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Pioneer Challenge #12375151

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2022-01-15

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st WUBRG NJAMTG $ 411 178 tix Expand
2nd BRG canepis16 $ 349 178 tix Expand
3rd WURG IslandGoSAMe $ 368 85 tix Expand
4th UB SeventhProphet $ 337 210 tix Expand
5th UR Lifeisrisk7 $ 340 188 tix Expand
6th WUR Oscar_Franco $ 287 158 tix Expand
7th Hidden Strings Tyerube1618 $ 167 92 tix Expand
8th Bant Spirits remf $ 359 142 tix Expand
9th Hidden Strings TaJoordan $ 145 77 tix Expand
10th UR Tunaktunak $ 300 135 tix Expand
11th WR Shadowz2005 $ 214 158 tix Expand
12th Burn xfile $ 247 109 tix Expand
13th UB Powen $ 275 152 tix Expand
14th Orzhov Humans papporockentucara $ 257 99 tix Expand
15th WR _Falcon_ $ 194 143 tix Expand
16th Niv to Light KarnageKardsENT $ 423 150 tix Expand
17th Mono-Blue Spirits Waldo423 $ 83 31 tix Expand
18th B LORiWWA $ 415 214 tix Expand
19th BR LBBL $ 396 224 tix Expand
20th R moon11 $ 194 355 tix Expand
21st WUR MdvWin $ 278 114 tix Expand
22nd WR fr0z3nsun4 $ 200 156 tix Expand
23rd BRG NightKnight131 $ 370 182 tix Expand
24th Naya Midrange Riickitun $ 301 163 tix Expand
25th WUR WookieWasabi $ 445 131 tix Expand
26th G sgcyrus $ 319 75 tix Expand
27th UR fives $ 341 189 tix Expand
28th Selesnya Humans TeamMentor $ 282 51 tix Expand
29th UR Ranggyu $ 331 191 tix Expand
30th WUR 4aco $ 296 91 tix Expand
31st MBA Roberto777 $ 203 102 tix Expand
32nd Hidden Strings oppodump $ 150 80 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Opt (5) WURG (3rd) , UR (5th) , UR (10th) , UR (27th) , UR (29th)
Boros Charm (4) WR (11th) , Burn (12th) , WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Chart a Course (4) UR (5th) , UR (10th) , UR (27th) , UR (29th)
Flame-Blessed Bolt (4) UR (5th) , UR (10th) , UR (27th) , UR (29th)
Ancestral Anger (3) WR (11th) , WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Favored Hoplite (3) WR (11th) , WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Dreadhorde Arcanist (3) WR (11th) , WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Gird for Battle (3) WR (11th) , WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Blink of an Eye (3) Hidden Strings (7th) , Hidden Strings (9th) , Hidden Strings (32nd)
Temple of Mystery (3) Hidden Strings (7th) , Hidden Strings (9th) , Hidden Strings (32nd)
Omniscience (3) Hidden Strings (7th) , Hidden Strings (9th) , Hidden Strings (32nd)
Defiant Strike (3) WR (11th) , WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Deadly Dispute (3) BRG (2nd) , BR (19th) , BRG (23rd)
Play with Fire (3) Burn (12th) , R (20th) , WR (22nd)
Titan's Strength (2) WR (11th) , WR (22nd)
Voldaren Epicure (2) Burn (12th) , BR (19th)
Negate (2) UB (13th) , WUR (30th)
Llanowar Elves (2) Naya Midrange (24th) , G (26th)
Light of Hope (2) WR (15th) , WR (22nd)
Trail of Crumbs (2) BRG (2nd) , BRG (23rd)
Omen of the Sea (2) WUBRG (1st) , WUR (25th)
Soul-Guide Lantern (1) BRG (23rd)
Devout Decree (1) WUR (21st)
Feed the Swarm (1) BR (19th)
Scavenging Ooze (1) Naya Midrange (24th)
Fire Prophecy (1) WUR (25th)
Bond of Flourishing (1) G (26th)
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (1) Selesnya Humans (28th)
Duress (1) BR (19th)
Spectral Sailor (1) Mono-Blue Spirits (17th)
Mortify (1) Niv to Light (16th)
Valorous Stance (1) Bant Spirits (8th)
Empyrean Eagle (1) Bant Spirits (8th)
Thieves' Guild Enforcer (1) UB (4th)
Paradise Druid (1) WURG (3rd)
Charming Prince (1) WUBRG (1st)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
UR 12.50% 4
WUR 9.38% 3
Hidden Strings 9.38% 3
WR 9.38% 3
BRG 6.25% 2
UB 6.25% 2
Spirits 6.25% 2
MBA 3.12% 1
Selesnya Humans 3.12% 1
G 3.12% 1
Other 3.12% 1
Naya Winota 3.12% 1
R 3.12% 1
BR 3.12% 1
B 3.12% 1
Niv to Light 3.12% 1
Orzhov Humans 3.12% 1
Burn 3.12% 1
WURG 3.12% 1
WUBRG 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Mystical Dispute 51 53%
2 Consider 38 31%
3 Fatal Push 28 25%
4 Expressive Iteration 26 22%
5 Aether Gust 20 31%
6 Opt 20 16%
7 Thoughtseize 18 16%
8 Narset, Parter of Veils 17 16%
9 Arboreal Grazer 16 12%
10 Arclight Phoenix 16 12%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Arboreal Grazer 16 12%
2 Arclight Phoenix 16 12%
3 Monastery Swiftspear 16 12%
4 Soul-Scar Mage 16 12%
5 Thing in the Ice 16 12%
6 Favored Hoplite 12 9%
7 Vizier of Tumbling Sands 12 9%
8 Dreadhorde Arcanist 10 9%
9 Gilded Goose 9 9%
10 Prosperous Innkeeper 9 9%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Mystical Dispute 51 53%
2 Consider 38 31%
3 Fatal Push 28 25%
4 Expressive Iteration 26 22%
5 Aether Gust 20 31%
6 Opt 20 16%
7 Thoughtseize 18 16%
8 Narset, Parter of Veils 17 16%
9 Anger of the Gods 16 28%
10 Go Blank 16 19%

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