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Pioneer Challenge 32 2024-03-03

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-03-03

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Izzet Phoenix boytriton $ 316 215 tix Expand
2nd Azorius Spirits ThaisM $ 365 87 tix Expand
3rd Hidden Strings GinkoHS $ 552 160 tix Expand
4th Abzan Amalia Combo _ZNT_ $ 487 99 tix Expand
5th Izzet Phoenix O_danielakos $ 293 176 tix Expand
6th Rakdos Vampires Bebop1999 $ 877 319 tix Expand
7th Rakdos Vampires Brasatore $ 773 307 tix Expand
8th Izzet Phoenix BrunnoSantos $ 299 179 tix Expand
9th Izzet Phoenix CanesChickenFan $ 288 167 tix Expand
10th Izzet Phoenix Bean17h $ 300 193 tix Expand
11th Azorius Spirits remf $ 367 91 tix Expand
12th Rakdos Vampires SomeborY $ 882 321 tix Expand
13th Izzet Phoenix GzusReturned $ 303 201 tix Expand
14th Izzet Phoenix moon11 $ 283 161 tix Expand
15th Mono-Black Discard Kazuga $ 492 178 tix Expand
16th Abzan Amalia Combo SpicyLeche $ 472 117 tix Expand
17th Rakdos Vampires Okayasu $ 792 278 tix Expand
18th Rakdos Vampires BERNASTORRES $ 804 313 tix Expand
19th Niv to Light claudioh $ 532 180 tix Expand
20th Izzet Phoenix CarlosZ $ 309 173 tix Expand
21st Boros Aggro Janisss $ 173 48 tix Expand
22nd Izzet Phoenix oinkmage22 $ 288 167 tix Expand
23rd Mono-Red Aggro Lord_Beerus $ 164 83 tix Expand
24th Rakdos Vampires gazmon48 $ 877 319 tix Expand
25th Jeskai Indomitable Creativity sneakymisato $ 749 220 tix Expand
26th Abzan Amalia Combo Jiliac $ 506 119 tix Expand
27th Izzet Phoenix azax $ 282 158 tix Expand
28th Hidden Strings TatDaddy $ 368 110 tix Expand
29th Rakdos Vampires Venom1 $ 862 316 tix Expand
30th Rakdos Vampires tchuco $ 896 327 tix Expand
31st Rakdos Vampires delwer $ 871 317 tix Expand
32nd Abzan Amalia Combo CrazyMorango $ 487 99 tix Expand
33rd Mono-Green Stompy Wizard_2002 $ 157 49 tix Expand
34th Rakdos Vampires Capitano_CL $ 885 321 tix Expand
35th Boros Aggro TrashBoat100 $ 172 37 tix Expand
36th Mono-Black Discard Arglex $ 504 185 tix Expand
37th Rakdos Vampires _must_be_nice $ 882 321 tix Expand
38th Mardu Vampires Bugsy69 $ 790 298 tix Expand
39th Azorius Control frankwill14 $ 394 157 tix Expand
40th Rakdos Vampires Brunes $ 873 332 tix Expand
41st Abzan Amalia Combo pepeteam $ 487 103 tix Expand
42nd Jeskai Indomitable Creativity zlod $ 785 239 tix Expand
43rd Mono-Black Discard jtlox $ 497 161 tix Expand
44th Abzan Amalia Combo Anonymous $ 503 119 tix Expand
45th Rakdos Vampires fingers1991 $ 877 319 tix Expand
46th Boros Burn RatJesus $ 174 21 tix Expand
47th Quintorius Combo FazerX73 $ 532 153 tix Expand
48th Hidden Strings Aelyck $ 378 113 tix Expand
49th Abzan Amalia Combo karatedom $ 505 131 tix Expand
50th Ensoul Artifact absthencomboout $ 193 76 tix Expand
51st Rakdos Vampires Crunchwrap_Supreme $ 874 316 tix Expand
52nd Izzet Phoenix Aje8 $ 282 158 tix Expand
53rd Izzet Phoenix makusong24 $ 316 185 tix Expand
54th Izzet Phoenix Ezily $ 299 184 tix Expand
55th Izzet Phoenix Al1Baba $ 299 179 tix Expand
56th Jeskai Control TerminalJustice $ 489 174 tix Expand
57th Mardu Vampires Mizl1zzie $ 785 300 tix Expand
58th Boros Aggro shoktroopa $ 161 27 tix Expand
59th Azorius Control Viatt $ 376 158 tix Expand
60th Boros Aggro mike1015 $ 208 48 tix Expand
61st Azorius Spirits Danny_Bambino $ 360 87 tix Expand
62nd Rakdos Vampires INickStrad $ 844 283 tix Expand
63rd Niv to Light KarnageKardsENT $ 467 151 tix Expand
64th Rakdos Vampires Dreddybajs $ 774 306 tix Expand
Displaying all 64 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Duress (21) Mono-Black Discard (43rd) , Rakdos Vampires (45th) , Rakdos Vampires (34th) , Rakdos Vampires (64th) , Rakdos Vampires (18th) , ...
