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Browse > Home / Decks / Pauper / Kiln Fiend
$ 63.43
67.00 tix
4 Rare, 10 Uncommon, 43 Common

Format: Pauper
Event: Monthly Tournament #43 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord, 7th Place
Deck Date: Sep 29, 2024

Creatures (18)
2 Akroan Crusader $ 0.40
4 Satyr Hoplite $ 0.80
4 Festival Crasher $ 0.64
4 Kiln Fiend $ 0.92
4 Simian Spirit Guide $ 6.84
Spells (24)
4 Ancestral Anger $ 1.00
4 Assault Strobe $ 1.92
2 Infuriate $ 0.30
2 Might of the Meek $ 0.40
3 Mutagenic Growth $ 2.82
4 Apostle's Blessing $ 1.28
4 Manamorphose $ 18.28
1 Temur Battle Rage $ 0.25
Lands (18)
18 Mountain $ 0.00
Sideboard (15)
2 Akroan Crusader $ 0.40
2 End the Festivities $ 2.26
4 Pyroblast $ 18.80
1 Red Elemental Blast $ 2.67
3 Flaring Pain $ 3.00
3 Siege Smash $ 0.45
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  67 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (18)
2 Akroan Crusader 0.04 tix
4 Satyr Hoplite 0.12 tix
4 Festival Crasher 0.12 tix
4 Kiln Fiend 0.08 tix
4 Simian Spirit Guide 0.12 tix
Spells (24)
4 Ancestral Anger 0.12 tix
4 Assault Strobe 0.12 tix
2 Infuriate 0.06 tix
2 Might of the Meek 0.04 tix
3 Mutagenic Growth 0.09 tix
4 Apostle's Blessing 0.12 tix
4 Manamorphose 6.16 tix
1 Temur Battle Rage 0.03 tix
Lands (18)
18 Mountain 0.00 tix
Sideboard (15)
2 Akroan Crusader 0.04 tix
2 End the Festivities 0.06 tix
4 Pyroblast 42.44 tix
1 Red Elemental Blast 6.32 tix
3 Flaring Pain 10.86 tix
3 Siege Smash 0.06 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  67 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (18)
2 Akroan Crusader 2 Comm.
4 Satyr Hoplite 4 Comm.
4 Festival Crasher 4 Comm.
4 Kiln Fiend 4 Comm.
4 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Unc.
Spells (24)
4 Ancestral Anger 4 Comm.
4 Assault Strobe 4 Comm.
2 Infuriate 2 Unc.
2 Might of the Meek 2 Comm.
3 Mutagenic Growth 3 Unc.
4 Apostle's Blessing 4 Comm.
4 Manamorphose 4 Comm.
1 Temur Battle Rage 1 Comm.
Lands (18)
18 Mountain
Sideboard (15)
2 Akroan Crusader 2 Comm.
2 End the Festivities 2 Comm.
4 Pyroblast 4 Rare
1 Red Elemental Blast 1 Unc.
3 Flaring Pain 3 Comm.
3 Siege Smash 3 Comm.
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  67 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk

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Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...

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Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Akroan Crusader Akroan Crusader [THS]
Satyr Hoplite Satyr Hoplite [JOU]
Kiln Fiend Kiln Fiend [JMP]
Simian Spirit Guide Simian Spirit Guide [PLC]
Festival Crasher Festival Crasher [MID]
Immolating Souleater Immolating Souleater [NPH]


Ancestral Anger Ancestral Anger [VOW]
Mutagenic Growth Mutagenic Growth [PLIST]
Apostle's Blessing Apostle's Blessing [MM2]
Temur Battle Rage Temur Battle Rage [2XM]
Assault Strobe Assault Strobe [SOM]
Brute Force Brute Force [MM2]
Infuriate Infuriate [THB]
Might of the Meek Might of the Meek [BLB]
Manamorphose Manamorphose [2XM]


Lotus Petal Lotus Petal [TE]


Furor of the Bitten Furor of the Bitten [M21]


Mountain Mountain <253> [THB]


Akroan Crusader Akroan Crusader [THS]
Pyroblast Pyroblast [ICE]
Flaring Pain Flaring Pain [PLIST]
End the Festivities End the Festivities [VOW]
Raze the Effigy Raze the Effigy [J22]
Red Elemental Blast Red Elemental Blast [3ED]
Singe Singe [PS]
Cast into the Fire Cast into the Fire [LTR]
Siege Smash Siege Smash [MH3]

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