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Pioneer Challenge 32 2024-09-01

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-09-01

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Jund Sacrifice McWinSauce $ 433 211 tix Expand
2nd Izzet Phoenix Navas $ 208 106 tix Expand
3rd Abzan Greasefang billsive $ 458 89 tix Expand
4th Niv to Light claudioh $ 507 161 tix Expand
5th Izzet Phoenix TSPJendrek $ 208 106 tix Expand
6th Izzet Phoenix wd40rocks $ 211 102 tix Expand
7th Jund Sacrifice WhiTe TsaR $ 439 215 tix Expand
8th Nykthos Ramp Jositoshekel $ 422 90 tix Expand
9th Rakdos Aggro capellomauro $ 238 111 tix Expand
10th Azorius Control sokos13 $ 314 232 tix Expand
11th Rakdos Midrange moon11 $ 552 187 tix Expand
12th Selesnya Angels WrzoBuSeks $ 187 57 tix Expand
13th Azorius Control runtheduels $ 310 241 tix Expand
14th Nykthos Ramp fried-liver-attack $ 371 70 tix Expand
15th 4c Midrange KarnageKardsENT $ 427 166 tix Expand
16th Jund Sacrifice PaulArcher $ 442 216 tix Expand
17th Selesnya Angels DoubleStrike2 $ 187 57 tix Expand
18th Izzet Phoenix _Batutinha_ $ 213 98 tix Expand
19th Boros Heroic wcl $ 242 102 tix Expand
20th Azorius Control Penseur $ 311 250 tix Expand
21st Mono-White Humans matarratas007 $ 120 42 tix Expand
22nd Azorius Control Callad0 $ 332 307 tix Expand
23rd Rakdos Transmogrify tarkanmag $ 354 182 tix Expand
24th Boros Heroic Cown $ 155 25 tix Expand
25th Rakdos Aggro rasvd $ 249 114 tix Expand
26th Izzet Phoenix O_danielakos $ 209 105 tix Expand
27th Rakdos Midrange Arianne $ 294 136 tix Expand
28th Niv to Light MarcoBelacca95 $ 545 113 tix Expand
29th Gruul Aggro kytk321 $ 170 19 tix Expand
30th Rakdos Transmogrify Prokarus $ 307 162 tix Expand
31st Selesnya Company marolanzi $ 159 59 tix Expand
32nd Dimir Ensoul Artifact asnook $ 262 43 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Izzet Phoenix 15.62% 5
Azorius Control 12.50% 4
Jund Sacrifice 9.38% 3
Rakdos Transmogrify 6.25% 2
Rakdos Midrange 6.25% 2
Selesnya Angels 6.25% 2
Niv to Light 6.25% 2
Nykthos Ramp 6.25% 2
Rakdos Aggro 6.25% 2
Boros Heroic 6.25% 2
Dimir Ensoul Artifact 3.12% 1
Selesnya Company 3.12% 1
4c Midrange 3.12% 1
Abzan Greasefang 3.12% 1
Gruul Aggro 3.12% 1
Mono-White Humans 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 46 41%
2 Thoughtseize 43 34%
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 36 28%
4 Mystical Dispute 29 38%
5 Unlicensed Hearse 28 41%
6 Dovin's Veto 21 19%
7 Arclight Phoenix 20 16%
8 Bloodtithe Harvester 20 16%
9 Ledger Shredder 20 16%
10 Monastery Swiftspear 20 16%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Arclight Phoenix 20 16%
2 Bloodtithe Harvester 20 16%
3 Ledger Shredder 20 16%
4 Monastery Swiftspear 20 16%
5 Picklock Prankster 20 16%
6 Elvish Mystic 18 16%
7 Llanowar Elves 18 16%
8 Cauldron Familiar 12 9%
9 Crackling Drake 12 16%
10 Heartfire Hero 12 9%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 46 41%
2 Thoughtseize 43 34%
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 36 28%
4 Mystical Dispute 29 38%
5 Unlicensed Hearse 28 41%
6 Dovin's Veto 21 19%
7 Consider 20 16%
8 Lightning Axe 20 16%
9 Opt 20 16%
10 Sleight of Hand 20 16%

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