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Magic Origins in Legacy

Magic Origins has been out for almost a month and it's certainly making waves in Standard. But what about Legacy? Are any of the new cards powerful enough to compete in the format of free counterspells, zero-mana land destruction and overpowered blue cards? Today we'll explore all the Magic Origins cards that have shown up in reported Legacy Daily Events and SCG events.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

Speaking of blue, move over Jace, the Mind Sculptor as Jace Jr. is pushing his way into the format. OK, maybe not but a 3x inclusion in a Reanimator deck that went 4-0 in a Daily Event is encouraging. Looting gives you a way to both enable and find your combo by dumping a fatty into your graveyard while digging for your reanimation spell. Once you flip Jace, flashing back a Brainstorm or Dig Through Time is value, or you can also flashback a reanimation spell.

Pia and Kiran Nalaar

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Intro Pack all-star Pia and Kiran Nalaar — I have to admit this one is surprising. This couple actually showed up in two Painter lists, both times as a one-of in the sideboard. The idea is Pia and Kiran Nalaar is tutorable removal via Imperial Recruiter. Other times it can just gum up the board while you get your Jaya Ballard, Task Mage online. Either way, from speaking to several Imperial Painter players, this card seems like a serious contender for a spot in the 75.

Molten Vortex

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As an "easier on the red mana" Seismic Assault, this card found its way as a one-of into the sideboard of Lands. Unsurprisingly, Life from the Loam, Molten Vortex and 34 maindeck lands is good. However, this is the only lands list in the last three weeks to try the card, and only then as a one-of in the board, so the jury's still out.

Vryn Wingmare

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Yes! As soon as a saw the spoiler, I knew people would be experimenting with this card. Michael Derczo battled his way to 8th place at the SCG Open running 4x Vryn Wingmare in Death and Taxes. Non-legacy players may be confused as Glowrider has been around for a while — is a non-legendary Thalia, Guardian of Thraben at 3cc actually playable? The secret here is flying. It carries swords and jittes like a boss, and as a bonus even blocks and kills Delver of Secrets. That utility plus its Thorn of Amethyst effect (essentially reverse Time Walk) is enough for a strong showing in Legacy. We need an inspirational Disney movie about the little horse that could; a 3-mana 2/1 trying to make its way in a world of 2-mana 8/9s.

Dark Petition

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

It turns out Demonic Tutor is a really good Magic card. Showing up in two different ANT decks means this card is a serious contender (especially since one of them ran it as a 2-of in the main). Now this card isn't literally Demonic Tutor; costing five and refunding BBB is a serious drawback if you're tight on colored mana. You also can't crack Lion's Eye Diamond to pay for the initial cost either. However, it appears that being Demonic Tutor some of the times is good enough — just like how Lion's Eye Diamond is sometimes Black Lotus.

Hixus, Prison Warden

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

Geez, another Intro Pack rare? I have to admit I have no idea what's going on here in Cartesian's 3-1 Legacy Daily deck. It's some kind of Bant Knight of the Reliquary / Life from the Loam deck running 2 Hixus, Prison Warden. I have no idea how you're supposed to get to 5-mana to cast this nor what your plan is — get hit by a Tarmogoyf and surprise exile it? If anyone has any idea what the point of this card is, let me know in the comments below. Either way, any deck playing Werebear and Hero of Bladehold deserves mad props.


We received some solid additions to existing archetypes, but nothing that spawned entire new archetypes (like Delver of Secrets or Miracle). The above list was literally every Magic Origins card played in a reported Legacy Daily Event or SCG event (aside from the reprint Elvish Visionary) from the past two weeks. As you can see, Legacy is not a fast moving format. We'll have to wait until Commander 2015 to see if anymore Legacy goodies!

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