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SCG Tour Online Championship Qualifier #4

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Format: Standard
Date: 2020-07-18

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Temur Reclamation Autumn Burchett $ 482 433 tix Expand
2nd Mono-R Aggro Brandon Burton $ 86 55 tix Expand
3rd Temur Reclamation Richard Zhang $ 460 395 tix Expand
4th Temur Reclamation Karl Sarap $ 469 416 tix Expand
5th Four-color Reclamation Nam Dang $ 502 482 tix Expand
6th Temur Reclamation Masatoshi Ota $ 485 447 tix Expand
7th Temur Reclamation Ari Lax $ 473 442 tix Expand
8th Temur Reclamation Corey Baumeister $ 528 494 tix Expand
9th Four-color Reclamation Sean Goddard $ 536 516 tix Expand
10th Temur Reclamation Koutarou Ishibashi $ 513 477 tix Expand
11th Temur Reclamation Erin Diaz $ 482 433 tix Expand
12th Bant Ramp Deshaun Baylock $ 626 591 tix Expand
13th Temur Reclamation piroki $ 474 435 tix Expand
14th Sultai Ramp Ryosuke Nishiura $ 622 357 tix Expand
15th Azorius Control aeric $ 188 222 tix Expand
16th Four-color Reclamation Jason Fleurant $ 502 482 tix Expand
17th Azorius Control Shaheen Soorani $ 198 227 tix Expand
18th Temur Reclamation Adam Wallace $ 484 423 tix Expand
19th Bant Ramp Anderson LeClair $ 596 529 tix Expand
20th Bant Midrange Julian Felix Flury $ 511 477 tix Expand
21st Temur Reclamation Shota Yokoyama $ 435 367 tix Expand
22nd Rakdos Jegantha Max Dore $ 143 48 tix Expand
23rd Bant Ramp Dominick Paolercio $ 630 607 tix Expand
24th Mardu Knights Michael Shank $ 176 44 tix Expand
25th Temur Reclamation Kyle Lewis $ 478 442 tix Expand
26th Mono-G Stompy André Santos $ 177 93 tix Expand
27th Temur Reclamation Mitchell Sachs $ 480 432 tix Expand
28th Mono-G Aggro Simon Nielsen $ 145 85 tix Expand
29th Temur Reclamation Yuuki Ichikawa $ 491 472 tix Expand
30th Four-color Reclamation Brad Nelson $ 495 475 tix Expand
31st Bant Ramp Zachary Okorn $ 641 596 tix Expand
32nd Mono-G Aggro Kenton Stalder $ 222 96 tix Expand
33rd Mono-U Flash Mark Brindley $ 96 142 tix Expand
34th Temur Reclamation Alex Mitas $ 449 388 tix Expand
35th Temur Reclamation Alexander Brundage $ 471 418 tix Expand
36th Bant Ramp Brandon Pascal $ 641 596 tix Expand
37th Mono-G Aggro Daniel Goetschel $ 177 102 tix Expand
38th Temur Reclamation KAZUKI KAWATA $ 426 389 tix Expand
39th Four-color Reclamation Nathanael Frautschy $ 502 482 tix Expand
40th Jund Aggro Michael Bonde $ 243 91 tix Expand
41st Mono-G Stompy John Boyd $ 236 107 tix Expand
42nd Mono-R Aggro Paul Woo $ 86 55 tix Expand
43rd Gruul Adventures Andrew Macarico $ 230 150 tix Expand
44th Temur Reclamation Josh Yukawa $ 486 427 tix Expand
45th Gruul Aggro Kyndemnd $ 215 90 tix Expand
46th Bant Ramp Jon Agley $ 641 596 tix Expand
47th Temur Reclamation Tobias Ehrismann $ 481 450 tix Expand
48th Rakdos Sacrifice Florian Klein $ 133 44 tix Expand
49th Mono-G Aggro Carolyn Kavanagh $ 185 115 tix Expand
50th Simic Ramp Jim Davis $ 494 376 tix Expand
51st Sultai Ramp (Yorion) atelier $ 686 406 tix Expand
52nd Rakdos Sacrifice Mark Welzenbach $ 139 43 tix Expand
53rd Rakdos Sacrifice Tim Milner $ 149 49 tix Expand
54th Temur Reclamation Kmboggemes $ 480 445 tix Expand
55th Bant Ramp Mani Davoudi $ 516 469 tix Expand
56th Temur Reclamation Nick Crockett $ 476 412 tix Expand
57th Temur Reclamation oliver oguma $ 435 388 tix Expand
58th Temur Reclamation Brandon Bryant $ 488 416 tix Expand
59th Mono-G Aggro Javier Vargas $ 209 103 tix Expand
60th Mono-R Aggro joseph buckley $ 87 55 tix Expand
61st Bant Ramp Jackson Wagner $ 571 504 tix Expand
62nd Mono-B Aggro Nicole Callahan $ 102 70 tix Expand
63rd Mono-G Aggro Cedric Phillips $ 204 108 tix Expand
64th Azorius Control (Yorion) Kevin Thomas $ 258 302 tix Expand
65th Mono-G Stompy Paul Bartlett $ 209 116 tix Expand
66th Four-color Reclamation tangrams $ 502 482 tix Expand
67th Mono-G Aggro TSpain $ 197 97 tix Expand
68th Temur Reclamation Martin Stübe $ 490 455 tix Expand
69th Gruul Stompy Gavin Bennett $ 249 163 tix Expand
70th Mono-R Aggro Rogelio Mercado $ 81 59 tix Expand
71st Bant Ramp Lukas Twist $ 568 473 tix Expand
72nd Bant Ramp Christian Castro $ 641 596 tix Expand
73rd Bant Ramp Yugo Sato $ 598 559 tix Expand
74th Mono-G Aggro Andrew Singleton $ 142 89 tix Expand
75th Temur Reclamation Tyler Nightingale $ 435 385 tix Expand
76th Bant Ramp Cameron Sullivan $ 647 609 tix Expand
77th Temur Reclamation Aniol Alcaraz $ 472 383 tix Expand
78th Esper Yorion Montserrat Garcia $ 250 194 tix Expand
79th Selesnya Midrange Carson Bell $ 204 91 tix Expand
80th Temur Reclamation Alfredo Barragan $ 484 397 tix Expand
81st Bant Ramp Tyler Anderson $ 631 551 tix Expand
82nd Bant Ramp Zachary Ross $ 534 458 tix Expand
83rd Bant Ramp Tyler D $ 577 562 tix Expand
84th Mono-B Aggro Dariusz Szylman $ 96 75 tix Expand
85th Azorius Control Brendon Hansard $ 242 230 tix Expand
86th Four-color Reclamation Samuel Graebner $ 502 482 tix Expand
87th Temur Reclamation Frederick Tan $ 493 463 tix Expand
88th Mono-G Aggro John Brugman $ 210 91 tix Expand
89th Bant Ramp Domantas Zavadzkis $ 641 596 tix Expand
90th Temur Reclamation Eli Kassis $ 484 427 tix Expand
91st Mono-G Beasts Sam Rolph $ 146 95 tix Expand
92nd Four-color Reclamation Kazuhiro Noine $ 503 475 tix Expand
93rd Mono-R Aggro Chad Kay $ 86 56 tix Expand
94th Temur Reclamation Joey Sprouse $ 457 394 tix Expand
95th Bant Ramp TOORU HORIE $ 571 532 tix Expand
96th Bant Ramp Nicholas Sobczak $ 649 611 tix Expand
97th Mono-G Stompy Steve Peterman $ 233 123 tix Expand
98th Mono-G Aggro Steven Williams $ 191 115 tix Expand
99th Four-color Reclamation Andrew Morrison $ 501 476 tix Expand
100th Rakdos Sacrifice Lars Fricke $ 138 43 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 127 in total

