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Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Emperor Mihail II

Merfolk EDH by DingoStarr

Report Deck Name Fix Archetype
$ 75.60
38.01 tix
3 Mythic, 31 Rare, 23 Uncommon, 13 Common

Format: Commander
User Submitted Deck
Deck Date: Jul 18, 2024

1 Emperor Mihail II $ 0.26
Creatures (37)
1 Merfolk Windrobber $ 0.20
1 Rishadan Dockhand $ 0.25
1 Shrieking Drake $ 0.15
1 Tidal Warrior $ 0.22
1 Tide Shaper $ 0.26
1 Augur of Bolas $ 0.25
1 Coralhelm Commander $ 0.25
1 Harbinger of the Tides $ 0.47
1 Master of the Pearl Trident $ 1.17
1 Merfolk Looter $ 0.22
1 Merfolk Trickster $ 1.30
1 River Herald Scout $ 0.10
1 Silvergill Adept $ 0.30
1 Stonybrook Banneret $ 0.25
1 Thassa's Oracle $ 19.90
1 Thieving Skydiver $ 0.25
1 Vodalian Hexcatcher $ 4.00
1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch $ 0.86
1 Harbinger of the Seas $ 3.12
1 Kopala, Warden of Waves $ 0.25
1 Lullmage Mentor $ 3.90
1 Merfolk Sovereign $ 0.25
1 Merrow Reejerey $ 0.21
1 Prodigal Sorcerer $ 0.22
1 Svyelun of Sea and Sky $ 0.50
1 Wake Thrasher $ 0.25
1 Alandra, Sky Dreamer $ 1.00
1 Master of Waves $ 0.91
1 Merrow Harbinger $ 1.99
1 Seafloor Oracle $ 0.25
1 Solemn Simulacrum $ 0.55
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner $ 0.25
1 Wonder $ 0.58
1 Defiler of Dreams $ 0.40
1 Mist Dancer $ 0.25
1 Peregrine Drake $ 0.25
1 Archetype of Imagination $ 1.04
Spells (16)
1 High Tide $ 0.41
1 Pongify $ 1.99
1 Preordain $ 1.00
1 Counterspell $ 1.22
1 Delay $ 2.26
1 Dramatic Reversal $ 0.77
1 Negate $ 0.20
1 Snap $ 0.79
1 Thassa's Rebuff $ 0.25
1 Filter Out $ 0.25
1 Saw It Coming $ 0.30
1 Distant Melody $ 0.31
1 Engulf the Shore $ 0.75
1 Fact or Fiction $ 0.25
1 Flow of Knowledge $ 0.25
1 Mind's Desire $ 0.69
Artifacts (7)
1 Sol Ring $ 0.99
1 Arcane Signet $ 0.40
1 Sky Diamond $ 0.17
1 Thought Vessel $ 1.00
1 Heraldic Banner $ 1.33
1 Midnight Clock $ 0.25
1 Maskwood Nexus $ 5.22
Enchantments (6)
1 Deeproot Pilgrimage $ 0.99
1 Spreading Seas $ 0.20
1 Deeproot Waters $ 0.17
1 Intruder Alarm $ 1.82
1 Propaganda $ 0.69
1 Bident of Thassa $ 0.79
Lands (33)
1 Castle Vantress $ 0.32
30 Island $ 0.00
1 Mystic Sanctuary $ 1.06
1 War Room $ 1.68
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  38 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Emperor Mihail II 1.04 tix
Creatures (37)
1 Merfolk Windrobber 0.03 tix
1 Rishadan Dockhand 0.02 tix
1 Shrieking Drake 0.03 tix
1 Tidal Warrior 0.04 tix
1 Tide Shaper 0.03 tix
1 Augur of Bolas 0.03 tix
1 Coralhelm Commander 0.02 tix
1 Harbinger of the Tides 0.02 tix
1 Master of the Pearl Trident 0.08 tix
1 Merfolk Looter 0.01 tix
1 Merfolk Trickster 0.03 tix
1 River Herald Scout 0.02 tix
1 Silvergill Adept 0.03 tix
1 Stonybrook Banneret 0.03 tix
1 Thassa's Oracle 1.06 tix
1 Thieving Skydiver 0.02 tix
1 Vodalian Hexcatcher 1.38 tix
1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 0.26 tix
1 Harbinger of the Seas 1.09 tix
1 Kopala, Warden of Waves 0.02 tix
1 Lullmage Mentor 0.02 tix
1 Merfolk Sovereign 0.02 tix
1 Merrow Reejerey 0.03 tix
1 Prodigal Sorcerer 0.02 tix
1 Svyelun of Sea and Sky 2.90 tix
1 Wake Thrasher 0.02 tix
1 Alandra, Sky Dreamer 14.63 tix
1 Master of Waves 0.02 tix
1 Merrow Harbinger 0.02 tix
