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Llanowar Elves
10e Tenth Edition

$ 0.44
0.03 tix
Llanowar Elves Llanowar Elves [10E]
$ 0.44
0.03 tix
Llanowar Elves
10e Tenth Edition

Llanowar Elves

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Creature — Elf Druid

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#274 Illustrated by Kev Walker
Standard Legal
Alchemy Legal
Historic Legal
Explorer Legal
Timeless Legal
Pioneer Legal
Modern Legal
Legacy Legal
Vintage Legal
Commander Legal
Brawl Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Commander 1v1 Legal
Penny Dreadful Legal
Pauper Legal

Decks Using Llanowar Elves

279 Selesnya Company
Pioneer $ 197
62 Nykthos Ramp
Pioneer $ 380
48 Elves
Pauper $ 61
34 Gwenna Acererak Combo
Pioneer $ 414
32 Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy
Commander $ 984
28 Kona, Rescue Beastie
Commander $ 402
28 Slimefoot and Squee
Duel Commander
Duel Commander $ 1,958
23 Lathril, Blade of the Elves
Commander $ 409
22 Marwyn, the Nurturer
Commander $ 355
18 Selesnya Angels
Pioneer $ 393
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All Printings

pmtg1 World Championship Decks 1999 Matt Linde $ 1.62 -
pmtg1 World Championship Decks 2002 Brian Kibler $ 3.89 -
pmtg1 World Championship Decks 2002 Sim Han How $ 1.79 -
pmtg1 World Championship Decks 2001 Jan Tomcani $ 1.40 -
pmtg1 World Championship Decks 2000 Janosch Kuhn $ 0.89 -
pmtg1 World Championship Decks 2000 Nicolas Labarre $ 0.74 -
pmtg1 Secret Lair Special Guest Kozyndan Another Story $ 10 -
s00 Starter 2000 - -
pmtg1 Pro Tour Collector Set Bertrand Lestree $ 4.49 -
pmtg1 Promo: WPN & Gateway Foil $ 9.72 -
pmtg1 Promo: Open House Foil $ 8.17 -
pmtg1 Promo: FNM Foil $ 43 -
pmtg1 Promo: Magic Online 70 Foil - 2.02 tix
pmtg1 Promo: Magic Online 257 Foil - 0.52 tix
pmtg1 Promo: Magic Online 404420 - 0.05 tix
pmtg1 Promo: Magic Online 257 - 0.05 tix
pmtg1 Promo: Magic Online 70 - 0.80 tix
pmtg1 The List - -
mb1 Mystery Booster $ 0.49 -
m19 Core Set 2019 Foil - 0.02 tix
m19 Core Set 2019 $ 0.50 -
m12 Magic 2012 Foil $ 2.54 0.03 tix
m12 Magic 2012 $ 0.42 0.03 tix
m11 Magic 2011 Foil $ 2.71 0.02 tix
m11 Magic 2011 $ 0.40 0.03 tix
m10 Magic 2010 Foil $ 2.50 0.03 tix
m10 Magic 2010 $ 0.39 0.03 tix
leb Beta $ 99 -
lea Alpha $ 285 -
Foundations Jumpstart $ 2.00 -
gnt Magic Game Night $ 0.63 -
gn3 Game Night Free-For-All $ 0.50 -
Foundations Japan Showcase Foil $ 1.16 -
Foundations Showcase Japan - Fracture Foil Foil - -
Foundations Foil $ 0.49 -
Foundations $ 0.71 -
Foundations Japan Showcase Newest - -
evg DD: Elves vs. Goblins $ 0.50 0.04 tix
ema Eternal Masters Foil $ 3.04 0.03 tix
ema Eternal Masters $ 0.44 0.04 tix
dom Dominaria Foil $ 4.50 0.03 tix
dom Dominaria Cheapest $ 0.38 0.03 tix
dom Dominaria Magic Arena - -
dmu Dominaria United Japanese Magic 30 Retro Foil - -
dmu Dominaria United Japanese Magic 30 - -
pmtg1 DD: Anthology $ 0.47 -
cma Commander Anthology $ 0.68 -
pmtg1 Collectors' Edition International - -
pmtg1 Collectors' Edition $ 27 -
c14 Commander 2014 Foil - -
c14 Commander 2014 $ 0.42 0.06 tix
btd Beatdown Box Set $ 0.57 -
brb Battle Royale Box Set $ 1.30 -
ath Anthologies $ 0.47 -
9ed 9th Edition Foil $ 6.74 0.02 tix
9ed 9th Edition $ 0.40 0.03 tix
7ed 7th Edition Foil $ 150 2.13 tix
7ed 7th Edition $ 0.45 0.04 tix
6ed 6th Edition $ 0.47 -
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2ed Unlimited $ 7.77 -
10e 10th Edition Foil Cheapest $ 5.56 0.02 tix
10e 10th Edition $ 0.44 0.03 tix