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Traditional Standard Ranked Decklists: May 30, 2022

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Format: Standard
Date: 2022-05-30

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
6 - 0 Mono-Red Aggro Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 176 215 tix Expand
6 - 0 Gruul Werewolves Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 120 90 tix Expand
6 - 0 Esper Midrange Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 554 442 tix Expand
6 - 0 Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 111 69 tix Expand
6 - 0 WBRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 177 79 tix Expand
6 - 0 WBG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 168 107 tix Expand
6 - 0 Mono-Blue Tempo Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 72 104 tix Expand
6 - 0 UBRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 155 48 tix Expand
6 - 0 Naya Midrange Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 320 376 tix Expand
6 - 0 WBRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 265 170 tix Expand
6 - 0 Simic Ramp Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 162 156 tix Expand
6 - 0 Orzhov Lifegain Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 348 119 tix Expand
6 - 0 WBR Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 287 225 tix Expand
6 - 0 WRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 100 50 tix Expand
6 - 0 Temur Control Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 373 262 tix Expand
6 - 0 WUBRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 396 322 tix Expand
6 - 0 WBRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 230 51 tix Expand
6 - 0 Grixis Control Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 214 194 tix Expand
6 - 0 WR Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 209 246 tix Expand
6 - 0 BRG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 280 186 tix Expand
6 - 0 Azorius Storm Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 242 186 tix Expand
6 - 0 UBG Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 404 213 tix Expand
6 - 0 Mono-Green Aggro Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 129 134 tix Expand
6 - 0 Rakdos Artifacts Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 424 396 tix Expand
6 - 0 Mardu Clerics Platinum-Mythic Rank Player $ 146 79 tix Expand
Displaying all 25 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 44.00% 11
Mardu Clerics 4.00% 1
Rakdos Artifacts 4.00% 1
Mono-Green Aggro 4.00% 1
Azorius Storm 4.00% 1
Grixis Control 4.00% 1
Temur Control 4.00% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 4.00% 1
Orzhov Lifegain 4.00% 1
Simic Ramp 4.00% 1
Naya Midrange 4.00% 1
Mono-Blue Tempo 4.00% 1
Mono-White Aggro ️ 4.00% 1
Esper Midrange 4.00% 1
Gruul Werewolves 4.00% 1
Total 100.00% 25

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 23 24%
2 Ray of Enfeeblement 16 24%
3 Luminarch Aspirant 15 16%
4 Duress 15 28%
5 Esika's Chariot 15 20%
6 Voltage Surge 15 20%
7 Binding the Old Gods 14 16%
8 Voldaren Epicure 12 12%
9 Disdainful Stroke 12 24%
10 Shambling Ghast 10 12%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Luminarch Aspirant 15 16%
2 Voldaren Epicure 12 12%
3 Shambling Ghast 10 12%
4 Titan of Industry 10 20%
5 Goldspan Dragon 9 16%
6 Bloodtithe Harvester 8 8%
7 Elite Spellbinder 8 8%
8 Prosperous Innkeeper 8 8%
9 Righteous Valkyrie 8 8%
10 Graveyard Trespasser 8 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 23 24%
2 Ray of Enfeeblement 16 24%
3 Duress 15 28%
4 Esika's Chariot 15 20%
5 Voltage Surge 15 20%
6 Binding the Old Gods 14 16%
7 Disdainful Stroke 12 24%
8 Deadly Dispute 10 12%
9 Infernal Grasp 10 20%
10 Jwari Disruption 10 12%

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