1 Seafloor Oracle 0.02 tix
1 Solemn Simulacrum 0.02 tix
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner 0.02 tix
1 Wonder 0.01 tix
1 Defiler of Dreams 0.02 tix
1 Mist Dancer 0.22 tix
1 Peregrine Drake 0.04 tix
1 Archetype of Imagination 0.03 tix
Spells (16)
1 High Tide 0.03 tix
1 Pongify 0.04 tix
1 Preordain 3.25 tix
1 Counterspell 0.04 tix
1 Delay 0.03 tix
1 Dramatic Reversal 0.03 tix
1 Negate 0.02 tix
1 Snap 0.05 tix
1 Thassa's Rebuff 0.01 tix
1 Filter Out 0.13 tix
1 Saw It Coming 0.03 tix
1 Distant Melody 0.03 tix
1 Engulf the Shore 0.02 tix
1 Fact or Fiction 0.02 tix
1 Flow of Knowledge 0.03 tix
1 Mind's Desire 0.02 tix
Artifacts (7)
1 Sol Ring 0.07 tix
1 Arcane Signet 0.02 tix
1 Sky Diamond 0.04 tix
1 Thought Vessel 0.02 tix
1 Heraldic Banner 0.03 tix
1 Midnight Clock 0.02 tix
1 Maskwood Nexus 0.02 tix
Enchantments (6)
1 Deeproot Pilgrimage 0.10 tix
1 Spreading Seas 0.02 tix
1 Deeproot Waters 0.03 tix
1 Intruder Alarm 0.02 tix
1 Propaganda 0.32 tix
1 Bident of Thassa 0.02 tix
Lands (33)
1 Castle Vantress 0.02 tix
30 Island 0.00 tix
1 Mystic Sanctuary 0.03 tix
1 War Room 10.10 tix
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  38 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Emperor Mihail II 1 Rare
Creatures (37)
1 Merfolk Windrobber 1 Unc.
1 Rishadan Dockhand 1 Rare
1 Shrieking Drake 1 Comm.
1 Tidal Warrior 1 Comm.
1 Tide Shaper 1 Unc.
1 Augur of Bolas 1 Unc.
1 Coralhelm Commander 1 Rare
1 Harbinger of the Tides 1 Rare
1 Master of the Pearl Trident 1 Rare
1 Merfolk Looter 1 Comm.
1 Merfolk Trickster 1 Unc.
1 River Herald Scout 1 Comm.
1 Silvergill Adept 1 Unc.
1 Stonybrook Banneret 1 Comm.
1 Thassa's Oracle 1 Rare
1 Thieving Skydiver 1 Rare
1 Vodalian Hexcatcher 1 Rare
1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 1 Rare
1 Harbinger of the Seas 1 Rare
1 Kopala, Warden of Waves 1 Rare
1 Lullmage Mentor 1 Rare
1 Merfolk Sovereign 1 Rare
1 Merrow Reejerey 1 Unc.
1 Prodigal Sorcerer 1 Unc.
1 Svyelun of Sea and Sky 1 Mythic
1 Wake Thrasher 1 Rare
1 Alandra, Sky Dreamer 1 Rare
1 Master of Waves 1 Mythic
1 Merrow Harbinger 1 Unc.
1 Seafloor Oracle 1 Rare
1 Solemn Simulacrum 1 Rare
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner 1 Rare
1 Wonder 1 Rare
1 Defiler of Dreams 1 Rare
1 Mist Dancer 1 Rare
1 Peregrine Drake 1 Unc.
1 Archetype of Imagination 1 Unc.
Spells (16)
1 High Tide 1 Comm.
1 Pongify 1 Unc.
1 Preordain 1 Comm.
1 Counterspell 1 Rare
1 Delay 1 Unc.
1 Dramatic Reversal 1 Rare
1 Negate 1 Comm.
1 Snap 1 Comm.
1 Thassa's Rebuff 1 Unc.
1 Filter Out 1 Unc.
1 Saw It Coming 1 Unc.
1 Distant Melody 1 Comm.
1 Engulf the Shore 1 Rare
1 Fact or Fiction 1 Unc.
1 Flow of Knowledge 1 Unc.
1 Mind's Desire 1 Mythic
Artifacts (7)
1 Sol Ring 1 Unc.
1 Arcane Signet 1 Comm.
1 Sky Diamond 1 Unc.
1 Thought Vessel 1 Comm.
1 Heraldic Banner 1 Unc.
1 Midnight Clock 1 Rare
1 Maskwood Nexus 1 Rare
Enchantments (6)
1 Deeproot Pilgrimage 1 Rare
1 Spreading Seas 1 Unc.
1 Deeproot Waters 1 Unc.
1 Intruder Alarm 1 Rare
1 Propaganda 1 Unc.
1 Bident of Thassa 1 Rare
Lands (33)
1 Castle Vantress 1 Rare
30 Island
1 Mystic Sanctuary 1 Comm.
1 War Room 1 Rare
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  38 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...

Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...


Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Rishadan Dockhand Rishadan Dockhand [MH2]
Tide Shaper Tide Shaper [MH2]
Coralhelm Commander Coralhelm Commander [LCC]
Harbinger of the Tides Harbinger of the Tides [J22]
Master of the Pearl Trident Master of the Pearl Trident [LCC]
Merfolk Trickster Merfolk Trickster [DOM]
Silvergill Adept Silvergill Adept [MB1]
Stonybrook Banneret Stonybrook Banneret [LCC]
Thieving Skydiver Thieving Skydiver [LCC]
Vodalian Hexcatcher Vodalian Hexcatcher [DMU]
Emperor Mihail II Emperor Mihail II [LCC]
Harbinger of the Seas Harbinger of the Seas [MH3]
Kopala, Warden of Waves Kopala, Warden of Waves [LCC]
Lullmage Mentor Lullmage Mentor [ZEN]
Merfolk Sovereign Merfolk Sovereign [LCC]
Merrow Reejerey Merrow Reejerey [LCC]
Svyelun of Sea and Sky Svyelun of Sea and Sky [LCC]
Master of Waves Master of Waves [DDT] (F)
Merrow Harbinger Merrow Harbinger [LRW]
Seafloor Oracle Seafloor Oracle [LCC]
Mist Dancer Mist Dancer [LCC]
Cosi's Trickster Cosi's Trickster [ZEN]
Cursecatcher Cursecatcher [A25]
Merfolk Windrobber Merfolk Windrobber [ZNR]
Mist-Cloaked Herald Mist-Cloaked Herald [RIX]
Shrieking Drake Shrieking Drake [MH3]
Tidal Warrior Tidal Warrior [MB1]
Triton Shorestalker Triton Shorestalker [OTC]
Augur of Bolas Augur of Bolas [M13]
Lord of Atlantis Lord of Atlantis [4ED]
Merfolk Looter Merfolk Looter [10E]
River Herald Scout River Herald Scout [LCI]
River Sneak River Sneak [J22]
Thassa's Oracle Thassa's Oracle [THB]
Emry, Lurker of the Loch Emry, Lurker of the Loch [MUL]
Prodigal Sorcerer Prodigal Sorcerer [4ED]
Thada Adel, Acquisitor Thada Adel, Acquisitor [WWK]
Tishana's Tidebinder Tishana's Tidebinder <borderless> [LCI]
True-Name Nemesis True-Name Nemesis [PLIST]
Wake Thrasher Wake Thrasher [J22]
Alandra, Sky Dreamer Alandra, Sky Dreamer [MKC]
Seahunter Seahunter [PLIST]
Solemn Simulacrum Solemn Simulacrum [BLC]
Talrand, Sky Summoner Talrand, Sky Summoner [OTC]
Tempest Caller Tempest Caller [XLN]
Wonder Wonder [MH2] (FE)
Defiler of Dreams Defiler of Dreams [DMU]
Peregrine Drake Peregrine Drake <retro> [DMR]
Archetype of Imagination Archetype of Imagination [BNG]
Deepchannel Mentor Deepchannel Mentor [SHM]
Wanderwine Prophets Wanderwine Prophets [LRW]