Negate (14) Izzet Phoenix (20th) , Izzet Phoenix (52nd) , Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (53rd) , Izzet Phoenix (14th) , ...
Opt (14) Izzet Phoenix (20th) , Izzet Phoenix (52nd) , Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (53rd) , Izzet Phoenix (14th) , ...
Young Pyromancer (13) Izzet Phoenix (20th) , Izzet Phoenix (52nd) , Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (53rd) , Izzet Phoenix (14th) , ...
Abrade (8) Izzet Phoenix (52nd) , Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (14th) , Izzet Phoenix (27th) , Izzet Phoenix (8th) , ...
Go for the Throat (4) Rakdos Vampires (45th) , Rakdos Vampires (24th) , Rakdos Vampires (51st) , Rakdos Vampires (6th)
Ancestral Anger (4) Boros Aggro (58th) , Boros Aggro (60th) , Boros Aggro (35th) , Boros Aggro (21st)
Favored Hoplite (4) Boros Aggro (58th) , Boros Aggro (60th) , Boros Aggro (35th) , Boros Aggro (21st)
Defiant Strike (4) Boros Aggro (58th) , Boros Aggro (60th) , Boros Aggro (35th) , Boros Aggro (21st)
Scavenging Ooze (3) Abzan Amalia Combo (41st) , Abzan Amalia Combo (4th) , Abzan Amalia Combo (32nd)
Omen of the Sea (3) Jeskai Control (56th) , Jeskai Indomitable Creativity (25th) , Jeskai Indomitable Creativity (42nd)
Spectral Sailor (3) Azorius Spirits (61st) , Azorius Spirits (11th) , Azorius Spirits (2nd)
Omniscience (3) Hidden Strings (28th) , Hidden Strings (48th) , Hidden Strings (3rd)
Light of Hope (3) Boros Aggro (60th) , Boros Aggro (35th) , Boros Aggro (21st)
Temple of Mystery (2) Hidden Strings (28th) , Hidden Strings (48th)
Play with Fire (2) Mono-Red Aggro (23rd) , Boros Burn (46th)
Ovika, Enigma Goliath (2) Jeskai Indomitable Creativity (25th) , Jeskai Indomitable Creativity (42nd)
Phyrexian Arena (1) Mono-Black Discard (43rd)
Llanowar Elves (1) Mono-Green Stompy (33rd)
Crawling Barrens (1) Mono-Black Discard (15th)
Mazemind Tome (1) Mono-Black Discard (15th)
Tail Swipe (1) Mono-Green Stompy (33rd)
Regal Caracal (1) Jeskai Control (56th)
Boros Charm (1) Boros Burn (46th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Vampires 25.00% 16
Izzet Phoenix 21.88% 14
Abzan Amalia Combo 10.94% 7
Boros Aggro 6.25% 4
Mono-Black Discard 4.69% 3
Hidden Strings 4.69% 3
Azorius Spirits 4.69% 3
Azorius Control 3.12% 2
Jeskai Indomitable Creativity 3.12% 2
Mardu Vampires 3.12% 2
Niv to Light 3.12% 2
Jeskai Control 1.56% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 1.56% 1
Ensoul Artifact 1.56% 1
Quintorius Combo 1.56% 1
Mono-Green Stompy 1.56% 1
Boros Burn 1.56% 1
Total 100.00% 64

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 104 44%
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 94 39%
3 Fatal Push 92 39%
4 Leyline of the Void 73 30%
5 Bloodtithe Harvester 72 28%
6 Vein Ripper 72 28%
7 Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord 72 28%
8 Duress 70 33%
9 Damping Sphere 65 41%
10 Arclight Phoenix 56 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Bloodtithe Harvester 72 28%
2 Vein Ripper 72 28%
3 Arclight Phoenix 56 22%
4 Ledger Shredder 56 22%
5 Picklock Prankster 56 22%
6 Dusk Legion Zealot 54 28%
7 Preacher of the Schism 54 28%
8 Crackling Drake 35 22%
9 Amalia Benavides Aguirre 28 11%
10 Prosperous Innkeeper 28 11%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 104 44%
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 94 39%
3 Fatal Push 92 39%
4 Leyline of the Void 73 30%
5 Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord 72 28%
6 Duress 70 33%
7 Damping Sphere 65 41%
8 Consider 56 22%
9 Opt 56 22%
10 Treasure Cruise 56 22%

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