SCG Tour Online - Standard Challenge
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Format: Standard
Date: 2020-07-15
New Cards Being Played
Metagame Summary
Deck | Percentage | Total |
Other | 16.67% | 3 |
Temur Reclamation | 16.67% | 3 |
Rakdos Sacrifice | 16.67% | 3 |
Bant Ramp | 11.11% | 2 |
Mono-Green Stompy | 11.11% | 2 |
Four-color Planeswalkers | 5.56% | 1 |
Sultai Control | 5.56% | 1 |
Esper Control (Yorion) | 5.56% | 1 |
Jund Sacrifice | 5.56% | 1 |
Four-color Reclamation | 5.56% | 1 |
Total | 100.00% | 18 |
Most-Played Cards
Top Cards | |||
Card | Copies | Decks | |
1 | Growth Spiral | 28 | 39% |
2 | Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath | 23 | 39% |
3 | Teferi, Time Raveler | 21 | 33% |
4 | Aether Gust | 20 | 44% |
5 | Noxious Grasp | 18 | 39% |
6 | Elspeth Conquers Death | 17 | 33% |
7 | Cauldron Familiar | 16 | 22% |
8 | Expansion // Explosion | 16 | 22% |
9 | Shark Typhoon | 16 | 22% |
10 | Wilderness Reclamation | 16 | 22% |
Top Creatures | |||
Card | Copies | Decks | |
1 | Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath | 23 | 39% |
2 | Cauldron Familiar | 16 | 22% |
3 | Mayhem Devil | 15 | 22% |
4 | Dreadhorde Butcher | 11 | 17% |
5 | Priest of Forgotten Gods | 10 | 17% |
6 | Scavenging Ooze | 10 | 17% |
7 | Elder Gargaroth | 10 | 33% |
8 | Arboreal Grazer | 8 | 11% |
9 | Barkhide Troll | 8 | 11% |
10 | Gutterbones | 8 | 11% |
Top Spells | |||
Card | Copies | Decks | |
1 | Growth Spiral | 28 | 39% |
2 | Teferi, Time Raveler | 21 | 33% |
3 | Aether Gust | 20 | 44% |
4 | Noxious Grasp | 18 | 39% |
5 | Elspeth Conquers Death | 17 | 33% |
6 | Expansion // Explosion | 16 | 22% |
7 | Shark Typhoon | 16 | 22% |
8 | Wilderness Reclamation | 16 | 22% |
9 | Witch's Oven | 16 | 22% |
10 | Shatter the Sky | 14 | 22% |