High Tide High Tide <retro> [DMR]
Pongify Pongify [M3C]
Counterspell Counterspell <borderless> [CMM]
Negate Negate [ZNR]
Distant Melody Distant Melody [LCC]
Flow of Knowledge Flow of Knowledge [BRO]
Aquitect's Will Aquitect's Will [DDT]
Brainstorm Brainstorm [C15]
Ponder Ponder [WHO]
Preordain Preordain [WHO]
Rapid Hybridization Rapid Hybridization [BLC]
Cyclonic Rift Cyclonic Rift [RTR]
Delay Delay [FUT]
Dramatic Reversal Dramatic Reversal [KLD]
Reality Shift Reality Shift [CMM]
Snap Snap [DMR]
Thassa's Rebuff Thassa's Rebuff [BNG]
Filter Out Filter Out <showcase> [MAT]
Flare of Denial Flare of Denial [MH3]
Saw It Coming Saw It Coming [KHM]
Engulf the Shore Engulf the Shore [SOI]
Fact or Fiction Fact or Fiction <precon> [CMR]
Raise the Palisade Raise the Palisade [LTC]
Mind's Desire Mind's Desire [C21]
Spectral Deluge Spectral Deluge [KHC]


Sol Ring Sol Ring [BLC]
Arcane Signet Arcane Signet [OTC]
Thought Vessel Thought Vessel [BLC]
Heraldic Banner Heraldic Banner [ELD]
Sapphire Medallion Sapphire Medallion [MH3]
Sky Diamond Sky Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Herald's Horn Herald's Horn [LCC]
Kefnet's Monument Kefnet's Monument [AKH]
Midnight Clock Midnight Clock [OTC]
Quicksilver Fountain Quicksilver Fountain [MRD]
Maskwood Nexus Maskwood Nexus [M3C]
Vanquisher's Banner Vanquisher's Banner [LCC]


Deeproot Pilgrimage Deeproot Pilgrimage [LCI]
Deeproot Waters Deeproot Waters [LCC]
Bident of Thassa Bident of Thassa [M3C]
Merrow Commerce Merrow Commerce [LRW]
Spreading Seas Spreading Seas [WOT]
Intruder Alarm Intruder Alarm [WOT]
Propaganda Propaganda [ACR]
Rhystic Study Rhystic Study [PR]
Reconnaissance Mission Reconnaissance Mission [IKO]
Kindred Discovery Kindred Discovery [LCC]
Reflections of Littjara Reflections of Littjara <bundle> [KHM] (F)


Castle Vantress Castle Vantress [M3C]
Island Island <251> [THB]
Mystic Sanctuary Mystic Sanctuary [ELD]
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx [THS]
Path of Ancestry Path of Ancestry [LCC]
Reliquary Tower Reliquary Tower [M3C]
Rivendell Rivendell <borderless> [LTR]
War Room War Room [WHO]

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