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Pioneer Challenge #12302290

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2021-06-13

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Bant Spirits karatedom $ 398 153 tix Expand
2nd G John1111 $ 396 130 tix Expand
3rd Hidden Strings Anonymous $ 202 38 tix Expand
4th Jeskai Control sixmp $ 422 68 tix Expand
5th Izzet Phoenix Phill_Hellmuth $ 299 98 tix Expand
6th Gruul Aggro claudioh $ 250 64 tix Expand
7th Jeskai Control Siobahn $ 422 70 tix Expand
8th Izzet Phoenix Boland $ 333 121 tix Expand
9th Jeskai Control KarnageKardsENT $ 424 67 tix Expand
10th Niv to Light DInglis $ 448 179 tix Expand
11th Niv to Light Arianne $ 629 281 tix Expand
12th Burn Bullz0Eye $ 257 77 tix Expand
13th R WrzoBuSeks $ 385 54 tix Expand
14th Rakdos Tar_Heels_82 $ 487 119 tix Expand
15th Rakdos AliEnWaRe_ $ 444 111 tix Expand
16th Naya Midrange Lukas261997 $ 334 80 tix Expand
17th Enigmatic Fires GNT $ 426 107 tix Expand
18th Lotus Combo ConnorM426 $ 141 28 tix Expand
19th WUBG fwdr3 $ 294 75 tix Expand
20th Rakdos Maurycius $ 483 119 tix Expand
21st Izzet Phoenix Ekeross $ 313 121 tix Expand
22nd Mono-Black Aggro bolov0 $ 235 61 tix Expand
23rd Niv to Light Bob49 $ 640 284 tix Expand
24th Jeskai Control _Tutenji_ $ 423 66 tix Expand
25th Hidden Strings Tyerube1618 $ 218 35 tix Expand
26th Izzet Phoenix MChilperico $ 336 146 tix Expand
27th Izzet Prowess excel0679 $ 361 100 tix Expand
28th Boros Aggro boknows87 $ 208 47 tix Expand
29th Dimir Control Harry13 $ 305 45 tix Expand
30th Jeskai Control _Batutinha_ $ 422 68 tix Expand
31st Dimir Control hopeof130 $ 256 41 tix Expand
32nd WU TBxGreenguy $ 320 46 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Opt (11) Jeskai Control (4th) , Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Jeskai Control (7th) , Izzet Phoenix (8th) , Jeskai Control (9th) , ...
Omen of the Sea (6) Jeskai Control (4th) , Jeskai Control (7th) , Jeskai Control (9th) , Enigmatic Fires (17th) , Jeskai Control (24th) , ...
Dreadhorde Arcanist (5) Rakdos (14th) , Rakdos (15th) , Rakdos (20th) , Izzet Prowess (27th) , Boros Aggro (28th)
Fire Prophecy (5) Jeskai Control (4th) , Jeskai Control (7th) , Jeskai Control (9th) , Jeskai Control (24th) , Jeskai Control (30th)
Soul-Guide Lantern (4) Rakdos (14th) , Rakdos (20th) , Mono-Black Aggro (22nd) , Izzet Prowess (27th)
Duress (4) Rakdos (14th) , Rakdos (15th) , Rakdos (20th) , Mono-Black Aggro (22nd)
Temple of Mystery (4) Hidden Strings (3rd) , Lotus Combo (18th) , WUBG (19th) , Hidden Strings (25th)
Negate (4) Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (8th) , Niv to Light (23rd) , Izzet Phoenix (26th)
Chart a Course (4) Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (8th) , Izzet Phoenix (21st) , Izzet Phoenix (26th)
Crash Through (4) Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (21st) , Izzet Phoenix (26th) , Izzet Prowess (27th)
