100% Creatures vs. 100% Planeswalkers vs. 100% Artifacts vs. 100% Sorceries | Commander Clash S16 E24
What happens if every non-land card in your deck has to be the same card type? Let's find out!
Richard's Deck
Phil's Deck
Crim's Deck
Seth's Deck
House Bans
This season, we are using the official Commander banned list along with the following house bans:
- Fast mana cards Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Jeweled Lotus, Dockside Extortionist, Gaea's Cradle
- Smothering Tithe
- Rhystic Study
- Field of the Dead
- Glacial Chasm
Next Week: Assassin's Creed
The crew checks out some sweet new Assassin's Creed legends!