMonk $ 34 118 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Green Infect Fernando Flora Filho $ 31 16 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Control Fernando Viana Incio $ 75 77 tix Expand
5 - 3 Wall Combo GGR212 $ 26 38 tix Expand
5 - 3 Grixis Affinity GuilhermeFalcao $ 74 89 tix Expand
5 - 3 Azorius Control Igor Grcia $ 77 93 tix Expand
5 - 3 Burn Jonathan de Souza Silva Bieber $ 72 52 tix Expand
5 - 3 Gruul Aggro kayzin $ 47 103 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Blue Delver leandro09 $ 53 90 tix Expand
5 - 3 Orzhov Aggro leonardopereira $ 68 80 tix Expand
5 - 3 Golgari Combo Luiz Felipe Dentinho $ 80 59 tix Expand
5 - 3 Temur Ramp LuizGG $ 49 116 tix Expand
5 - 3 Azorius Combo Pedra Stone $ 72 94 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Red Burn PedroBatista $ 78 56 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-Blue Faeries Perestrelozn $ 60 76 tix Expand
5 - 3 Mono-White Aggro Roney Togni $ 26 27 tix Expand
5 - 3 Grixis Burn ThiagoMattos $ 39 24 tix Expand
5 - 3 Golgari Combo Thomaz Macedo $ 91 64 tix Expand
5 - 3 Grixis Affinity VINICIUS ALMEIDA $ 81 109 tix Expand
5 - 3 Rakdos Madness Vitor Hugo Correa $ 40 63 tix Expand
5 - 3 Grixis Affinity William Richard Romo da Silva $ 79 91 tix Expand
5 - 3 Gruul Aggro zadoz $ 59 119 tix Expand
4 - 2 Abzan Heliod BRUNONOGUEIRAPEDRO $ 75 115 tix Expand
4 - 2 Abzan Caves Guilherme Machado Fernandes $ 69 83 tix Expand
4 - 3 Dimir Control Brendo Ikeda $ 80 77 tix Expand
4 - 3 Mono-Red Aggro Diego carvs $ 71 48 tix Expand
4 - 3 Mono-Blue Delver Edson Zerbinatti $ 63 97 tix Expand
4 - 3 Grixis Affinity FelipeTavs $ 81 99 tix Expand
4 - 3 Grixis Affinity Franco Rajer Rayer $ 70 103 tix Expand
4 - 3 Jund Midrange Guilherme Gomes $ 93 97 tix Expand
4 - 3 Gruul Aggro lucas kendi $ 46 102 tix Expand
4 - 3 Grixis Affinity Ravager $ 73 102 tix Expand
4 - 3 Mono-Blue Tempo William Oshiro $ 49 82 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-White Aggro Bruno Salazar $ 50 59 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mardu Aggro Alameda51 $ 65 41 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Goblins AlessandroZanini $ 52 82 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Green Elves Arthur Yuji Sibuta $ 32 41 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Blue Delver Fozz $ 39 36 tix Expand
4 - 4 Gruul Ramp Gabriel Godoy Carlos $ 47 92 tix Expand
4 - 4 Rakdos Madness JohnRick $ 55 50 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Red Combo jurin38 $ 83 65 tix Expand
4 - 4 Selesnya Bogles jvbevangelista $ 36 31 tix Expand
4 - 4 Gruul Midrange Luan812 $ 39 121 tix Expand
4 - 4 Izzet Control mathevs $ 84 122 tix Expand
4 - 4 Grixis Affinity Not $ 72 97 tix Expand
4 - 4 Naya Bogles Odranoel26 $ 49 39 tix Expand
4 - 4 Dimir Control Orlando Bibiano $ 87 107 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-White Aggro Oslecbtu $ 56 61 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Red Burn Pedro4g63 $ 69 71 tix Expand
4 - 4 Boros Midrange PolarBoy $ 96 99 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Blue Delver rafabalza $ 51 86 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Red Aggro VaT 69 $ 81 69 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Blue Aggro victorhsd $ 52 89 tix Expand
4 - 4 Mono-Blue Tempo ViihMaranduba $ 51 84 tix Expand
3 - 2 Grixis Affinity Caetano $ 87 112 tix Expand
3 - 2 Azorius Aggro giovanimurakami $ 68 84 tix Expand
3 - 2 Mono-Blue Delver Lucas Carvalho $ 52 95 tix Expand
3 - 2 Mono-White Aggro Mattalv $ 21 31 tix Expand
3 - 3 Mono-Red Aggro Felipe Felisberto Freitas $ 90 68 tix Expand
3 - 3 Jund Combo gagabreus $ 72 29 tix Expand
3 - 3 Jund Combo Heli Mateus $ 101 105 tix Expand
3 - 3 Rakdos Goblins Lucas Buzon $ 69 81 tix Expand
3 - 3 Grixis Combo maquinari $ 83 102 tix Expand
3 - 3 Mono-White Aggro TaikeMeme $ 46 53 tix Expand
3 - 3 Gruul Aggro Tartzei $ 17 65 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 202 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Grixis Affinity 12.87% 26
Other 11.39% 23
Mono-Red Synthesizer 10.89% 22
Broodscale Combo 10.89% 22
Gruul Ramp 8.91% 18
Mono-Blue Delver 7.92% 16
Mono-White Aggro 4.95% 10
Madness Burn 4.95% 10
Familiars 2.97% 6
Dimir Control 2.97% 6
Bogles 1.98% 4
Jeskai Ephemerate 1.98% 4
Boros Synthesizer 1.49% 3
Jund Reanimator 1.49% 3
Kiln Fiend 0.99% 2
Walls Combo 0.99% 2
Mono-Blue Faeries 0.99% 2
Goblins 0.99% 2
Slivers 0.99% 2
Turbo Fog 0.99% 2
Caw-Gates 0.50% 1
Orzhov Aggro 0.50% 1
Glintblade 0.50% 1
Elves 0.50% 1
Tron 0.50% 1
Black Burn 0.50% 1
Cycle Storm 0.50% 1
Jund Midrange 0.50% 1
Simic Faeries 0.50% 1
Golgari Gardens 0.50% 1
Walls Cascade 0.50% 1
Burn 0.50% 1
Poison Storm 0.50% 1
Boros Bully 0.50% 1
Dimir Faeries 0.50% 1
Azorius Ephemerate 0.50% 1
Mardu Synthesizer 0.50% 1
Total 100.00% 202

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Deadly Dispute 241 31%
2 Galvanic Blast 237 31%
3 Ichor Wellspring 205 29%
4 Lorien Revealed 204 27%
5 Lightning Bolt 203 26%
6 Counterspell 199 26%
7 Gorilla Shaman 187 41%
8 Cast into the Fire 182 41%
9 Malevolent Rumble 169 22%
10 Blue Elemental Blast 167 29%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Gorilla Shaman 187 41%
2 Writhing Chrysalis 150 19%
3 Krark-Clan Shaman 127 22%
4 Tolarian Terror 123 16%
5 Voldaren Epicure 123 15%
6 Refurbished Familiar 119 15%
7 Myr Enforcer 111 14%
8 Murmuring Mystic 91 22%
9 Avenging Hunter 89 13%
10 Basking Broodscale 88 11%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Deadly Dispute 241 31%
2 Galvanic Blast 237 31%
3 Ichor Wellspring 205 29%
4 Lorien Revealed 204 27%
5 Lightning Bolt 203 26%
6 Counterspell 199 26%
7 Cast into the Fire 182 41%
8 Malevolent Rumble 169 22%
9 Blue Elemental Blast 167 29%
10 Hydroblast 167 27%

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