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Pioneer Challenge #12250126

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Format: Pioneer
Date: 2021-01-17

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Oops! All Spells MaxMagicer $ 313 179 tix Expand
2nd RG Mogged $ 224 131 tix Expand
3rd Four-Color Omnath L1X0 $ 382 256 tix Expand
4th Mono-Green Midrange ErreZeta $ 278 204 tix Expand
5th Four-Color Omnath Rav104 $ 383 315 tix Expand
6th Esper Control Scalli323 $ 395 309 tix Expand
7th Burn _Shatun_ $ 156 96 tix Expand
8th Azorius Spirits Traft $ 186 92 tix Expand
9th WUR Chefen $ 219 57 tix Expand
10th Mono-Green Midrange medvedev $ 252 175 tix Expand
11th Mono-Green Midrange yuurari_yuko $ 305 178 tix Expand
12th Four-Color Omnath Gerschi $ 405 307 tix Expand
13th Orzhov Auras Patxi $ 175 55 tix Expand
14th Burn Brunister $ 158 94 tix Expand
15th Oops! All Spells jay44bab $ 332 177 tix Expand
16th Burn Zar0s $ 159 95 tix Expand
17th Esper Control chimpa121 $ 422 342 tix Expand
18th Orzhov Auras Ozymandias17 $ 171 55 tix Expand
19th Oops! All Spells Anonymous $ 319 195 tix Expand
20th Sultai Reclamation MrCafouillette $ 273 82 tix Expand
21st Burn pproteus $ 158 94 tix Expand
22nd Mono-Green Midrange thestudygroup $ 257 176 tix Expand
23rd Four-Color Omnath xfile $ 389 300 tix Expand
24th Mono-Green Midrange TombSimon $ 257 176 tix Expand
25th Four-Color Omnath Do0mSwitch $ 347 297 tix Expand
26th Mono-Black Vampires Slatorade $ 310 81 tix Expand
27th Burn rodeo $ 157 94 tix Expand
28th Mono-Black Aggro Xuxa $ 261 69 tix Expand
29th Sultai Reclamation WrzoBuSeks $ 403 127 tix Expand
30th Four-Color Omnath trukanshii $ 355 303 tix Expand
31st Mono-Green Midrange L3D91 $ 251 175 tix Expand
32nd Burn Gobo2009 $ 172 98 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Four-Color Omnath 18.75% 6
Mono-Green Midrange 18.75% 6
Burn 18.75% 6
Oops! All Spells 9.38% 3
Esper Control 6.25% 2
Orzhov Auras 6.25% 2
Wilderness Reclamation 6.25% 2
RG 3.12% 1
Spirits 3.12% 1
WUR 3.12% 1
Vampires 3.12% 1
Mono-Black Aggro 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 30 25%
2 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 29 25%
3 Elvish Mystic 28 22%
4 Llanowar Elves 28 22%
5 Growth Spiral 27 22%
6 Teferi, Time Raveler 26 25%
7 Burning-Tree Emissary 24 19%
8 Eidolon of the Great Revel 24 19%
9 Ghitu Lavarunner 24 19%
10 Lotus Cobra 24 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 29 25%
2 Elvish Mystic 28 22%
3 Llanowar Elves 28 22%
4 Burning-Tree Emissary 24 19%
5 Eidolon of the Great Revel 24 19%
6 Ghitu Lavarunner 24 19%
7 Lotus Cobra 24 19%
8 Monastery Swiftspear 24 19%
9 Omnath, Locus of Creation 24 19%
10 Soul-Scar Mage 24 19%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Thoughtseize 30 25%
2 Growth Spiral 27 22%
3 Teferi, Time Raveler 26 25%
4 Boros Charm 24 19%
5 Escape to the Wilds 24 19%
6 Karn, the Great Creator 24 19%
7 Light Up the Stage 24 19%
8 Oath of Nissa 24 19%
9 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger 24 19%
10 Wild Slash 24 19%

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