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World Championship Decks 2004

Release Dates

Sep 1, 2004

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: WC04

Price History not Available
Card Num Card Mana CostRarity Tabletop Price Daily Δ Daily % Weekly Δ Weekly %
278Ancient DenManuel Bevand
Common$ 9.26$ 0.000%$ -2.27-20%
152Chrome MoxManuel Bevand
Rare$ 24.43$ 0.000%$ 0.733%
27CondescendManuel Bevand
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
164Darksteel CitadelManuel Bevand
Common$ 1.12$ 0.000%$ -0.17-13%
35FabricateManuel Bevand
Uncommon$ 4.98$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
60FireballManuel Bevand
Uncommon$ 0.76$ -0.02-3%$ -0.01-1%
62Furnace DragonManuel Bevand - SB
Rare$ 0.49$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
176Goblin CharbelcherManuel Bevand
Rare$ 2.32$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
282Great FurnaceManuel Bevand
Common$ 1.62$ 0.000%$ 0.1813%
134Krark-Clan IronworksManuel Bevand
Rare$ 15.99$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
89Mana LeakManuel Bevand - SB
Common$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
212Myr IncubatorManuel Bevand
Rare$ 0.46$ 0.000%$ 0.0821%
143Pentad PrismManuel Bevand
Common$ 0.31$ -0.02-6%$ -0.02-6%
210PyroclasmManuel Bevand - SB
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
283Seat of the SynodManuel Bevand
Common$ 1.54$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
104Seething SongManuel Bevand - SB
Common$ 1.49$ 0.000%$ 0.3531%
36Serum VisionsManuel Bevand
Common$ 0.59$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
253Talisman of DominanceManuel Bevand
Uncommon$ 1.02$ 0.033%$ 0.000%
256Talisman of ProgressManuel Bevand
Uncommon$ 2.79$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
53Thirst for KnowledgeManuel Bevand
Uncommon$ 0.25$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
54ThoughtcastManuel Bevand
Common$ 0.59$ 0.000%$ 0.059%
285Tree of TalesManuel Bevand
Common$ 1.00$ 0.000%$ 0.000%
286Vault of WhispersManuel Bevand
Common$ 1.31$ 0.000%$ 0.000%

Showing 23 Cards.

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