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Pioneer Challenge 64 2024-11-10

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-11-10

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Rakdos Transmogrify ShadowTitan1 $ 361 112 tix Expand
2nd Golgari Food termidor $ 351 88 tix Expand
3rd Rakdos Transmogrify LucasG1ggs $ 361 112 tix Expand
4th Selesnya Company remf $ 159 53 tix Expand
5th Selesnya Company bolov0 $ 149 47 tix Expand
6th Boros Burn AceFaithless $ 328 190 tix Expand
7th Rakdos Prowess Venom1 $ 262 69 tix Expand
8th Mono-Black Midrange AlexFiero $ 297 47 tix Expand
9th Azorius Control Nammersquats $ 278 148 tix Expand
10th Jund Sacrifice handsomePPZ $ 307 96 tix Expand
11th Golgari Food Graciasportanto $ 353 88 tix Expand
12th BRG RNGspecialist $ 369 92 tix Expand
13th Rakdos Transmogrify gazmon48 $ 372 82 tix Expand
14th Izzet Phoenix Gul_Dukat $ 177 48 tix Expand
15th Rakdos Midrange Raydan $ 492 94 tix Expand
16th Jund Sacrifice Garthoro $ 301 94 tix Expand
17th Gruul Prowess Hamuda $ 332 162 tix Expand
18th Gruul Aggro Arkany1 $ 346 167 tix Expand
19th Rakdos Prowess fingers1991 $ 331 176 tix Expand
20th Gruul Aggro manalacaio $ 138 12 tix Expand
21st Mardu Greasefang LickNsticK $ 307 83 tix Expand
22nd Rakdos Prowess karatedom $ 352 186 tix Expand
23rd Rakdos Midrange atarka711 $ 446 89 tix Expand
24th Jund Sacrifice Butakov $ 315 80 tix Expand
25th Golgari Food TheSaberVault $ 353 88 tix Expand
26th Hidden Strings Cachorrowo $ 289 59 tix Expand
27th Golgari Food duduzin $ 353 88 tix Expand
28th Rakdos Prowess Pedraminator $ 338 178 tix Expand
29th Rakdos Prowess dww $ 239 62 tix Expand
30th Rakdos Aggro marolanzi $ 317 170 tix Expand
31st Gruul Aggro mitch4783 $ 296 169 tix Expand
32nd Izzet Phoenix Shutd0wn $ 184 47 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Mountain (16) Rakdos Prowess (19th) , Rakdos Transmogrify (3rd) , Rakdos Aggro (30th) , Rakdos Prowess (28th) , Boros Burn (6th) , ...
Swamp (15) Jund Sacrifice (24th) , Rakdos Transmogrify (3rd) , Mardu Greasefang (21st) , Golgari Food (25th) , Golgari Food (11th) , ...
Deadly Dispute (8) Jund Sacrifice (24th) , Golgari Food (25th) , Golgari Food (11th) , Golgari Food (2nd) , BRG (12th) , ...
Duress (8) Rakdos Transmogrify (3rd) , Mardu Greasefang (21st) , Rakdos Transmogrify (13th) , Rakdos Midrange (15th) , Rakdos Transmogrify (1st) , ...
Forest (6) Golgari Food (25th) , Golgari Food (11th) , Golgari Food (2nd) , BRG (12th) , Hidden Strings (26th) , ...
Infuriate (5) Rakdos Prowess (19th) , Rakdos Aggro (30th) , Rakdos Prowess (28th) , Rakdos Prowess (22nd) , Rakdos Prowess (29th)
Play with Fire (5) Rakdos Aggro (30th) , Boros Burn (6th) , Gruul Prowess (17th) , Gruul Aggro (18th) , Gruul Aggro (20th)
Feed the Swarm (4) Rakdos Aggro (30th) , Rakdos Prowess (7th) , Rakdos Midrange (15th) , Rakdos Prowess (29th)
Plains (3) Selesnya Company (5th) , Azorius Control (9th) , Selesnya Company (4th)
Island (3) Azorius Control (9th) , Izzet Phoenix (14th) , Izzet Phoenix (32nd)
Go for the Throat (3) Rakdos Midrange (15th) , Mono-Black Midrange (8th) , Rakdos Midrange (23rd)
Llanowar Elves (2) Selesnya Company (5th) , Selesnya Company (4th)
Abrade (2) Mardu Greasefang (21st) , Izzet Phoenix (32nd)
Opt (2) Izzet Phoenix (14th) , Izzet Phoenix (32nd)
Bushwhack (2) Gruul Prowess (17th) , Gruul Aggro (18th)
Boros Charm (1) Boros Burn (6th)
Ancestral Anger (1) Rakdos Prowess (7th)
Titan's Strength (1) Rakdos Prowess (7th)
Snakeskin Veil (1) Gruul Prowess (17th)
Omniscience (1) Hidden Strings (26th)
Sphinx of the Final Word (1) Hidden Strings (26th)
Negate (1) Izzet Phoenix (32nd)
Scorching Dragonfire (1) Gruul Aggro (31st)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Prowess 15.62% 5
Golgari Food 12.50% 4
Jund Sacrifice 9.38% 3
Rakdos Transmogrify 9.38% 3
Gruul Aggro 9.38% 3
Selesnya Company 6.25% 2
Izzet Phoenix 6.25% 2
Rakdos Midrange 6.25% 2
Rakdos Aggro 3.12% 1
Mardu Greasefang 3.12% 1
Boros Burn 3.12% 1
Azorius Control 3.12% 1
Other 3.12% 1
Mono-Black Midrange 3.12% 1
Gruul Prowess 3.12% 1
Hidden Strings 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 82 66%
2 Fatal Push 77 66%
3 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 44 34%
4 Monastery Swiftspear 40 31%
5 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 40 31%
6 Monstrous Rage 39 31%
7 Leyline of the Void 34 28%
8 Emberheart Challenger 32 25%
9 Heartfire Hero 32 25%
10 Deadly Dispute 30 25%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Monastery Swiftspear 40 31%
2 Emberheart Challenger 32 25%
3 Heartfire Hero 32 25%
4 Cauldron Familiar 28 22%
5 Screaming Nemesis 25 25%
6 Bloodtithe Harvester 24 19%
7 Ygra, Eater of All 24 22%
8 Manifold Mouse 18 22%
9 Callous Sell-Sword 17 19%
10 Jegantha, the Wellspring 17 53%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 82 66%
2 Fatal Push 77 66%
3 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 44 34%
4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 40 31%
5 Monstrous Rage 39 31%
6 Leyline of the Void 34 28%
7 Deadly Dispute 30 25%
8 Scavenger's Talent 28 22%
9 Witch's Oven 28 22%
10 Duress 26 25%

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