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Vintage Challenge 32 2024-08-29

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Format: Vintage
Date: 2024-08-29

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st WUB _Joseba_ $ 56,610 554 tix Expand
2nd Dredge Pellejo $ 10,354 140 tix Expand
3rd Scam s8shock $ 45,388 420 tix Expand
4th Dredge Lord_Beerus $ 10,405 155 tix Expand
5th Lurrus Saga Misplacedginger $ 49,701 540 tix Expand
6th WUB Patxi $ 56,610 554 tix Expand
7th Prison Shops AWepp $ 52,178 228 tix Expand
8th Oath of Druids Jumba $ 59,202 430 tix Expand
9th Mono-White Initiative Arenita $ 42,678 332 tix Expand
10th Mono-White Initiative ice_nine_BIGFAN $ 48,454 321 tix Expand
11th Dredge PS17 $ 10,017 37 tix Expand
12th Counter Vine manadra1n $ 10,559 236 tix Expand
13th Doomsday Jujkata $ 45,224 334 tix Expand
14th Sultai Midrange cicciogire $ 50,194 408 tix Expand
15th Lurrus Saga Giusty $ 56,849 534 tix Expand
16th Doomsday discoverN $ 45,133 350 tix Expand
17th Sultai Midrange _Batutinha_ $ 50,230 416 tix Expand
18th Counter Vine AlpInco $ 10,557 253 tix Expand
19th Jeskai Underworld Breach TrueHero $ 51,641 352 tix Expand
20th Lurrus Deathrite unluckymonkey $ 50,697 425 tix Expand
21st Oath of Druids Nictophobia $ 56,620 418 tix Expand
22nd Jewel Shops TonyScapone $ 60,593 719 tix Expand
23rd Mono-White Initiative Andy_Over $ 42,678 332 tix Expand
24th Dimir Tempo Shadowz2005 $ 55,994 548 tix Expand
25th Dredge Zenith777 $ 10,354 140 tix Expand
26th Dredge PocoBueno $ 10,371 153 tix Expand
27th WUB Killah_SUV $ 59,287 459 tix Expand
28th Dredge Bartowski $ 10,354 140 tix Expand
29th Lurrus Deathrite Montolio $ 53,084 544 tix Expand
30th Dredge Capitano_CL $ 10,320 138 tix Expand
31st Esper Tinker Graciasportanto $ 57,945 440 tix Expand
32nd Sultai Midrange lordoflifegain $ 50,313 451 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Dredge 21.88% 7
Sultai Midrange 9.38% 3
Other 9.38% 3
Mono-White Initiative 9.38% 3
Lurrus Deathrite 6.25% 2
Lurrus Saga 6.25% 2
Doomsday 6.25% 2
Counter Vine 6.25% 2
Oath of Druids 6.25% 2
Scam 3.12% 1
Prison Shops 3.12% 1
Blue Tinker 3.12% 1
Jewel Shops 3.12% 1
Blue Tempo 3.12% 1
Underworld Breach 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 108 84%
2 Force of Negation 70 81%
3 Leyline of the Void 67 53%
4 Force of Vigor 49 47%
5 Psychic Frog 41 38%
6 Hollow One 36 28%
7 Noxious Revival 36 28%
8 Serum Powder 36 28%
9 Swords to Plowshares 36 31%
10 Containment Priest 32 28%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Psychic Frog 41 38%
2 Hollow One 36 28%
3 Containment Priest 32 28%
4 Grief 32 25%
5 Golgari Thug 28 22%
6 Ichorid 28 22%
7 Narcomoeba 28 22%
8 Stinkweed Imp 28 22%
9 Shambling Shell 25 22%
10 Prized Amalgam 24 19%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 108 84%
2 Force of Negation 70 81%
3 Leyline of the Void 67 53%
4 Force of Vigor 49 47%
5 Noxious Revival 36 28%
6 Serum Powder 36 28%
7 Swords to Plowshares 36 31%
8 Flusterstorm 30 47%
9 Creeping Chill 28 22%
10 Mental Misstep 26 81%

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