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ReCQ - Pioneer - SCG CON Philadelphia - Friday - 1:30 pm (Bronze)

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-03-08

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
5 - 0 Amalia Combo Chase Santayana $ 461 123 tix Expand
5 - 0 Amalia Combo Gregory DeLange $ 503 128 tix Expand
5 - 0 Rakdos Vampires Louis Salerno $ 795 332 tix Expand
4 - 1 Rakdos Vampires Ben Holt $ 886 352 tix Expand
4 - 1 Boros Aggro Ryan Yingling $ 279 66 tix Expand
3 - 1 Rakdos Vampires Austin Wolf $ 885 351 tix Expand
3 - 1 Izzet Phoenix Chas Hinkle $ 289 176 tix Expand
3 - 1 Mono-Green Devotion Jimmy Tessitore $ 169 38 tix Expand
3 - 1 Mono-Green Devotion Larry Coleman $ 288 67 tix Expand
3 - 1 Azorius Planeswalkers Seamus Kelahan $ 428 209 tix Expand
2 - 1 Orzhov Humans Ian Russell $ 421 94 tix Expand
2 - 1 Rakdos Midrange Isara Thanakit $ 542 192 tix Expand
2 - 1 Amalia Combo jon corpora $ 498 121 tix Expand
2 - 1 Boros Convoke mac1029 $ 233 66 tix Expand
2 - 1 Mono-Green Devotion Michael Campbell $ 483 139 tix Expand
2 - 1 Mono-Black Midrange Nicholas Diloreto $ 515 183 tix Expand
2 - 1 Izzet Phoenix Sarah Henry $ 289 176 tix Expand
2 - 1 Bant Spirits Taylor Enos $ 359 117 tix Expand
2 - 1 Lotus Field Combo YuCheng Wang $ 353 110 tix Expand
1 - 1 Rakdos Vampires Adam Ryder $ 880 341 tix Expand
1 - 1 Amalia Combo Alexxturcotte $ 94 2 tix Expand
1 - 1 Rakdos Vampires Carlo Favretto $ 886 352 tix Expand
1 - 1 Rakdos Midrange David Balesteri $ 486 180 tix Expand
1 - 1 Mono-Green Devotion Evitosburritos $ 220 37 tix Expand
1 - 1 Waste Not Joe Fortini $ 462 167 tix Expand
1 - 1 Jund Midrange John Wilke $ 317 121 tix Expand
1 - 1 Azorius Control Kyle Benjamin $ 401 144 tix Expand
1 - 1 Azorius Control Lirek Kulik $ 465 172 tix Expand
1 - 1 Lotus Field Combo Mika Spangler $ 365 114 tix Expand
1 - 1 Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Patrick Heffernan $ 409 67 tix Expand
1 - 1 Izzet Phoenix Paul Farnsworth $ 304 209 tix Expand
1 - 1 Naya Company Richard Anderson $ 388 81 tix Expand
1 - 1 Rakdos Vampires Silver Tyler $ 801 343 tix Expand
1 - 1 Azorius Control Spicyy $ 339 137 tix Expand
1 - 1 Boros Convoke Sylas Earle $ 229 77 tix Expand
1 - 1 Temur Combo Wender $ 356 150 tix Expand
- Esper Control A Vierkant $ 716 227 tix Expand
- Amalia Combo Adam Cutaiar $ 513 131 tix Expand
- Azorius Control Aethus $ 418 146 tix Expand
- Lotus Field Combo Arash Afghahi $ 367 108 tix Expand
- Amalia Combo Ben Whitmer $ 509 146 tix Expand
- Azorius Control Benjamin Zmyewski $ 376 124 tix Expand
- Azorius Spirits Crymsun $ 271 69 tix Expand
- Grinning Ignus Combo Dalton Boyle $ 341 74 tix Expand
- Abzan Company DatLamp $ 558 125 tix Expand
- Selesnya Angels Enrique Bouvier $ 506 106 tix Expand
- Izzet Phoenix George Haverly $ 285 172 tix Expand
- Omnath to Light Gino Bautista $ 688 209 tix Expand
- Rakdos Vampires Ian Henry $ 885 351 tix Expand
- Rakdos Control Jack Shen $ 886 352 tix Expand
- Izzet Phoenix JacobB $ 288 175 tix Expand
- Azorius Control Jason Schmidle $ 374 134 tix Expand
- Izzet Phoenix Jeff Wallace $ 287 188 tix Expand
