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Weekly Legacy

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Format: Legacy
Date: 2024-09-12

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
3 - 0 Azorius Dreadnought Camata $ 2,374 418 tix Expand
3 - 0 Bant Nadu Pedro Ganselli $ 2,976 254 tix Expand
3 - 0 Rakdos Reanimator Vincius Lopes $ 2,930 333 tix Expand
3 - 0 Doomsday Wilson Prado $ 4,338 440 tix Expand
3 - 1 Jeskai Control Felipe Missio $ 1,838 311 tix Expand
3 - 1 Lands Heitor Tonon $ 7,058 298 tix Expand
3 - 1 Rakdos Aggro NicoBrando $ 2,477 268 tix Expand
3 - 1 Mono-Red Painter PedroPaulo $ 1,851 356 tix Expand
3 - 1 Mono-Red Prison Rafael Huehara $ 2,800 554 tix Expand
3 - 1 Rakdos Reanimator Rafael Vianna $ 2,345 274 tix Expand
2 - 2 Ruby Storm Augusto Yasuda $ 712 167 tix Expand
2 - 2 Doomsday Caiocg011 $ 5,723 285 tix Expand
2 - 2 Mono-Blue Merfolk Caue Silva $ 826 266 tix Expand
2 - 2 Cradle Control Elston $ 4,826 235 tix Expand
2 - 2 Dimir Reanimator Giovanni Castro $ 4,040 575 tix Expand
2 - 2 Mono-Red Prison Leonardo Bacci $ 2,693 707 tix Expand
2 - 2 Mono-Green 12-Post MarkJr $ 3,674 492 tix Expand
2 - 2 Reanimator Matiuzzo $ 2,394 298 tix Expand
1 - 2 Grixis Delver Dupl0 $ 4,984 392 tix Expand
1 - 2 Azorius Dreadnought Felipe Gonalves $ 3,766 376 tix Expand
1 - 2 Mono-Blue Aggro MarcoAurelio $ 1,581 362 tix Expand
1 - 2 Sultai Tempo Pedro Nuno $ 3,876 530 tix Expand
1 - 2 Jeskai Control Thiago de Oliveira Pires $ 2,060 291 tix Expand
1 - 3 Selesnya Depths Gabriel Pinheiro $ 3,060 192 tix Expand
1 - 3 Dimir Reanimator Gustavo Gazzola Smarito $ 3,942 513 tix Expand
1 - 3 Four-color Reanimator Mark Bittencourt $ 1,657 176 tix Expand
1 - 3 Grixis Delver Thanus Miziara $ 5,025 404 tix Expand
- Grixis Delver Nicholas Patapoff Ruiz $ 4,882 374 tix Expand
- Mono-Red Painter emanosb $ 1,687 365 tix Expand
- Death and Taxes (Yorion) Lessa $ 1,359 274 tix Expand
Displaying all 30 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Swords to Plowshares (9) Azorius Dreadnought (3 - 0) , Bant Nadu (3 - 0) , Lands (3 - 1) , Jeskai Control (3 - 1) , Mono-Green 12-Post (2 - 2) , ...
Soul-Guide Lantern (5) Lands (3 - 1) , Mono-Red Painter (3 - 1) , Jeskai Control (1 - 2) , Mono-Blue Aggro (1 - 2) , Mono-Red Painter (-)
Spell Pierce (2) Grixis Delver (1 - 2) , Grixis Delver (-)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Reanimator 23.33% 7
Other 10.00% 3
Grixis Tempo 10.00% 3
Stiflenought 6.67% 2
Doomsday 6.67% 2
Jeskai Control 6.67% 2
Painter 6.67% 2
Blue Zenith 3.33% 1
Lands 3.33% 1
Ruby Storm 3.33% 1
Merfolk 3.33% 1
Mono-Red Initiative 3.33% 1
Sultai Tempo 3.33% 1
Selesnya Depths 3.33% 1
Patchwork Stompy 3.33% 1
Orzhov Stoneblade 3.33% 1
Total 100.00% 30

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 56 47%
2 Brainstorm 52 43%
3 Ponder 49 43%
4 Thoughtseize 38 37%
5 Swords to Plowshares 36 30%
6 Daze 33 33%
7 Psychic Frog 32 27%
8 Lotus Petal 32 33%
9 Fatal Push 30 33%
10 Reanimate 28 23%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Psychic Frog 32 27%
2 Faerie Macabre 19 27%
3 Troll of Khazad-dum 17 17%
4 Magus of the Moon 16 20%
5 Simian Spirit Guide 14 17%
6 Fury 13 17%
7 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 13 17%
8 Broadside Bombardiers 12 10%
9 Delver of Secrets 12 10%
10 Dragon's Rage Channeler 12 10%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 56 47%
2 Brainstorm 52 43%
3 Ponder 49 43%
4 Thoughtseize 38 37%
5 Swords to Plowshares 36 30%
6 Daze 33 33%
7 Lotus Petal 32 33%
8 Fatal Push 30 33%
9 Reanimate 28 23%
10 Consign to Memory 26 40%

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