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Pioneer Challenge 32 2025-01-07

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2025-01-07

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Rakdos Midrange tchuco $ 490 92 tix Expand
2nd Nykthos Ramp VitorCarvalho01 $ 288 92 tix Expand
3rd Niv to Light fazparte $ 502 97 tix Expand
4th Niv to Light SpockVidaLoka $ 457 109 tix Expand
5th Rakdos Midrange Doomenstein $ 492 92 tix Expand
6th Niv to Light nahuel10 $ 457 109 tix Expand
7th Selesnya Angels GYBA $ 242 52 tix Expand
8th Mono-Red Prowess Sarlanga $ 83 30 tix Expand
9th Niv to Light gazmon48 $ 457 109 tix Expand
10th Izzet Phoenix yaboi_tebby $ 184 58 tix Expand
11th Rakdos Midrange Arianne $ 519 92 tix Expand
12th Azorius Flash Will_Costa $ 200 70 tix Expand
13th Izzet Phoenix _Batutinha_ $ 187 53 tix Expand
14th Jund Sacrifice Garthoro $ 300 72 tix Expand
15th Rakdos Midrange Misplacedginger $ 519 95 tix Expand
16th Niv to Light termidor $ 457 109 tix Expand
17th Izzet Phoenix O_danielakos $ 184 71 tix Expand
18th Selesnya Company kokoko098 $ 158 56 tix Expand
19th Mono-Red Prowess Flossed $ 84 27 tix Expand
20th Izzet Phoenix Bugsy69 $ 179 46 tix Expand
21st Rakdos Aggro PedraStone $ 270 53 tix Expand
22nd Gruul Aggro manalacaio $ 198 33 tix Expand
23rd Mono-Red Prowess Xuxa $ 82 30 tix Expand
24th Rakdos Midrange _Joseph_ $ 492 92 tix Expand
25th Rakdos Midrange newbarola $ 488 91 tix Expand
26th Selesnya Company LoveConnection $ 159 56 tix Expand
27th Mono-Red Prowess pokerswizard $ 85 30 tix Expand
28th Simic Merfolk Beicodegeia $ 356 87 tix Expand
29th Rakdos Prowess Venom1 $ 286 67 tix Expand
30th Rakdos Aggro stalonge $ 264 55 tix Expand
31st Selesnya Company _PJ_ $ 216 79 tix Expand
32nd WUBG Graciasportanto $ 625 115 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Go for the Throat (6) Rakdos Midrange (24th) , Rakdos Midrange (15th) , Rakdos Midrange (11th) , Rakdos Midrange (1st) , Rakdos Midrange (5th) , ...
Duress (6) Rakdos Midrange (24th) , Rakdos Midrange (15th) , Rakdos Midrange (11th) , Rakdos Midrange (1st) , Rakdos Midrange (5th) , ...
Play with Fire (5) Mono-Red Prowess (27th) , Mono-Red Prowess (8th) , Mono-Red Prowess (23rd) , Gruul Aggro (22nd) , Mono-Red Prowess (19th)
Llanowar Elves (5) Selesnya Company (18th) , Selesnya Company (26th) , Selesnya Angels (7th) , Nykthos Ramp (2nd) , Selesnya Company (31st)
Maelstrom Pulse (5) Niv to Light (9th) , Niv to Light (16th) , Niv to Light (6th) , Niv to Light (4th) , Niv to Light (3rd)
Ghitu Lavarunner (4) Mono-Red Prowess (27th) , Mono-Red Prowess (8th) , Mono-Red Prowess (23rd) , Mono-Red Prowess (19th)
Opt (4) Izzet Phoenix (13th) , Izzet Phoenix (17th) , Izzet Phoenix (20th) , Izzet Phoenix (10th)
Abrade (4) Izzet Phoenix (13th) , Izzet Phoenix (17th) , Rakdos Midrange (25th) , Izzet Phoenix (10th)
Feed the Swarm (4) Rakdos Prowess (29th) , Rakdos Aggro (30th) , Rakdos Midrange (25th) , Rakdos Aggro (21st)
Negate (2) Izzet Phoenix (17th) , Izzet Phoenix (10th)
Infuriate (2) Rakdos Aggro (30th) , Rakdos Aggro (21st)
Tail Swipe (1) Nykthos Ramp (2nd)
Deadly Dispute (1) Jund Sacrifice (14th)
Witness Protection (1) Simic Merfolk (28th)
Kiora, the Rising Tide (1) Simic Merfolk (28th)
Righteous Valkyrie (1) Selesnya Angels (7th)
Giada, Font of Hope (1) Selesnya Angels (7th)
Titan's Strength (1) Rakdos Prowess (29th)
Ancestral Anger (1) Rakdos Prowess (29th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Midrange 18.75% 6
Niv to Light 15.62% 5
Mono-Red Prowess 12.50% 4
Izzet Phoenix 12.50% 4
Selesnya Company 9.38% 3
Rakdos Aggro 6.25% 2
Rakdos Prowess 3.12% 1
Other 3.12% 1
Selesnya Angels 3.12% 1
Simic Merfolk 3.12% 1
Gruul Aggro 3.12% 1
Jund Sacrifice 3.12% 1
Nykthos Ramp 3.12% 1
Azorius Flash 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 61 50%
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 48 38%
3 Thoughtseize 44 34%
4 Monastery Swiftspear 32 25%
5 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 32 25%
6 Monstrous Rage 32 25%
7 Torch the Tower 29 47%
8 Bloodtithe Harvester 28 22%
9 Fear of Missing Out 24 19%
10 Leyline Binding 24 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Monastery Swiftspear 32 25%
2 Bloodtithe Harvester 28 22%
3 Fear of Missing Out 24 19%
4 Llanowar Elves 20 16%
5 Slickshot Show-Off 20 16%
6 Sylvan Caryatid 20 16%
7 Elvish Mystic 19 16%
8 Skyclave Apparition 19 16%
9 Arclight Phoenix 16 12%
10 Ghitu Lavarunner 16 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 61 50%
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 48 38%
3 Thoughtseize 44 34%
4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 32 25%
5 Monstrous Rage 32 25%
6 Torch the Tower 29 47%
7 Leyline Binding 24 19%
8 Unholy Annex // Ritual Chamber 24 19%
9 Up the Beanstalk 24 19%
10 Vanishing Verse 24 19%

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