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Penny Dreadful Season 34 Kick Off

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Format: Penny Dreadful
Date: 2024-08-17

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
8 - 1 Dimir Tempo cdnewlon $ 170 2 tix Expand
7 - 2 Orzhov Control allanoncew $ 50 2 tix Expand
6 - 1 Rakdos Aristocrats thewatchwander $ 150 4 tix Expand
6 - 2 Angels sacritor $ 119 7 tix Expand
5 - 2 Orzhov Control danger_field $ 58 2 tix Expand
5 - 3 Boros Heroic dl23 $ 55 1 tix Expand
4 - 2 Angels bibbsribbs $ 112 6 tix Expand
4 - 2 Angels coupoutous $ 134 6 tix Expand
4 - 2 Hypergenesis gearhulkazul $ 1,943 4 tix Expand
4 - 2 Solar Flare honorbound84 $ 63 2 tix Expand
4 - 2 AggroSlide mdog $ 43 1 tix Expand
4 - 2 Mono Black Midrange thyshuffler $ 121 2 tix Expand
4 - 3 Orzhov Control exarves $ 51 2 tix Expand
4 - 3 Ramp tomsoniq $ 105 1 tix Expand
3 - 2 Orzhov Tokens downtovaluetown $ 113 3 tix Expand
3 - 3 Necrotic Ooze Combo bakert99 $ 149 2 tix Expand
3 - 3 Necrotic Ooze Combo big_floaf $ 110 2 tix Expand
3 - 3 Azorius Control birdsandbees $ 68 2 tix Expand
3 - 3 Rakdos Aristocrats garcia_edu $ 88 5 tix Expand
3 - 3 Angels jaycearveduin $ 198 7 tix Expand
3 - 3 Mono Blue Cloudpost Control miniondevelopment $ 55 3 tix Expand
3 - 3 Red Deck Wins rakura $ 39 1 tix Expand
3 - 3 Angels theshadowmaker $ 171 6 tix Expand
3 - 3 Citadel Storm violetteavi $ 252 3 tix Expand
3 - 3 Azorius Heroic waroomtguc $ 61 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Dimir Tendrils tygrak $ 137 2 tix Expand
2 - 3 Rakdos Aristocrats eternalparadox38 $ 159 5 tix Expand
2 - 4 Solar Flare cheiffireball $ 63 2 tix Expand
2 - 4 Dimir Tempo footofthehare $ 149 3 tix Expand
2 - 4 Mono Black Midrange goldfishman2136 $ 75 3 tix Expand
2 - 4 Ramp growe11 $ 199 2 tix Expand
2 - 4 Death Cloud litkakashi $ 69 2 tix Expand
2 - 4 Red Deck Wins roll1001 $ 42 3 tix Expand
1 - 0 Four Color Jeskai Ascendancy bapis $ 81 2 tix Expand
1 - 1 Orzhov Tokens kalibak $ 133 2 tix Expand
1 - 3 Angels fredhawk $ 97 6 tix Expand
1 - 3 Hypergenesis kithkin $ 1,749 2 tix Expand
1 - 5 Necrotic Ooze Combo c001357 $ 68 3 tix Expand
- Red Deck Wins tenderloin $ 45 1 tix Expand
- Turbo Fog tutuu97 $ 153 3 tix Expand
- Mono Black Midrange wolverine789 $ 121 2 tix Expand
- AggroSlide dracorj $ 51 1 tix Expand
- Necrotic Ooze Combo mtglew $ 110 2 tix Expand
- Hardened Scales Affinity murpady $ 188 5 tix Expand
- Hardened Scales Affinity sephy91 $ 200 5 tix Expand
- Azorius Tempo toodlesdc $ 85 1 tix Expand
- Dimir Tempo klaus_vangliff $ 232 5 tix Expand
- Eldrazipost oustrin $ 94 2 tix Expand
Displaying all 48 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 14.58% 7
Mono White Angels 8.33% 4
Necrotic Ooze Combo 8.33% 4
Orzhov Control 6.25% 3
Mono Black Midrange 6.25% 3
Azorius Angels 4.17% 2
Solar Flare 4.17% 2
Hypergenesis 4.17% 2
AggroSlide 4.17% 2
Red Deck Wins 4.17% 2
Orzhov Tokens 4.17% 2
Hardened Scales Affinity 4.17% 2
Dimir Librarians 2.08% 1
Boros Heroic 2.08% 1
Rakdos Aristocrats 2.08% 1
Mono Blue Cloudpost Control 2.08% 1
Azorius Heroic 2.08% 1
Citadel Storm 2.08% 1
Dimir Tendrils 2.08% 1
Ramp 2.08% 1
Rogues 2.08% 1
Dimir Control 2.08% 1
Four Color Jeskai Ascendancy 2.08% 1
Dimir Midrange 2.08% 1
Eldrazipost 2.08% 1
Total 100.00% 48

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Duress 65 44%
2 Shoot the Sheriff 44 33%
3 Dark Ritual 36 19%
4 Mana Leak 36 19%
5 Orim's Chant 35 27%
6 Lost Legacy 27 25%
7 Spell Pierce 27 23%
8 Bishop of Wings 24 12%
9 Giada, Font of Hope 24 12%
10 Resplendent Angel 24 12%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Bishop of Wings 24 12%
2 Giada, Font of Hope 24 12%
3 Resplendent Angel 24 12%
4 Birds of Paradise 23 12%
5 Ethersworn Canonist 20 17%
6 Lyra Dawnbringer 19 12%
7 Gatekeeper of Malakir 17 10%
8 Fanatic of Rhonas 16 8%
9 Necrotic Ooze 16 8%
10 Bloodsoaked Champion 12 6%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Duress 65 44%
2 Shoot the Sheriff 44 33%
3 Dark Ritual 36 19%
4 Mana Leak 36 19%
5 Orim's Chant 35 27%
6 Lost Legacy 27 25%
7 Spell Pierce 27 23%
8 Price of Progress 24 12%
9 Bitterblossom 21 12%
10 Disfigure 21 19%

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