- Neoform Atraxa Kfunk $ 507 136 tix Expand
- Golgari Toxic Mags007 $ 320 62 tix Expand
- Amalia Combo Mark Jacobson $ 514 127 tix Expand
- Lotus Field Combo Matthew Mccormick $ 391 108 tix Expand
- Rakdos Sacrifice Mickey D'Andrea $ 333 110 tix Expand
- Jeskai Midrange Pgdn1 $ 152 49 tix Expand
- Gruul Aggro Phil Anzelmo $ 134 25 tix Expand
- Izzet Phoenix Sean Beardsley $ 289 182 tix Expand
- Lotus Field Combo soy $ 399 102 tix Expand
- Rakdos Vampires Stan Smith $ 890 361 tix Expand
- Azorius Control trist79 $ 374 140 tix Expand
- Mono-red Goblins Tyler Williams $ 57 1 tix Expand
- Izzet Phoenix Vasilios Nikolaou $ 293 169 tix Expand
Displaying all 66 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Duress (15) Rakdos Vampires (5 - 0) , Rakdos Vampires (4 - 1) , Rakdos Vampires (3 - 1) , Mono-Black Midrange (2 - 1) , Rakdos Midrange (2 - 1) , ...
Negate (10) Azorius Planeswalkers (3 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (3 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (2 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (1 - 1) , Temur Combo (1 - 1) , ...
Opt (9) Izzet Phoenix (3 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (2 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (1 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (-) , Izzet Phoenix (-) , ...
Young Pyromancer (7) Izzet Phoenix (3 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (2 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (-) , Izzet Phoenix (-) , Izzet Phoenix (-) , ...
Abrade (6) Izzet Phoenix (3 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (2 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (1 - 1) , Izzet Phoenix (-) , Jeskai Midrange (-) , ...
Omniscience (5) Lotus Field Combo (2 - 1) , Lotus Field Combo (1 - 1) , Lotus Field Combo (-) , Lotus Field Combo (-) , Lotus Field Combo (-)
Temple of Mystery (5) Lotus Field Combo (2 - 1) , Lotus Field Combo (1 - 1) , Lotus Field Combo (-) , Lotus Field Combo (-) , Lotus Field Combo (-)
Scavenging Ooze (4) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1) , Naya Company (1 - 1) , Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 1) , Golgari Toxic (-)
Voldaren Epicure (4) Boros Aggro (4 - 1) , Boros Convoke (2 - 1) , Boros Convoke (1 - 1) , Gruul Aggro (-)
Omen of the Sea (3) Azorius Planeswalkers (3 - 1) , Azorius Control (1 - 1) , Esper Control (-)
Llanowar Elves (3) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1) , Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 1) , Grinning Ignus Combo (-)
Venerated Loxodon (3) Boros Aggro (4 - 1) , Boros Convoke (2 - 1) , Boros Convoke (1 - 1)
Resolute Reinforcements (3) Boros Aggro (4 - 1) , Boros Convoke (2 - 1) , Boros Convoke (1 - 1)
Spectral Sailor (2) Bant Spirits (2 - 1) , Azorius Spirits (-)
Demolition Field (2) Azorius Planeswalkers (3 - 1) , Waste Not (1 - 1)
Quick Study (2) Azorius Planeswalkers (3 - 1) , Azorius Control (1 - 1)
Obliterating Bolt (1) Grinning Ignus Combo (-)
Audacity (1) Golgari Toxic (-)
Fynn, the Fangbearer (1) Golgari Toxic (-)
Snakeskin Veil (1) Golgari Toxic (-)
Play with Fire (1) Gruul Aggro (-)
Feed the Swarm (1) Rakdos Sacrifice (-)
