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The Pizza Box Open: Standard

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Format: Standard
Date: 2023-04-16

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Esper Legends Ivan Mery $ 576 272 tix Expand
2nd Mono-Blue Tempo Guardianthesecond $ 47 18 tix Expand
3rd Five-color Reanimator Pedro Moura $ 668 604 tix Expand
4th Mono-Black Midrange Numb Skull $ 266 148 tix Expand
5th Mono-White Midrange Dominik Konieczny $ 240 137 tix Expand
6th Selesnya Toxic manthos300 $ 243 134 tix Expand
7th Rakdos Reanimator richie the dude $ 668 599 tix Expand
8th Rakdos Reanimator António Abreu $ 668 604 tix Expand
9th Esper Aggro Diego Galaz $ 495 234 tix Expand
10th Mono-Blue Tempo Mertcan Hekimoglu $ 45 11 tix Expand
11th Selesnya Enchantments Haunter_X $ 163 97 tix Expand
12th Esper Legends J M $ 508 221 tix Expand
13th Five-color Control Manas Sharma $ 378 498 tix Expand
14th Selesnya Toxic Zachary Wyatt Plott $ 243 134 tix Expand
15th Rakdos Aggro Jonathan Shortall $ 508 354 tix Expand
16th Mono-Red Aggro Rodrigo Quintero $ 148 239 tix Expand
17th Rakdos Reanimator Emanuele Pepe $ 679 615 tix Expand
18th Rakdos Midrange Luis Carlos Tenorio $ 526 440 tix Expand
19th Azorius Soldiers Martin Osorio Pulido $ 130 75 tix Expand
20th Five-color Control Martin Mansilla $ 452 552 tix Expand
21st Boros Aggro Gokalp Ercilasun $ 97 42 tix Expand
22nd Esper Legends maraton42 $ 545 287 tix Expand
23rd Mono-Blue Tempo Procopio $ 67 30 tix Expand
24th Mono-White Midrange Lucas Simões $ 224 135 tix Expand
25th Rakdos Midrange Pedro Urquisa Barbosa $ 342 304 tix Expand
26th Mono-Red Aggro Anthony Alaimo $ 74 39 tix Expand
27th Rakdos Midrange uruloki $ 542 397 tix Expand
28th Esper Legends Manu04 $ 591 276 tix Expand
29th Mono-White Midrange Yushi Uzuki $ 269 174 tix Expand
30th Mono-White Midrange Lucas Guedes $ 208 134 tix Expand
31st Mono-White Midrange Lorenzo Cazzato $ 224 133 tix Expand
32nd Jund Midrange Jesko Haschke $ 471 405 tix Expand
33rd Grixis Midrange Love Janse $ 435 366 tix Expand
34th Esper Legends Counterman MTG $ 581 276 tix Expand
35th Dimir Control TriCal9 $ 357 170 tix Expand
36th Rakdos Midrange Tiago Duarte $ 542 397 tix Expand
37th Mono-Blue Tempo Leo Quiroga $ 56 26 tix Expand
38th Mono-Black Aggro Hjvitulv17582 $ 445 200 tix Expand
39th Azorius Soldiers Alison Cauldwell $ 193 109 tix Expand
40th Orzhov Midrange Victoria McCoy $ 258 126 tix Expand
41st Rakdos Midrange Parker Goff $ 531 409 tix Expand
42nd Rakdos Midrange Zachary Okorn $ 531 409 tix Expand
43rd Grixis Midrange Vinícius Marques de Castro $ 450 384 tix Expand
44th Mono-Black Midrange Traith Kreios $ 372 150 tix Expand
45th Mono-White Midrange Gleison Coutinho $ 300 121 tix Expand
46th Izzet Aggro Vitor Martins $ 542 397 tix Expand
47th Grixis Reanimator Tiago Bergomi Pongilo $ 550 590 tix Expand
48th Grixis Midrange José Guzmán $ 453 400 tix Expand
49th Orzhov Midrange Ederson Luis dos Santos $ 311 154 tix Expand
50th Colorless Combo ebonpraetor $ 507 414 tix Expand
51st Gruul Aggro Mazzu $ 120 80 tix Expand
52nd Azorius Control Erick Meneghin $ 255 144 tix Expand
53rd Mono-Black Aggro Elemento $ 343 178 tix Expand
54th Four-Color Legends Ramirinho $ 295 274 tix Expand
55th Mono-White Midrange Stephen Magee $ 156 96 tix Expand
56th Gruul Aggro Freddie Barber $ 120 83 tix Expand
57th Mono-White Bogles Akriss $ 240 162 tix Expand
58th Grixis Midrange Fujiezz $ 513 417 tix Expand
59th Grixis Midrange Matheus Akio Yanagiura $ 434 365 tix Expand
60th Rakdos Aggro julian dominguez $ 634 589 tix Expand
61st Rakdos Midrange Fiete Oberkalkofen $ 470 396 tix Expand
62nd Domain Control Gaston Perez $ 414 358 tix Expand
63rd Mono-Red Aggro Giannis Bitsakakis (Ex_Buster) $ 175 261 tix Expand
64th Grixis Midrange Martín Sky $ 572 502 tix Expand
65th WUBG Control Kobi Sutton $ 327 290 tix Expand
66th Rakdos Midrange Benjamin Marko $ 582 429 tix Expand
