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Meme or Dream? "My Deck Has Many Things, but a Sideboard Ain't One" | Jund Dollhouse (Standard)

As you probably know Wizards publishes decklists from Magic Arena weekly. To qualify for publication, a deck needs to win at least six matches in a row at platinum rank or better. This sounds simple on its face, but some incredibly janky lists end up being posted every time lists are published. This has led to speculation that a bug in the system allows decks that didn't actually win six matches in a row to be published or, for the most tin-foil-hatted crowd, the idea that Wizards just publishes whatever it wants, to make the metagame look more diverse than it really is. As a result we created Meme or Dream? to put these lists to the test. Is it possibly some of the janky-looking lists might actually be functional and fun, making them a dream, or are they just as weird as they look on paper, pushing them to meme status? 

It's been a while since we've had a Meme or Dream? episodes, but as soon as I saw today's list I couldn't help but play it. It's a Standard Dollhouse of Horrors deck that manages to do something I've never seen before: include one of my pet cards - The Deck of Many Things - but forget a sideboard all together, even though the deck apparently got six wins in a row playing best of three. The goal of the deck seems to be to fill the graveyard with cards like Seize the Spoils, Big Score and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker and then use Dollhouse of Horrors to reanimate things like Ziatora, the Incinerator, Lord Xander, the Collector and Toxrill, the Corrosive. While this might sound pretty straight forward, the rest of the deck is pretty odd, with Mirror Box even though every legend in our deck except for Magda, Brazen Outlaw is a singleton and Moritte of the Frost from some reason. 

As such, today we're going to put the list to the test and find out if The Dollhouse of Many Things (Except Sideboards...) is a Meme or Dream? If it works, great. If not we'll see what we can do to improve the deck because the idea of Jund Dollhouse is pretty sweet! Here's the list, and then let's get to the video!

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