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Pioneer Challenge 32 2024-12-01

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-12-01

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Rakdos Midrange Arianne $ 504 97 tix Expand
2nd Hidden Strings Lavaridge $ 355 69 tix Expand
3rd 4c Midrange Joryago $ 416 94 tix Expand
4th Selesnya Company LasVegasChaos $ 199 64 tix Expand
5th Azorius Flash ThaisM $ 220 56 tix Expand
6th Rakdos Prowess lunaloveee $ 317 119 tix Expand
7th Azorius Humans Renzoch $ 237 62 tix Expand
8th BRG Diem4x $ 387 109 tix Expand
9th BRG Jumba $ 387 109 tix Expand
10th Jeskai Ascendancy Cherryxman $ 312 31 tix Expand
11th Gruul Aggro manalacaio $ 137 17 tix Expand
12th BRG slaxx $ 387 109 tix Expand
13th Gruul Aggro MJ_23 $ 307 102 tix Expand
14th Jund Sacrifice levunga21 $ 289 100 tix Expand
15th 5c Enigmatic Incarnation Ignotus97 $ 765 161 tix Expand
16th Izzet Phoenix VitorCarvalho01 $ 191 64 tix Expand
17th BRG txepi $ 387 109 tix Expand
18th Dimir Aggro TheBigMoke $ 449 118 tix Expand
19th Selesnya Angels GYBA $ 230 50 tix Expand
20th BRG Mathilde8 $ 379 101 tix Expand
21st Rakdos Prowess Hamuda $ 240 66 tix Expand
22nd Selesnya Angels _Falcon_ $ 242 56 tix Expand
23rd Azorius Flash viashinoperuano $ 219 43 tix Expand
24th Gruul Aggro drVendigo $ 278 80 tix Expand
25th Rakdos Prowess Riickitun $ 317 119 tix Expand
26th Rakdos Midrange Kakashi_ $ 499 100 tix Expand
27th Rakdos Prowess HobbyHorstorian $ 232 61 tix Expand
28th Boros Prowess RNAPBP1 $ 222 53 tix Expand
29th Azorius Flash remf $ 214 50 tix Expand
30th Izzet Phoenix Navas $ 194 64 tix Expand
31st Selesnya Auras Bullet_Time $ 365 51 tix Expand
32nd Hidden Strings helvetti $ 230 62 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Duress (7) BRG (12th) , Rakdos Midrange (1st) , BRG (8th) , BRG (17th) , BRG (9th) , ...
Zombify (5) BRG (12th) , BRG (8th) , BRG (17th) , BRG (9th) , BRG (20th)
Infuriate (4) Rakdos Prowess (25th) , Rakdos Prowess (21st) , Rakdos Prowess (6th) , Rakdos Prowess (27th)
Burst Lightning (3) Gruul Aggro (24th) , Gruul Aggro (13th) , Gruul Aggro (11th)
Llanowar Elves (3) Selesnya Angels (19th) , Selesnya Angels (22nd) , Selesnya Company (4th)
Go for the Throat (3) Rakdos Midrange (1st) , Dimir Aggro (18th) , Rakdos Midrange (26th)
Feed the Swarm (2) Rakdos Prowess (21st) , Rakdos Midrange (26th)
Spectral Sailor (2) Azorius Flash (29th) , Azorius Flash (23rd)
Righteous Valkyrie (2) Selesnya Angels (19th) , Selesnya Angels (22nd)
Giada, Font of Hope (2) Selesnya Angels (19th) , Selesnya Angels (22nd)
Play with Fire (2) Boros Prowess (28th) , Gruul Aggro (11th)
Bushwhack (2) Gruul Aggro (24th) , Gruul Aggro (13th)
Snakeskin Veil (2) Gruul Aggro (24th) , Gruul Aggro (13th)
Opt (2) Izzet Phoenix (30th) , Izzet Phoenix (16th)
Negate (2) Izzet Phoenix (30th) , Izzet Phoenix (16th)
Abrade (2) Izzet Phoenix (30th) , Izzet Phoenix (16th)
Cartouche of Solidarity (1) Selesnya Auras (31st)
Audacity (1) Selesnya Auras (31st)
Deadly Dispute (1) Jund Sacrifice (14th)
Valorous Stance (1) Jeskai Ascendancy (10th)
Devout Decree (1) Boros Prowess (28th)
Destroy Evil (1) Boros Prowess (28th)
Boros Charm (1) Boros Prowess (28th)
Boltwave (1) Boros Prowess (28th)
Omniscience (1) Hidden Strings (2nd)
Moon-Circuit Hacker (1) Dimir Aggro (18th)
Expedition Map (1) Hidden Strings (32nd)
Recruitment Officer (1) Azorius Humans (7th)
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (1) Azorius Humans (7th)
Day of Judgment (1) Hidden Strings (2nd)
Sphinx of the Final Word (1) Hidden Strings (2nd)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 15.62% 5
Rakdos Prowess 12.50% 4
Azorius Flash 9.38% 3
Gruul Aggro 9.38% 3
Izzet Phoenix 6.25% 2
Hidden Strings 6.25% 2
Rakdos Midrange 6.25% 2
Selesnya Angels 6.25% 2
Azorius Humans 3.12% 1
Dimir Aggro 3.12% 1
Jund Sacrifice 3.12% 1
Boros Prowess 3.12% 1
Jeskai Ascendancy 3.12% 1
Selesnya Auras 3.12% 1
5c Enigmatic Incarnation 3.12% 1
Selesnya Company 3.12% 1
4c Midrange 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 54 44%
2 Thoughtseize 54 44%
3 Torch the Tower 39 44%
4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 36 28%
5 Portable Hole 33 28%
6 Monastery Swiftspear 32 25%
7 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 32 25%
8 Monstrous Rage 32 25%
9 Heartfire Hero 28 22%
10 Emberheart Challenger 24 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Monastery Swiftspear 32 25%
2 Heartfire Hero 28 22%
3 Emberheart Challenger 24 19%
4 Skyclave Apparition 22 22%
5 Manifold Mouse 18 19%
6 Enduring Innocence 16 19%
7 Slickshot Show-Off 15 16%
8 Callous Sell-Sword 14 16%
9 Bloodtithe Harvester 12 9%
10 Mausoleum Wanderer 12 9%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 54 44%
2 Thoughtseize 54 44%
3 Torch the Tower 39 44%
4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 36 28%
5 Portable Hole 33 28%
6 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 32 25%
7 Monstrous Rage 32 25%
8 Indomitable Creativity 24 19%
9 Rest in Peace 24 31%
10 Fiery Impulse 21 31%

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