Standard Challenge 32 2023-06-24
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Format: Standard
Date: 2023-06-24
Metagame Summary
Deck | Percentage | Total |
Azorius Soldiers | 12.50% | 4 |
Selesnya Enchantments | 12.50% | 4 |
4c Ramp | 12.50% | 4 |
Rakdos Midrange | 9.38% | 3 |
Mono-Black Midrange | 9.38% | 3 |
Mono-Red Aggro | 9.38% | 3 |
Orzhov Control | 6.25% | 2 |
Naya Ramp | 6.25% | 2 |
Esper Legends | 6.25% | 2 |
Mono-Black Aggro | 3.12% | 1 |
Mono-Blue Tempo | 3.12% | 1 |
Mono-White Aggro | 3.12% | 1 |
Dimir Control | 3.12% | 1 |
Grixis Midrange | 3.12% | 1 |
Total | 100.00% | 32 |
Most-Played Cards
Top Cards | |||
Card | Copies | Decks | |
1 | Ossification | 50 | 41% |
2 | Lithomantic Barrage | 43 | 41% |
3 | Duress | 40 | 34% |
4 | Cut Down | 40 | 34% |
5 | Go for the Throat | 39 | 34% |
6 | Sheoldred, the Apocalypse | 36 | 34% |
7 | Make Disappear | 34 | 38% |
8 | Graveyard Trespasser | 29 | 25% |
9 | Disdainful Stroke | 29 | 31% |
10 | Archangel of Wrath | 24 | 19% |
Top Creatures | |||
Card | Copies | Decks | |
1 | Sheoldred, the Apocalypse | 36 | 34% |
2 | Graveyard Trespasser | 29 | 25% |
3 | Archangel of Wrath | 24 | 19% |
4 | Atraxa, Grand Unifier | 24 | 19% |
5 | Phyrexian Fleshgorger | 24 | 25% |
6 | Topiary Stomper | 24 | 19% |
7 | Bloodthirsty Adversary | 22 | 19% |
8 | Tyrranax Rex | 21 | 19% |
9 | Recruitment Officer | 20 | 16% |
10 | Spirited Companion | 20 | 19% |
Top Spells | |||
Card | Copies | Decks | |
1 | Ossification | 50 | 41% |
2 | Lithomantic Barrage | 43 | 41% |
3 | Duress | 40 | 34% |
4 | Cut Down | 40 | 34% |
5 | Go for the Throat | 39 | 34% |
6 | Make Disappear | 34 | 38% |
7 | Disdainful Stroke | 29 | 31% |
8 | Herd Migration | 24 | 19% |
9 | Invasion of Zendikar | 24 | 19% |
10 | Leyline Binding | 24 | 19% |