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Standard Last Chance 2024-11-26 (1)

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Format: Standard
Date: 2024-11-26

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Dimir Midrange SoulStrong $ 568 142 tix Expand
2nd Azorius Convoke D00mwake $ 180 79 tix Expand
3rd Temur Floodcaller Combo justAlice $ 190 75 tix Expand
4th Golgari Midrange jakobpablo $ 354 48 tix Expand
5th Dimir Midrange Shadowz2005 $ 624 148 tix Expand
6th Gruul Prowess L1X0 $ 302 122 tix Expand
7th Domain Willthepill $ 576 165 tix Expand
8th Dimir Midrange Graciasportanto $ 569 137 tix Expand
9th Gruul Prowess TheRatZoo $ 297 113 tix Expand
10th Mono-Red Prowess IslandGoSAMe $ 228 117 tix Expand
11th Mono-White Token Control AelaleA37 $ 266 168 tix Expand
12th 4c Zur 336767332971 $ 625 204 tix Expand
13th Dimir Midrange renatoaraujo $ 624 148 tix Expand
14th Rakdos Reanimator Yotsugi $ 297 112 tix Expand
15th Temur Floodcaller Combo EiJunCHN $ 265 134 tix Expand
16th Mono-White Token Control canepis16 $ 293 162 tix Expand
17th Mono-White Token Control r0cknati0n $ 315 172 tix Expand
18th Dimir Control Ignotus97 $ 508 93 tix Expand
19th Dimir Midrange MattTumavitch13 $ 542 115 tix Expand
20th Rakdos Midrange littledarwin $ 347 88 tix Expand
21st Rakdos Midrange Jarvis_Me $ 511 184 tix Expand
22nd Boros Aggro Hamuda $ 155 34 tix Expand
23rd Dimir Midrange iamkrazy1 $ 624 148 tix Expand
24th Golgari Midrange LucasG1ggs $ 371 50 tix Expand
25th Golgari Midrange Boucha $ 486 78 tix Expand
26th Golgari Midrange L3D91 $ 334 53 tix Expand
27th Gruul Prowess manalacaio $ 281 121 tix Expand
28th Mono-Red Prowess jayrod115 $ 233 117 tix Expand
29th Temur Tempo Gregoriusil $ 132 30 tix Expand
30th Selesnya Artifact Aggro BARNYARD $ 104 26 tix Expand
31st Mono-Red Prowess quinniac $ 234 117 tix Expand
32nd Dimir Midrange Dr. Jon Osterman $ 649 147 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Go for the Throat (14) Rakdos Midrange (20th) , Dimir Midrange (32nd) , Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Dimir Midrange (13th) , ...
Duress (14) Rakdos Midrange (20th) , Dimir Midrange (32nd) , Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Dimir Midrange (13th) , ...
Negate (12) Dimir Midrange (32nd) , Dimir Midrange (13th) , Domain (7th) , Dimir Midrange (19th) , Azorius Convoke (2nd) , ...
Burst Lightning (8) Gruul Prowess (6th) , Mono-Red Prowess (10th) , Gruul Prowess (9th) , Mono-Red Prowess (31st) , Temur Floodcaller Combo (3rd) , ...
Soulstone Sanctuary (7) Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Dimir Midrange (19th) , Dimir Midrange (1st) , Dimir Midrange (8th) , ...
Obliterating Bolt (5) Gruul Prowess (6th) , Gruul Prowess (9th) , Mono-Red Prowess (31st) , Mono-Red Prowess (28th) , Gruul Prowess (27th)
Scavenging Ooze (5) Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Golgari Midrange (26th) , Temur Floodcaller Combo (3rd) , Golgari Midrange (4th)
Elspeth's Smite (5) Domain (7th) , Mono-White Token Control (17th) , Azorius Convoke (2nd) , Mono-White Token Control (16th) , 4c Zur (12th)
