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Pioneer Challenge 32 2024-10-06 (1)

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-10-06

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Azorius Control SoulStrong $ 283 161 tix Expand
2nd Izzet Phoenix O_danielakos $ 190 52 tix Expand
3rd Rakdos Prowess Giox96 $ 261 99 tix Expand
4th Azorius Humans L1X0 $ 301 69 tix Expand
5th Rakdos Prowess PNascimento $ 264 107 tix Expand
6th Mono-Black Midrange Arianne $ 547 202 tix Expand
7th Azorius Lotus Field Univerce $ 279 80 tix Expand
8th Mono-Black Midrange Brasatore $ 615 231 tix Expand
9th Izzet Phoenix _Batutinha_ $ 192 48 tix Expand
10th Azorius Humans ThiGuyAgain365164 $ 301 69 tix Expand
11th 5c Enigmatic Incarnation RubyXillia $ 797 220 tix Expand
12th Rakdos Prowess renatoaraujo $ 265 101 tix Expand
13th Rakdos Prowess termidor $ 262 108 tix Expand
14th Mono-Black Midrange pokerswizard $ 517 187 tix Expand
15th Hidden Strings RNGspecialist $ 386 65 tix Expand
16th 4c Midrange kasa $ 678 172 tix Expand
17th 5c Enigmatic Incarnation kanister $ 720 171 tix Expand
18th Mono-Black Midrange marolanzi $ 471 185 tix Expand
19th Selesnya Company Yut0kun $ 169 69 tix Expand
20th Gruul Aggro manalacaio $ 138 13 tix Expand
21st Rakdos Transmogrify ara231 $ 368 137 tix Expand
22nd Jund Sacrifice Shadowz2005 $ 311 76 tix Expand
23rd Rakdos Prowess Hamuda $ 236 87 tix Expand
24th Mono-Black Midrange Lollopollo2001 $ 519 187 tix Expand
25th Dimir Demon Combo Nictophobia $ 726 97 tix Expand
26th Mono-Red Aggro MagicSchild $ 175 83 tix Expand
27th 5c Enigmatic Incarnation nv_goblin $ 696 182 tix Expand
28th Rakdos Prowess novaschin22 $ 266 102 tix Expand
29th Izzet Phoenix StormGuyisme $ 190 45 tix Expand
30th Azorius Control Bruskk $ 298 112 tix Expand
31st Hidden Strings Marttwttw $ 342 56 tix Expand
32nd Izzet Phoenix Azja $ 204 55 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Spell Pierce (5) Izzet Phoenix (9th) , Izzet Phoenix (2nd) , Izzet Phoenix (29th) , Izzet Phoenix (32nd) , Dimir Demon Combo (25th)
Adarkar Wastes (2) Azorius Humans (4th) , Azorius Humans (10th)
Hinterland Harbor (2) 5c Enigmatic Incarnation (17th) , 4c Midrange (16th)
Glacial Fortress (1) 5c Enigmatic Incarnation (17th)
Karplusan Forest (1) Gruul Aggro (20th)
Drowned Catacomb (1) Dimir Demon Combo (25th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Prowess 18.75% 6
Mono-Black Midrange 15.62% 5
Izzet Phoenix 12.50% 4
5c Enigmatic Incarnation 9.38% 3
Azorius Humans 6.25% 2
Azorius Control 6.25% 2
Hidden Strings 6.25% 2
Rakdos Transmogrify 3.12% 1
4c Midrange 3.12% 1
Jund Sacrifice 3.12% 1
Selesnya Company 3.12% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 3.12% 1
Gruul Aggro 3.12% 1
Dimir Demon Combo 3.12% 1
Azorius Lotus Field 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 63 50%
2 Thoughtseize 63 50%
3 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 32 25%
4 Emberheart Challenger 28 22%
5 Heartfire Hero 28 22%
6 Monastery Swiftspear 28 22%
7 Monstrous Rage 28 22%
8 Duress 27 25%
9 Ancestral Anger 23 19%
10 Callous Sell-Sword 22 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Emberheart Challenger 28 22%
2 Heartfire Hero 28 22%
3 Monastery Swiftspear 28 22%
4 Callous Sell-Sword 22 19%
5 Slickshot Show-Off 22 19%
6 Archfiend of the Dross 20 16%
7 Ledger Shredder 20 16%
8 Unstoppable Slasher 20 16%
9 Arclight Phoenix 16 12%
10 Bloodletter of Aclazotz 16 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 63 50%
2 Thoughtseize 63 50%
3 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 32 25%
4 Monstrous Rage 28 22%
5 Duress 27 25%
6 Ancestral Anger 23 19%
7 Unlicensed Hearse 22 34%
8 Knockout Blow 21 31%
9 Consider 20 16%
10 Dovin's Veto 20 19%

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