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Pioneer Challenge #12261178

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2021-02-13

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Temur Reclamation Gul_Dukat $ 411 164 tix Expand
2nd Burn McWinSauce $ 176 112 tix Expand
3rd Boros Aggro Nammersquats $ 169 80 tix Expand
4th Niv to Light canepis16 $ 495 401 tix Expand
5th Oops! All Spells bozokaboy $ 335 187 tix Expand
6th Boros Aggro ElYallo $ 169 80 tix Expand
7th Sultai Reclamation WrzoBuSeks $ 323 117 tix Expand
8th Niv to Light AJV20 $ 493 397 tix Expand
9th Mono-Black Vampires Ramzamela7 $ 271 120 tix Expand
10th Niv to Light albertoSD $ 470 380 tix Expand
11th Mono-Green Midrange Mogged $ 430 105 tix Expand
12th Mono-Black Aggro mahzinha_linda $ 248 94 tix Expand
13th Azorius Spirits Rav104 $ 212 109 tix Expand
14th Mono-Green Midrange Shadowz2005 $ 366 235 tix Expand
15th Oops! All Spells Tunaktunak $ 335 187 tix Expand
16th WU FerMTG $ 318 235 tix Expand
17th Rakdos yashimoro $ 481 285 tix Expand
18th Oops! All Spells KO_Mak $ 265 135 tix Expand
19th Oops! All Spells Martin_Dominguez $ 341 192 tix Expand
20th Azorius Spirits qbturtle15 $ 241 178 tix Expand
21st Oops! All Spells ovmlcabrera $ 340 193 tix Expand
22nd Boros Aggro _Stream $ 150 90 tix Expand
23rd Mono-Green Midrange bennybo $ 211 66 tix Expand
24th Temur Reclamation indianpancake $ 446 144 tix Expand
25th Naya Midrange wordy333 $ 320 101 tix Expand
26th Niv to Light Theo_Jung $ 470 380 tix Expand
27th WUB BustedMagic $ 419 375 tix Expand
28th Temur Reclamation Kazuga $ 403 183 tix Expand
29th 5c Control Capriccioso $ 402 271 tix Expand
30th Niv to Light MZBlazer $ 474 379 tix Expand
31st Azorius Spirits Oderus Urungus $ 233 145 tix Expand
32nd Mono-Black Vampires Quatch $ 270 121 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Niv to Light 15.62% 5
Oops! All Spells 15.62% 5
Wilderness Reclamation 12.50% 4
Mono-Green Midrange 9.38% 3
Spirits 9.38% 3
Boros Aggro 6.25% 2
Vampires 6.25% 2
Burn 3.12% 1
Mono-Black Aggro 3.12% 1
WU 3.12% 1
Rakdos Pyromancer 3.12% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 3.12% 1
Naya Winota 3.12% 1
Other 3.12% 1
5c Control 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Sylvan Caryatid 40 31%
2 Thoughtseize 34 28%
3 Teferi, Time Raveler 32 25%
4 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 28 28%
5 Mystical Dispute 28 41%
6 Fatal Push 25 22%
7 Shark Typhoon 25 22%
8 Eldritch Evolution 24 19%
9 Aether Gust 21 28%
10 Agadeem's Awakening 21 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Sylvan Caryatid 40 31%
2 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 28 28%
3 Paradise Druid 20 16%
4 Prized Amalgam 20 16%
5 Tangled Florahedron 20 16%
6 Undercity Informer 20 16%
7 Kazandu Mammoth 19 16%
8 Burning-Tree Emissary 16 12%
9 Elvish Mystic 16 12%
10 Llanowar Elves 16 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 34 28%
2 Teferi, Time Raveler 32 25%
3 Mystical Dispute 28 41%
4 Fatal Push 25 22%
5 Shark Typhoon 25 22%
6 Eldritch Evolution 24 19%
7 Aether Gust 21 28%
8 Agadeem's Awakening 21 19%
9 Bring to Light 20 16%
10 Creeping Chill 20 16%

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