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The Pizza Box Open 1K

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Format: Historic
Date: 2021-07-17

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st UB Guilherme Oliveira $ 278 67 tix Expand
2nd Izzet Phoenix Kazune Kosaka $ 410 174 tix Expand
3rd Izzet Phoenix Fabrizio Bortoletto $ 315 104 tix Expand
4th UG Noriyuki Mori $ 453 146 tix Expand
5th WR Puree $ 260 97 tix Expand
6th URG Paulo Henrique de Farias $ 335 172 tix Expand
7th Izzet Phoenix Dylan Zimmer $ 305 125 tix Expand
8th Rakdos Lurrus Pedro Urquisa Barbosa $ 445 117 tix Expand
9th Dimir Rogues Keganfall $ 276 73 tix Expand
10th Azorius Auras Jimmy Guo $ 128 27 tix Expand
11th B Kangbreath $ 216 74 tix Expand
12th URG Andre Rodrigues $ 375 195 tix Expand
13th Simic Stompy David Harding $ 337 57 tix Expand
14th Azorius Auras Joaquin Toledano $ 135 26 tix Expand
15th URG Michael Grabusky $ 351 172 tix Expand
16th WRG Cayden Taylor $ 175 65 tix Expand
17th UB snaporaz $ 221 74 tix Expand
18th B Tiago Duarte $ 310 81 tix Expand
19th WB Mertcan Hekimoglu $ 235 74 tix Expand
20th Selesnya Company SirHamilton1 $ 364 127 tix Expand
21st W Artjom Meriasch $ 167 93 tix Expand
22nd WB Ali Hamid $ 299 127 tix Expand
23rd Jund Sacrifice Corbin Thoreson $ 394 134 tix Expand
24th WUR Joao Lucas Caparroz $ 476 144 tix Expand
25th B Chris Stevens $ 184 60 tix Expand
26th WR Regis Farias $ 202 46 tix Expand
27th Dimir Rogues Scott Crivellaro $ 262 67 tix Expand
28th Selesnya Company Rodrigo Porcino $ 272 122 tix Expand
29th Mono-Blue Tempo Andre Segarra $ 146 96 tix Expand
30th Mono-Green Stompy Jaffer $ 183 33 tix Expand
31st UB leandro floresta $ 303 74 tix Expand
32nd WUR Dominik Konieczny $ 475 195 tix Expand
33rd WUR Rudy Nuncio $ 431 168 tix Expand
34th Izzet Phoenix Hiroaki Taniguchi $ 394 158 tix Expand
35th B Fábio Sousa $ 217 69 tix Expand
36th WUR rydeordie164 $ 438 87 tix Expand
37th Izzet Phoenix nq160997 $ 402 170 tix Expand
38th WUBRG Rui Barbosa $ 504 183 tix Expand
39th WG Hudson Santos $ 299 120 tix Expand
40th WUR Flushdonkey $ 465 159 tix Expand
41st WBG Gavin Bennett $ 386 107 tix Expand
42nd R Anonymous $ 120 68 tix Expand
43rd WU Ethan Hendrix $ 294 34 tix Expand
44th Jund Sacrifice peladohh $ 412 120 tix Expand
45th WB Simon Goodman $ 366 142 tix Expand
46th WRG Brittany Patterson $ 176 65 tix Expand
47th G Mike Nicotra $ 380 36 tix Expand
48th Jund Sacrifice Marcos Raulino $ 348 104 tix Expand
49th WUR Thiago Rossi $ 486 179 tix Expand
50th WUR Robert Hobbs $ 449 84 tix Expand
51st Mono-Green Stompy Inaste Noquar $ 159 31 tix Expand
52nd Izzet Phoenix Luis Amaro $ 311 133 tix Expand
53rd UBR GoblinCredible $ 513 52 tix Expand
54th Jund Sacrifice pablo vera $ 454 137 tix Expand
55th Izzet Phoenix Bruno Correia Hirata $ 359 135 tix Expand
56th Jund Sacrifice DrVini $ 435 114 tix Expand
57th WBR Shylo Elliott $ 475 173 tix Expand
58th Azorius Auras LimDewell 1 $ 151 42 tix Expand
59th WG Rémi Lamontagne Caron $ 282 90 tix Expand
60th Jund Sacrifice Luca Moretti $ 385 132 tix Expand
61st Elves Breno Muniz $ 666 176 tix Expand
62nd WUR LimeBell $ 529 155 tix Expand
63rd RG antonio santos $ 340 91 tix Expand
64th WUB ВАЛДИС Абеле $ 194 62 tix Expand
65th Selesnya Company Manuel Sinforoso $ 338 126 tix Expand
66th WUR removed removed $ 512 160 tix Expand
67th WUB PapaGamer $ 359 73 tix Expand
68th Gruul Aggro MdA dA $ 218 96 tix Expand
69th R alzalacapitano $ 110 39 tix Expand
70th WUR Evgeny Davydkin $ 434 87 tix Expand
71st WUB James Grose $ 336 60 tix Expand
72nd WU Erik Coomber $ 355 104 tix Expand
73rd Mono-Red Goblins Dale Kunnanz $ 131 59 tix Expand
Displaying all 73 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 23.29% 17
WUR 13.70% 10
Izzet Phoenix 9.59% 7
Sacrifice 8.22% 6
B 5.48% 4
UB 4.11% 3
URG 4.11% 3
Auras 4.11% 3
Stompy 4.11% 3
Selesnya Company 4.11% 3
WR 2.74% 2
Rogues 2.74% 2
R 2.74% 2
Rakdos Arcanis 1.37% 1
W 1.37% 1
Mono-Blue Tempo 1.37% 1
WUBRG 1.37% 1
WBG 1.37% 1
Elves 1.37% 1
Gruul Aggro 1.37% 1
Goblins 1.37% 1
Total 100.00% 73

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 88 32%
2 Thoughtseize 61 23%
3 Mystical Dispute 57 38%
4 Expressive Iteration 56 23%
5 Lightning Helix 55 19%
6 Memory Lapse 49 22%
7 Llanowar Elves 47 16%
8 Narset, Parter of Veils 41 18%
9 Shark Typhoon 41 16%
10 Skyclave Apparition 36 14%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Llanowar Elves 47 16%
2 Skyclave Apparition 36 14%
3 Selfless Savior 32 11%
4 Shifting Ceratops 32 16%
5 Arclight Phoenix 28 10%
6 Sprite Dragon 28 10%
7 Cauldron Familiar 24 8%
8 Knight of the Ebon Legion 24 8%
9 Lovestruck Beast 24 8%
10 Luminarch Aspirant 24 8%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Brainstorm 88 32%
2 Thoughtseize 61 23%
3 Mystical Dispute 57 38%
4 Expressive Iteration 56 23%
5 Lightning Helix 55 19%
6 Memory Lapse 49 22%
7 Narset, Parter of Veils 41 18%
8 Shark Typhoon 41 16%
9 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 36 18%
10 Fry 35 25%

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