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Pioneer Challenge 32 2024-01-14

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2024-01-14

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Abzan Amalia Combo Bigatti $ 545 117 tix Expand
2nd Rakdos Midrange MaxProfit $ 549 174 tix Expand
3rd Izzet Phoenix GiestOfIWin $ 294 103 tix Expand
4th Azorius Control RemiFortier $ 378 122 tix Expand
5th Rakdos Sacrifice Coly2 $ 298 92 tix Expand
6th Azorius Control Iplantz $ 374 121 tix Expand
7th Rakdos Midrange sokos13 $ 623 190 tix Expand
8th Rakdos Midrange HouseOfManaMTG $ 627 176 tix Expand
9th Mono-Black Discard LordTupperware $ 583 120 tix Expand
10th Rakdos Midrange LucasG1ggs $ 551 176 tix Expand
11th Izzet Phoenix Gul_Dukat $ 256 78 tix Expand
12th Izzet Ensoul Artifact joaoclaudioms $ 286 112 tix Expand
13th Hidden Strings GigaChadSigmaMale $ 494 135 tix Expand
14th Rakdos Midrange SpicyLeche $ 549 172 tix Expand
15th Mono-Red Aggro wordy333 $ 102 51 tix Expand
16th Hidden Strings SuperCow12653 $ 310 107 tix Expand
17th Azorius Control _VFS_ $ 348 116 tix Expand
18th Izzet Phoenix Jmulloy $ 261 83 tix Expand
19th Abzan Amalia Combo CrazyMorango $ 374 64 tix Expand
20th Quintorius Combo taku123 $ 358 98 tix Expand
21st Simic Merfolk lazerbeam $ 453 165 tix Expand
22nd Quintorius Combo fried-liver-attack $ 381 75 tix Expand
23rd Rakdos Midrange AKane_ $ 627 176 tix Expand
24th Izzet Phoenix hugofreitas1 $ 234 75 tix Expand
25th Bant Spirits remf $ 367 115 tix Expand
26th 5c Enigmatic Fires oosunq $ 598 149 tix Expand
27th Rakdos Midrange PedroPolukranos $ 508 166 tix Expand
28th Izzet Phoenix 416FrowningTable $ 262 81 tix Expand
29th Rakdos Midrange Arianne $ 549 180 tix Expand
30th Rakdos Midrange Skeptic2304 $ 508 164 tix Expand
31st Rakdos Midrange Morenothings $ 508 164 tix Expand
32nd Jund Scapeshift key05232 $ 435 98 tix Expand
33rd 5c Enigmatic Fires laughingrock $ 507 176 tix Expand
34th Hidden Strings KingHairy $ 489 135 tix Expand
35th 5c Enigmatic Fires Zelesnya $ 595 158 tix Expand
36th Rakdos Midrange NoneOfYourBusiness $ 558 178 tix Expand
37th Rakdos Sacrifice tchuco $ 403 91 tix Expand
38th Azorius Control Make_it_Right $ 335 119 tix Expand
39th Rakdos Midrange Nammersquats $ 529 153 tix Expand
40th Izzet Phoenix Azja $ 261 83 tix Expand
41st Abzan Amalia Combo keyo98 $ 450 84 tix Expand
42nd Rakdos Artifact Sacrifice Hard_Cast $ 379 55 tix Expand
43rd Rakdos Sacrifice GLAM_ $ 334 92 tix Expand
44th Izzet Phoenix YSZzz $ 269 89 tix Expand
45th Izzet Phoenix BrunnoSantos $ 254 77 tix Expand
46th Izzet Ensoul Artifact Slasher21 $ 288 98 tix Expand
47th Izzet Phoenix Chichichi $ 261 83 tix Expand
48th Abzan Amalia Combo Lzaknight $ 409 75 tix Expand
49th Izzet Indomitable Creativity mosskami $ 329 117 tix Expand
50th Azorius Control outZEROo $ 335 119 tix Expand
51st Rakdos Midrange Anonymous $ 532 156 tix Expand
52nd Azorius Control claudioh $ 354 168 tix Expand
53rd Izzet Ensoul Artifact Shadowz2005 $ 289 98 tix Expand
54th Rakdos Midrange fingers1991 $ 379 135 tix Expand
55th Mono-Black Devotion adamryder46 $ 639 92 tix Expand
56th Niv to Light Jack9Em $ 536 109 tix Expand
57th Mono-Black Midrange BobTheBuilder242 $ 524 131 tix Expand
58th Rakdos Midrange eggybenny $ 549 172 tix Expand
59th Grixis Phoenix Clockwork Dean $ 485 119 tix Expand
Displaying all 59 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Spell Pierce (11) Grixis Phoenix (59th) , Izzet Ensoul Artifact (12th) , Azorius Control (17th) , Simic Merfolk (21st) , Izzet Phoenix (3rd) , ...
Shivan Reef (4) Izzet Ensoul Artifact (12th) , Izzet Ensoul Artifact (53rd) , Izzet Indomitable Creativity (49th) , Izzet Ensoul Artifact (46th)
Rootbound Crag (3) 5c Enigmatic Fires (26th) , 5c Enigmatic Fires (35th) , Niv to Light (56th)
Glacial Fortress (2) Azorius Control (17th) , Niv to Light (56th)
Sulfur Falls (1) 5c Enigmatic Fires (33rd)
Temple of Deceit (1) Quintorius Combo (22nd)
Murderous Rider (1) Mono-Black Midrange (57th)
Hinterland Harbor (1) Niv to Light (56th)
Drowned Catacomb (1) Niv to Light (56th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Rakdos Midrange 25.42% 15
Izzet Phoenix 16.95% 10
Azorius Control 10.17% 6
Abzan Amalia Combo 6.78% 4
Rakdos Sacrifice 5.08% 3
Izzet Ensoul Artifact 5.08% 3
5c Enigmatic Fires 5.08% 3
Hidden Strings 5.08% 3
Quintorius Combo 3.39% 2
Mono-Red Aggro 1.69% 1
Mono-Black Discard 1.69% 1
Simic Merfolk 1.69% 1
Mono-Black Devotion 1.69% 1
Izzet Indomitable Creativity 1.69% 1
Bant Spirits 1.69% 1
Jund Scapeshift 1.69% 1
Mono-Black Midrange 1.69% 1
Rakdos Artifact Sacrifice 1.69% 1
Niv to Light 1.69% 1
Total 100.00% 59

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 107 45%
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 106 44%
3 Fatal Push 105 45%
4 Bloodtithe Harvester 76 31%
5 Bonecrusher Giant 58 27%
6 Mystical Dispute 58 32%
7 Duress 57 35%
8 Smuggler's Copter 49 27%
9 Go Blank 48 32%
10 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun 47 23%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Bloodtithe Harvester 76 31%
2 Bonecrusher Giant 58 27%
3 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun 47 23%
4 Graveyard Trespasser 46 29%
5 Arclight Phoenix 44 18%
6 Ledger Shredder 44 18%
7 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 44 32%
8 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger 29 29%
9 Crackling Drake 28 16%
10 Knight of Dusk's Shadow 20 18%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 107 45%
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 106 44%
3 Fatal Push 105 45%
4 Mystical Dispute 58 32%
5 Duress 57 35%
6 Smuggler's Copter 49 27%
7 Go Blank 48 32%
8 Consider 44 18%
9 Opt 44 18%
10 Treasure Cruise 44 18%

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