Bushwhack (4) Gruul Prowess (6th) , Temur Floodcaller Combo (3rd) , Temur Tempo (29th) , Temur Floodcaller Combo (15th)
Maelstrom Pulse (4) Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Golgari Midrange (26th) , Golgari Midrange (4th)
Authority of the Consuls (4) Mono-White Token Control (17th) , Mono-White Token Control (16th) , Mono-White Token Control (11th) , 4c Zur (12th)
Destroy Evil (4) Azorius Convoke (2nd) , Selesnya Artifact Aggro (30th) , Mono-White Token Control (11th) , Boros Aggro (22nd)
Llanowar Elves (3) Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Golgari Midrange (4th)
Vivien Reid (3) Golgari Midrange (24th) , Golgari Midrange (25th) , Golgari Midrange (26th)
Snakeskin Veil (2) Gruul Prowess (6th) , Gruul Prowess (9th)
Mazemind Tome (2) Dimir Midrange (1st) , Mono-White Token Control (11th)
Demolition Field (2) Golgari Midrange (26th) , Mono-White Token Control (11th)
Shock (2) Mono-Red Prowess (10th) , Gruul Prowess (9th)
Demonic Pact (1) Rakdos Midrange (20th)
Feed the Swarm (1) Rakdos Midrange (20th)
Fiery Annihilation (1) Gruul Prowess (6th)
Spectral Sailor (1) Dimir Midrange (19th)
Leyline Axe (1) Azorius Convoke (2nd)
Tough Cookie (1) Selesnya Artifact Aggro (30th)
Ajani, Caller of the Pride (1) Selesnya Artifact Aggro (30th)
Tail Swipe (1) Selesnya Artifact Aggro (30th)
Kellan, Planar Trailblazer (1) Gruul Prowess (9th)
Zombify (1) Rakdos Reanimator (14th)
Day of Judgment (1) Mono-White Token Control (11th)
Quick Study (1) Dimir Control (18th)
Aegis Turtle (1) Temur Floodcaller Combo (3rd)
Abrade (1) Rakdos Midrange (21st)
Tolarian Terror (1) Temur Tempo (29th)
Unsummon (1) Temur Tempo (29th)
Scorching Dragonfire (1) Temur Floodcaller Combo (15th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Dimir Midrange 21.88% 7
Golgari Midrange 12.50% 4
Gruul Prowess 9.38% 3
Mono-White Token Control 9.38% 3
Mono-Red Prowess 9.38% 3
Rakdos Midrange 6.25% 2
Temur Floodcaller Combo 6.25% 2
Domain 3.12% 1
Azorius Convoke 3.12% 1
Selesnya Artifact Aggro 3.12% 1
Rakdos Reanimator 3.12% 1
Dimir Control 3.12% 1
Boros Aggro 3.12% 1
Temur Tempo 3.12% 1
4c Zur 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Go for the Throat 48 44%
2 Cut Down 41 41%
3 Anoint with Affliction 40 44%
4 Duress 37 44%
5 Torch the Tower 37 34%
6 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 31 44%
7 Spyglass Siren 31 25%
8 Screaming Nemesis 30 25%
9 Burst Lightning 29 25%
10 Emberheart Challenger 28 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 31 44%
2 Spyglass Siren 31 25%
3 Screaming Nemesis 30 25%
4 Emberheart Challenger 28 22%
5 Faerie Mastermind 28 22%
6 Floodpits Drowner 28 25%
7 Heartfire Hero 28 22%
8 Manifold Mouse 28 22%
9 Enduring Curiosity 23 22%
10 Preacher of the Schism 23 28%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Go for the Throat 48 44%
2 Cut Down 41 41%
3 Anoint with Affliction 40 44%
4 Duress 37 44%
5 Torch the Tower 37 34%
6 Burst Lightning 29 25%
7 Ghost Vacuum 28 47%
8 Monstrous Rage 28 22%
9 Negate 26 38%
10 Kaito, Bane of Nightmares 24 22%

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