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Pioneer Challenge #12302286

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2021-06-12

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st UBG duke12 $ 483 200 tix Expand
2nd Jeskai Control billsive $ 420 68 tix Expand
3rd UR Odince $ 353 142 tix Expand
4th Abzan Company bcs8995 $ 429 184 tix Expand
5th Boros Aggro boknows87 $ 203 43 tix Expand
6th Gruul Aggro fingers1991 $ 251 75 tix Expand
7th Bant Spirits makusong24 $ 388 131 tix Expand
8th Mono-Black Aggro bolov0 $ 236 63 tix Expand
9th Izzet Phoenix Gul_Dukat $ 347 88 tix Expand
10th Niv to Light Kazuga $ 629 278 tix Expand
11th Rakdos SoulStrong $ 478 127 tix Expand
12th Burn SynthAura $ 255 66 tix Expand
13th Burn qbturtle15 $ 247 70 tix Expand
14th Lotus Combo Anonymous $ 145 28 tix Expand
15th Hidden Strings wkmidori $ 225 35 tix Expand
16th UBR Cabezadebolo $ 563 122 tix Expand
17th Niv to Light Nammersquats $ 447 169 tix Expand
18th Jund Sacrifice hermanomlg $ 447 121 tix Expand
19th Hidden Strings wambocombo2020 $ 194 33 tix Expand
20th Rakdos komattaman $ 500 132 tix Expand
21st UBG onewaygarden $ 483 200 tix Expand
22nd Dimir Control hopeof130 $ 230 35 tix Expand
23rd Izzet Phoenix Boland $ 339 117 tix Expand
24th WUBG fwdr3 $ 294 76 tix Expand
25th Burn Danielpena397 $ 256 74 tix Expand
26th Gruul Aggro eltranco $ 242 58 tix Expand
27th Dimir Control Powen $ 327 56 tix Expand
28th Burn PTarts2win $ 250 75 tix Expand
29th Bant Spirits laughingrock $ 388 131 tix Expand
30th Stompy MagicianMagico $ 281 49 tix Expand
31st Niv to Light David1987 $ 528 211 tix Expand
32nd Dimir Control drevopolom $ 233 40 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Opt (8) UBG (1st) , Jeskai Control (2nd) , UR (3rd) , Izzet Phoenix (9th) , UBR (16th) , ...
Soul-Guide Lantern (8) UBG (1st) , Mono-Black Aggro (8th) , Rakdos (11th) , Burn (12th) , Burn (13th) , ...
Scavenging Ooze (6) UBG (1st) , Abzan Company (4th) , Gruul Aggro (6th) , UBG (21st) , Gruul Aggro (26th) , ...
Negate (6) UBG (1st) , Izzet Phoenix (9th) , Niv to Light (10th) , UBG (21st) , Izzet Phoenix (23rd) , ...
Boros Charm (5) Boros Aggro (5th) , Burn (12th) , Burn (13th) , Burn (25th) , Burn (28th)
Ghitu Lavarunner (5) UR (3rd) , Burn (12th) , Burn (13th) , Burn (25th) , Burn (28th)
Viashino Pyromancer (4) Burn (12th) , Burn (13th) , Burn (25th) , Burn (28th)
Duress (4) Mono-Black Aggro (8th) , Rakdos (11th) , UBR (16th) , Rakdos (20th)
Temple of Mystery (4) Lotus Combo (14th) , Hidden Strings (15th) , Hidden Strings (19th) , WUBG (24th)
Dreadhorde Arcanist (4) Boros Aggro (5th) , Rakdos (11th) , UBR (16th) , Rakdos (20th)
Llanowar Elves (4) Abzan Company (4th) , Gruul Aggro (6th) , Gruul Aggro (26th) , Stompy (30th)
Feed the Swarm (3) Rakdos (11th) , UBR (16th) , Rakdos (20th)
Hero's Downfall (3) UBG (1st) , UBG (21st) , Dimir Control (32nd)
Shock (3) UR (3rd) , Burn (25th) , Burn (28th)
Village Rites (2) Rakdos (11th) , Rakdos (20th)
Young Pyromancer (2) Rakdos (11th) , Rakdos (20th)
Supreme Will (2) Dimir Control (22nd) , Dimir Control (32nd)
Chart a Course (2) Izzet Phoenix (9th) , Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Spectral Sailor (2) Bant Spirits (7th) , Bant Spirits (29th)
Empyrean Eagle (2) Bant Spirits (7th) , Bant Spirits (29th)
Omen of the Sea (2) Jeskai Control (2nd) , Niv to Light (31st)
Omniscience (2) Hidden Strings (15th) , Hidden Strings (19th)
Abrade (2) Jund Sacrifice (18th) , Gruul Aggro (26th)
Blink of an Eye (1) Hidden Strings (15th)
Goblin Rabblemaster (1) Gruul Aggro (26th)
Primal Might (1) Stompy (30th)
Mazemind Tome (1) Hidden Strings (15th)
Trail of Crumbs (1) Jund Sacrifice (18th)
Scorching Dragonfire (1) Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Thrill of Possibility (1) Izzet Phoenix (23rd)
Paradise Druid (1) Niv to Light (10th)
Wildborn Preserver (1) Gruul Aggro (6th)
Titan's Strength (1) Boros Aggro (5th)
Defiant Strike (1) Boros Aggro (5th)
Gird for Battle (1) Boros Aggro (5th)
Favored Hoplite (1) Boros Aggro (5th)
Charming Prince (1) Abzan Company (4th)
Temple of Epiphany (1) UR (3rd)
Dive Down (1) UR (3rd)
Crash Through (1) UR (3rd)
Devout Decree (1) Jeskai Control (2nd)
Fire Prophecy (1) Jeskai Control (2nd)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Burn 12.50% 4
Dimir Control 9.38% 3
Niv to Light 9.38% 3
Hidden Strings 6.25% 2
Rakdos Pyromancer 6.25% 2
Izzet Phoenix 6.25% 2
Spirits 6.25% 2
Gruul Aggro 6.25% 2
UBG 6.25% 2
Mono-Black Aggro 3.12% 1
Boros Aggro 3.12% 1
Collected Company 3.12% 1
UR 3.12% 1
Lotus Combo 3.12% 1
Jeskai Control 3.12% 1
UBR 3.12% 1
Jund Sacrifice 3.12% 1
WUBG 3.12% 1
Stompy 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 44 34%
2 Mystical Dispute 42 50%
3 Opt 32 25%
4 Thoughtseize 28 25%
5 Wild Slash 26 22%
6 Monastery Swiftspear 24 19%
7 Aether Gust 24 31%
8 Dig Through Time 22 25%
9 Ghitu Lavarunner 20 16%
10 Soul-Scar Mage 20 16%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Monastery Swiftspear 24 19%
2 Ghitu Lavarunner 20 16%
3 Soul-Scar Mage 20 16%
4 Arboreal Grazer 16 12%
5 Dreadhorde Arcanist 16 12%
6 Eidolon of the Great Revel 16 12%
7 Viashino Pyromancer 16 12%
8 Llanowar Elves 15 12%
9 Vizier of Tumbling Sands 15 12%
10 Bonecrusher Giant 14 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Fatal Push 44 34%
2 Mystical Dispute 42 50%
3 Opt 32 25%
4 Thoughtseize 28 25%
5 Wild Slash 26 22%
6 Aether Gust 24 31%
7 Dig Through Time 22 25%
8 Collected Company 20 16%
9 Light Up the Stage 20 16%
10 Roiling Vortex 19 19%

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