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Temur Reclamation 28.35% 36
Bant Ramp 19.69% 25
Mono-Green Stompy 12.60% 16
Four-color Reclamation 8.66% 11
Mono-Red Aggro 4.72% 6
Rakdos Sacrifice 4.72% 6
Other 3.94% 5
Gruul Aggro 3.15% 4
Sultai Control 2.36% 3
Esper Control (Yorion) 2.36% 3
Jund Sacrifice 2.36% 3
Azorius Control 1.57% 2
Mono-Black Aggro 1.57% 2
Mardu Knights 0.79% 1
Mono-Blue Flash 0.79% 1
Simic Ramp 0.79% 1
Four-color Planeswalkers 0.79% 1
Orzhov Yorion 0.79% 1
Total 100.00% 127

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Growth Spiral 312 61%
2 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 237 61%
3 Shark Typhoon 229 53%
4 Expansion // Explosion 188 37%
5 Mystical Dispute 186 44%
6 Wilderness Reclamation 185 37%
7 Aether Gust 175 60%
8 Teferi, Time Raveler 156 33%
9 Nissa, Who Shakes the World 105 33%
10 Elspeth Conquers Death 101 24%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 237 61%
2 Elder Gargaroth 87 42%
3 Scavenging Ooze 83 22%
4 Pelt Collector 82 17%
5 Stonecoil Serpent 80 16%
6 Bonecrusher Giant 78 22%
7 Questing Beast 77 17%
8 Brazen Borrower 72 38%
9 Hydroid Krasis 70 22%
10 Lovestruck Beast 67 13%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Growth Spiral 312 61%
2 Shark Typhoon 229 53%
3 Expansion // Explosion 188 37%
4 Mystical Dispute 186 44%
5 Wilderness Reclamation 185 37%
6 Aether Gust 175 60%
7 Teferi, Time Raveler 156 33%
8 Nissa, Who Shakes the World 105 33%
9 Elspeth Conquers Death 101 24%
10 Negate 97 36%

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