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Vintage Challenge #12394234

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Format: Vintage
Date: 2022-03-06

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Hogaak Tsubasa_Cat $ 57,992 452 tix Expand
2nd Izzet Tempo Mogged $ 56,128 915 tix Expand
3rd Doomsday Diem4x $ 55,861 472 tix Expand
4th Aggro Shops scalo94 $ 82,236 528 tix Expand
5th Hogaak noprops $ 58,020 490 tix Expand
6th 4c Control SenpaiBlank $ 63,610 688 tix Expand
7th Dredge toondoslav $ 17,285 583 tix Expand
8th Sultai Midrange yoshiwata $ 69,823 738 tix Expand
9th Aggro Shops eggybenny $ 82,385 518 tix Expand
10th Hogaak musasabi $ 36,051 470 tix Expand
11th Grixis Underworld Breach HouseOfManaMTG $ 65,436 867 tix Expand
12th Paradoxical Outcome CrazyDiamond513 $ 75,361 588 tix Expand
13th Hogaak MadMaxErnst $ 37,280 775 tix Expand
14th RUG Control burrarun $ 70,715 1,094 tix Expand
15th Doomsday Enrichetta $ 55,964 497 tix Expand
16th Grixis Underworld Breach sixmp $ 60,989 884 tix Expand
17th Sultai Midrange ecobaronen $ 60,410 1,046 tix Expand
18th Hogaak Zar0s $ 36,051 470 tix Expand
19th Dredge ger5559 $ 17,257 511 tix Expand
20th Doomsday discoverN $ 55,989 501 tix Expand
21st Oath of Druids CodeProvider $ 69,700 864 tix Expand
22nd 4c Tinker shir kahn $ 82,550 813 tix Expand
23rd UBG TrueHero $ 58,170 502 tix Expand
24th Aggro Shops medvedev $ 82,360 515 tix Expand
25th Colorless adm29 $ 74,707 583 tix Expand
26th 4c Tempo _INF_ $ 74,920 1,287 tix Expand
27th UBR KingHairy $ 54,880 581 tix Expand
28th Aggro Shops NorrathDecay $ 86,992 511 tix Expand
29th Grixis Underworld Breach bennybo $ 60,989 841 tix Expand
30th Sultai Midrange Lumbalgic $ 47,818 677 tix Expand
31st Esper Tinker TunnelGaan $ 93,635 917 tix Expand
32nd Hogaak Slatorade $ 36,051 470 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Hogaak 18.75% 6
Aggro Shops 12.50% 4
Doomsday 9.38% 3
Sultai Midrange 9.38% 3
Underworld Breach 9.38% 3
Other 9.38% 3
Blue Tempo 6.25% 2
Dredge 6.25% 2
Blue Tinker 6.25% 2
Jeskai Control 3.12% 1
Paradoxical Outcome 3.12% 1
RUG Control 3.12% 1
Oath of Druids 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 84 66%
2 Leyline of the Void 71 56%
3 Deathrite Shaman 44 34%
4 Flusterstorm 42 56%
5 Preordain 38 41%
6 Hollow One 32 25%
7 Force of Vigor 31 31%
8 Mental Misstep 26 81%
9 Black Lotus 25 78%
10 Mox Jet 25 78%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Deathrite Shaman 44 34%
2 Hollow One 32 25%
3 Basking Rootwalla 24 19%
4 Bloodghast 24 19%
5 Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis 24 19%
6 Stitcher's Supplier 24 19%
7 Vengevine 24 19%
8 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 23 25%
9 Phyrexian Revoker 20 16%
10 Walking Ballista 18 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Will 84 66%
2 Leyline of the Void 71 56%
3 Flusterstorm 42 56%
4 Preordain 38 41%
5 Force of Vigor 31 31%
6 Mental Misstep 26 81%
7 Black Lotus 25 78%
8 Mox Jet 25 78%
9 Soul-Guide Lantern 24 31%
10 Swords to Plowshares 24 28%

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