67th Five-color Reanimator Konstantin Hopp $ 673 597 tix Expand
68th Orzhov Control Niklas Kolle $ 358 156 tix Expand
69th Rakdos Reanimator Justin Hedgpeth $ 570 566 tix Expand
70th Mono-Blue Tempo Jonathan Orr $ 48 15 tix Expand
71st Izzet Control Geoffrey Carlson $ 175 135 tix Expand
72nd Golgari Midrange Jeramy Leibold $ 425 174 tix Expand
73rd Grixis Midrange Kristien Woodcock $ 538 429 tix Expand
74th Rakdos Midrange Sergio Pinazo $ 673 604 tix Expand
75th Rakdos Reanimator Riley Bennett $ 573 559 tix Expand
76th Selesnya Enchantments Maduixeta $ 189 110 tix Expand
77th Five-color Control Felipe Brandão $ 413 548 tix Expand
78th Grixis Midrange Kristofer Mahan $ 498 402 tix Expand
79th Grixis Control jackzon2298 $ 522 428 tix Expand
80th Mono-White Midrange Federico Reale $ 290 173 tix Expand
81st Grixis Midrange David Gagliardo $ 556 598 tix Expand
82nd Esper Blink TingTheTong $ 486 232 tix Expand
83rd Azorius Soldiers Mousssine $ 137 84 tix Expand
84th Grixis Midrange Alexander Gagarinskii $ 516 423 tix Expand
85th Selesnya Toxic Orlando Lucas $ 243 134 tix Expand
86th Jund Midrange Mtgdrknss 2 $ 523 379 tix Expand
87th Four-color Ramp Jon Mann $ 485 510 tix Expand
88th Rakdos Midrange Jozzyal The Fool $ 473 397 tix Expand
89th Mono-Blue Tempo Alan Santos $ 52 17 tix Expand
90th Grixis Midrange Vlad Atheris $ 567 441 tix Expand
91st Rakdos Reanimator IzzetABCannon $ 668 604 tix Expand
92nd Mono-White Midrange Felipe Rodrigues $ 249 136 tix Expand
93rd Five-color Midrange Simón Arboleda Escobar $ 414 358 tix Expand
94th Rakdos Reanimator Jesse Kennedy $ 512 417 tix Expand
95th Mono-White Aggro tdias $ 211 146 tix Expand
96th Izzet Turns Michael Grabusky $ 256 314 tix Expand
97th Five-color Midrange Andhika Dwi Putranto $ 369 508 tix Expand
98th Mono-Red Midrange Franco rovigatti $ 180 297 tix Expand
99th Grixis Control Kimscey Yvan Sulit $ 413 357 tix Expand
100th Mono-Black Control muhammad khafidz $ 287 163 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 120 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Midrange 19.17% 23
Grixis Midrange 12.50% 15
Mono-White Midrange 9.17% 11
Other 7.50% 9
Mono-Blue Tempo 5.83% 7
Esper Legends 3.33% 4
Mono-Black Midrange 3.33% 4
The Kami War 3.33% 4
Rakdos Reanimator 3.33% 4
Selesnya Poison 2.50% 3
Esper Midrange 2.50% 3
Mono-Red Aggro 2.50% 3
Azorius Soldiers 2.50% 3
Orzhov Midrange 2.50% 3
Selesnya Enchantments 1.67% 2
5c Midrange 1.67% 2
Mono-White Control 1.67% 2
Gruul Aggro 1.67% 2
Azorius Control 1.67% 2
Mono-White Aggro 1.67% 2
Golgari Midrange 1.67% 2
Rakdos Sacrifice 0.83% 1
Esper Aggro 0.83% 1
Jund Midrange 0.83% 1
Dimir Control 0.83% 1
Mono-Black Aggro 0.83% 1
4c Midrange 0.83% 1
Esper Control 0.83% 1
Mardu Reanimator 0.83% 1
Izzet Control 0.83% 1
Orzhov Invoke Justice 0.83% 1
Total 100.00% 120

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 228 48%
2 Reckoner Bankbuster 208 64%
3 Bloodtithe Harvester 187 39%
4 Go for the Throat 187 57%
5 Duress 171 52%
6 Cut Down 165 46%
7 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 138 44%
8 Invoke Despair 128 28%
9 Atraxa, Grand Unifier 96 25%
10 Wedding Announcement 93 20%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Bloodtithe Harvester 187 39%
2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 138 44%
3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier 96 25%
4 Graveyard Trespasser 67 18%
5 Corpse Appraiser 59 12%
6 Skrelv, Defector Mite 52 12%
7 Ambitious Farmhand 51 13%
8 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 45 22%
9 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 42 9%
10 Graveyard Trespasser 40 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 228 48%
2 Reckoner Bankbuster 208 64%
3 Go for the Throat 187 57%
4 Duress 171 52%
5 Cut Down 165 46%
6 Invoke Despair 128 28%
7 Wedding Announcement 93 20%
8 Make Disappear 87 27%
9 The Wandering Emperor 83 22%
10 The Cruelty of Gix 82 19%

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