Deadly Dispute (1) Rakdos Sacrifice (-)
Fading Hope (1) Azorius Spirits (-)
Sphinx of the Final Word (1) Lotus Field Combo (-)
Boros Charm (1) Jeskai Midrange (-)
Shock (1) Jeskai Midrange (-)
Zetalpa, Primal Dawn (1) Neoform Atraxa (-)
Regal Caracal (1) Azorius Control (-)
Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin (1) Mono-red Goblins (-)
Impact Tremors (1) Mono-red Goblins (-)
Soul-Guide Lantern (1) Izzet Phoenix (-)
Go for the Throat (1) Rakdos Vampires (-)
Righteous Valkyrie (1) Selesnya Angels (-)
Giada, Font of Hope (1) Selesnya Angels (-)
Youthful Valkyrie (1) Selesnya Angels (-)
Primal Might (1) Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 1)
Reclamation Sage (1) Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 1)
Thrashing Brontodon (1) Mono-Green Devotion (1 - 1)
Lyra Dawnbringer (1) Azorius Control (1 - 1)
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (1) Orzhov Humans (2 - 1)
Recruitment Officer (1) Orzhov Humans (2 - 1)
Tail Swipe (1) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1)
Light of Hope (1) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1)
Favored Hoplite (1) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1)
Ancestral Anger (1) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1)
Defiant Strike (1) Mono-Green Devotion (3 - 1)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Vampires 13.64% 9
Izzet Phoenix 12.12% 8
Azorius Control 12.12% 8
Abzan Amalia Combo 10.61% 7
Hidden Strings 7.58% 5
Boros Convoke 4.55% 3
Other 4.55% 3
Rakdos Midrange 3.03% 2
5c Midrange 1.52% 1
Mono-Red Goblins 1.52% 1
Esper Control 1.52% 1
Atraxa Neoform 1.52% 1
Temur Grinning Ignus Combo 1.52% 1
Golgari Midrange 1.52% 1
Gruul Aggro 1.52% 1
Rakdos Sacrifice 1.52% 1
Azorius Spirits 1.52% 1
Selesnya Angels 1.52% 1
Jeskai Ascendancy 1.52% 1
Mono-Green Stompy 1.52% 1
Mono-Black Discard 1.52% 1
Jund Midrange 1.52% 1
Temur Indomitable Creativity 1.52% 1
Bant Spirits 1.52% 1
Orzhov Humans 1.52% 1
Azorius Lotus Field 1.52% 1
Mono-Black Midrange 1.52% 1
Nykthos Ramp 1.52% 1
Boros Aggro 1.52% 1
Total 100.00% 66

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 93 38%
2 Fatal Push 78 35%
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 62 26%
4 Mystical Dispute 59 39%
5 Bloodtithe Harvester 48 18%
6 Collected Company 46 18%
7 Duress 44 23%
8 Get Lost 44 29%
9 Damping Sphere 42 29%
10 Temporary Lockdown 40 20%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Bloodtithe Harvester 48 18%
2 Vein Ripper 36 14%
3 Picklock Prankster 35 14%
4 Arclight Phoenix 32 12%
5 Ledger Shredder 32 12%
6 Prosperous Innkeeper 30 12%
7 Preacher of the Schism 29 15%
8 Amalia Benavides Aguirre 28 11%
9 Wildgrowth Walker 28 11%
10 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 27 23%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 93 38%
2 Fatal Push 78 35%
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 62 26%
4 Mystical Dispute 59 39%
5 Collected Company 46 18%
6 Duress 44 23%
7 Get Lost 44 29%
8 Damping Sphere 42 29%
9 Temporary Lockdown 40 20%
10 Leyline of the Void 39 15%

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