Thrill of Possibility (4) Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Izzet Phoenix (8th) , Izzet Phoenix (21st) , Izzet Phoenix (26th)
Scorching Dragonfire (3) Gruul Aggro (6th) , Izzet Phoenix (8th) , Izzet Phoenix (26th)
Young Pyromancer (3) Rakdos (14th) , Rakdos (15th) , Rakdos (20th)
Village Rites (3) Rakdos (14th) , Rakdos (15th) , Rakdos (20th)
Abrade (3) Izzet Phoenix (5th) , Gruul Aggro (6th) , Izzet Phoenix (21st)
Devout Decree (3) Jeskai Control (4th) , Jeskai Control (24th) , Jeskai Control (30th)
Feed the Swarm (3) Rakdos (14th) , Rakdos (15th) , Rakdos (20th)
Llanowar Elves (3) G (2nd) , Gruul Aggro (6th) , Naya Midrange (16th)
Boros Charm (2) Burn (12th) , Boros Aggro (28th)
Shock (2) Burn (12th) , Izzet Prowess (27th)
Mazemind Tome (2) R (13th) , Hidden Strings (25th)
Omniscience (2) Hidden Strings (3rd) , Hidden Strings (25th)
Nyx-Fleece Ram (1) Enigmatic Fires (17th)
Charming Prince (1) Enigmatic Fires (17th)
Blink of an Eye (1) Hidden Strings (25th)
Dive Down (1) Izzet Prowess (27th)
Favored Hoplite (1) Boros Aggro (28th)
Gird for Battle (1) Boros Aggro (28th)
Defiant Strike (1) Boros Aggro (28th)
Titan's Strength (1) Boros Aggro (28th)
Hero's Downfall (1) Dimir Control (29th)
Supreme Will (1) Dimir Control (31st)
Crawling Barrens (1) R (13th)
Viashino Pyromancer (1) Burn (12th)
Ghitu Lavarunner (1) Burn (12th)
Scavenging Ooze (1) Gruul Aggro (6th)
Goblin Rabblemaster (1) Gruul Aggro (6th)
Meteor Golem (1) G (2nd)
Llanowar Visionary (1) G (2nd)
Spectral Sailor (1) Bant Spirits (1st)
Empyrean Eagle (1) Bant Spirits (1st)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Jeskai Control 15.62% 5
Izzet Phoenix 12.50% 4
Rakdos Pyromancer 9.38% 3
Niv to Light 9.38% 3
Dimir Control 6.25% 2
Other 6.25% 2
Hidden Strings 6.25% 2
Gruul Aggro 3.12% 1
Burn 3.12% 1
G 3.12% 1
Naya Winota 3.12% 1
Enigmatic Fires 3.12% 1
Lotus Combo 3.12% 1
WUBG 3.12% 1
Mono-Black Aggro 3.12% 1
Izzet Prowess 3.12% 1
Boros Aggro 3.12% 1
Spirits 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Mystical Dispute 57 66%
2 Opt 44 34%
3 Fatal Push 31 25%
4 Shark Typhoon 31 25%
5 Censor 29 25%
6 Rest in Peace 24 34%
7 Absorb 24 19%
8 Chained to the Rocks 24 19%
9 Omen of the Sea 23 19%
10 Aether Gust 22 41%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Dreadhorde Arcanist 20 16%
2 Arboreal Grazer 16 12%
3 Arclight Phoenix 16 12%
4 Vizier of Tumbling Sands 15 12%
5 Crackling Drake 12 12%
6 Elvish Mystic 12 9%
7 Llanowar Elves 12 9%
8 Monastery Swiftspear 12 9%
9 Stitcher's Supplier 12 9%
10 Sylvan Caryatid 12 9%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Mystical Dispute 57 66%
2 Opt 44 34%
3 Fatal Push 31 25%
4 Shark Typhoon 31 25%
5 Censor 29 25%
6 Rest in Peace 24 34%
7 Absorb 24 19%
8 Chained to the Rocks 24 19%
9 Omen of the Sea 23 19%
10 Aether Gust 22 41%

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