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Pioneer Super Qualifier #12280359

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2021-04-07

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Jund Sacrifice MKC $ 326 58 tix Expand
2nd Abzan Auras TristanJWL $ 348 89 tix Expand
3rd Mono-Green Stompy Dsaporito $ 277 53 tix Expand
4th 5c Control D00mwake $ 458 119 tix Expand
5th Naya Midrange hiyarako $ 304 97 tix Expand
6th Jund GoldenStateWarriors $ 417 135 tix Expand
7th 5c Control Daking3603 $ 442 111 tix Expand
8th 5c Control FunkiMunki $ 443 114 tix Expand
9th Jund Sacrifice DInglis $ 381 108 tix Expand
10th Jund Sacrifice Kaies $ 424 90 tix Expand
11th Mono-Green Midrange Brunninho $ 479 94 tix Expand
12th Mono-Red Aggro ShowTime_ $ 147 131 tix Expand
13th Orzhov Auras _ZNT_ $ 196 70 tix Expand
14th Mono-Black Vampires panza_quiroga $ 327 105 tix Expand
15th 5c Control Beekeeper $ 439 109 tix Expand
16th Jund Sacrifice _Batutinha_ $ 424 90 tix Expand
17th Orzhov Auras Brunister $ 131 38 tix Expand
18th Lotus Combo bennybo $ 162 45 tix Expand
19th Jund Sacrifice kogamo $ 357 77 tix Expand
20th Jund Sacrifice nathansteuer $ 381 108 tix Expand
21st Jund RNGspecialist $ 495 180 tix Expand
22nd Izzet Phoenix moosedroppings $ 216 81 tix Expand
23rd Izzet Phoenix Jmulloy $ 236 125 tix Expand
24th Boros Aggro kthanakit26 $ 210 84 tix Expand
25th Rakdos komattaman $ 477 139 tix Expand
26th Mono-Green Midrange hyriuu $ 452 100 tix Expand
27th Mono-Green Midrange CitrusD $ 480 103 tix Expand
28th Jund Sacrifice kado222 $ 353 93 tix Expand
29th Mono-Green Midrange Hamuda $ 491 118 tix Expand
30th Mono-Black Aggro _IlNano_ $ 273 87 tix Expand
31st WU paolothewall182 $ 257 84 tix Expand
32nd Orzhov Vampires Apeliotes $ 360 111 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Soul-Guide Lantern (5) Jund Sacrifice (1st) , Jund Sacrifice (10th) , Jund Sacrifice (16th) , Boros Aggro (24th) , Rakdos (25th)
Glacial Fortress (4) 5c Control (4th) , 5c Control (7th) , 5c Control (8th) , 5c Control (15th)
Elder Gargaroth (4) Mono-Green Midrange (11th) , Mono-Green Midrange (26th) , Mono-Green Midrange (27th) , Mono-Green Midrange (29th)
Murderous Rider (3) Mono-Black Vampires (14th) , Mono-Black Aggro (30th) , Orzhov Vampires (32nd)
Yavimaya Coast (2) Mono-Green Stompy (3rd) , Lotus Combo (18th)
Cast Out (2) 5c Control (7th) , WU (31st)
Caves of Koilos (2) Orzhov Auras (13th) , Orzhov Auras (17th)
Shivan Reef (2) Izzet Phoenix (22nd) , Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Sulfur Falls (2) Izzet Phoenix (22nd) , Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Spell Pierce (2) Izzet Phoenix (22nd) , Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Pia and Kiran Nalaar (1) Naya Midrange (5th)
Hinterland Harbor (1) 5c Control (7th)
Lightning Strike (1) Mono-Red Aggro (12th)
Saheeli, Sublime Artificer (1) Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Isolated Chapel (1) Orzhov Vampires (32nd)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Jund Sacrifice 21.88% 7
5c Control 12.50% 4
Mono-Green Midrange 12.50% 4
Orzhov Auras 9.38% 3
Jund 6.25% 2
Vampires 6.25% 2
Izzet Phoenix 6.25% 2
Mono-Green Stompy 3.12% 1
Naya Winota 3.12% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 3.12% 1
Lotus Combo 3.12% 1
Boros Aggro 3.12% 1
Rakdos Pyromancer 3.12% 1
Mono-Black Aggro 3.12% 1
WU 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Gilded Goose 36 28%
2 Mayhem Devil 36 28%
3 Fatal Push 34 31%
4 Woe Strider 32 28%
5 Cauldron Familiar 31 25%
6 Witch's Oven 31 25%
7 Thoughtseize 30 28%
8 Thoughtseize 30 28%
9 Elvish Mystic 28 25%
10 Llanowar Elves 28 25%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Gilded Goose 36 28%
2 Mayhem Devil 36 28%
3 Woe Strider 32 28%
4 Cauldron Familiar 31 25%
5 Elvish Mystic 28 25%
6 Llanowar Elves 28 25%
7 Korvold, Fae-Cursed King 25 22%
8 Burning-Tree Emissary 16 12%
9 Voracious Hydra 16 12%
10 Klothys, God of Destiny 15 22%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 34 31%
2 Witch's Oven 31 25%
3 Thoughtseize 30 28%
4 Thoughtseize 30 28%
5 Trail of Crumbs 28 22%
6 Shark Typhoon 20 16%
7 Grafdigger's Cage 19 25%
8 Esika's Chariot 18 16%
9 Dovin's Veto 17 16%
10 Back to Nature 16 16%

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