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Penny Dreadful Saturdays 7.01

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Format: Penny Dreadful
Date: 2018-01-20

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
6 - 1 Zombies yellowvanblake $ 193 1 tix Expand
5 - 2 Red Deck Wins lukesvianna13 $ 47 1 tix Expand
4 - 1 Pollute the Planet back_alley_g $ 167 1 tix Expand
4 - 1 Selesnya Tokens eternalparadox38 $ 19 1 tix Expand
4 - 1 Zombies pseudodude $ 246 2 tix Expand
4 - 2 Mardu Life briar_moss $ 34 1 tix Expand
3 - 1 Izzet Tempo crimsonmage $ 14 1 tix Expand
3 - 2 Gruul Madness bigm $ 16 1 tix Expand
3 - 2 Goblins ribbonsofnight $ 118 2 tix Expand
2 - 1 Combo r1ncewind $ 34 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Reanimator bakert99 $ 37 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Elves crazybaloth $ 137 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Serve It Up dfm $ 28 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Goblins imagineaphantasia $ 121 2 tix Expand
2 - 2 Goblins littanana $ 123 2 tix Expand
2 - 2 Red Deck Wins mrsad $ 21 1 tix Expand
2 - 2 Midrange truehero17 $ 16 1 tix Expand
1 - 0 Temur Ascendancy jgabrielygalan $ 24 1 tix Expand
1 - 2 Mill osmurtz97 $ 21 1 tix Expand
1 - 2 Izzet Tempo thelonesun $ 15 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Dimir Control dragonas77 $ 28 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Combo gliffendor $ 48 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Dragonstorm j_meka $ 25 2 tix Expand
1 - 3 Gruul Madness madmanrambler $ 17 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Mill mrbacanudo $ 21 1 tix Expand
1 - 3 Mill yuin $ 39 1 tix Expand
- Red Deck Wins hugocalean $ 23 1 tix Expand
- Mindcrank zchinque $ 17 1 tix Expand
- Midrange spitkikker $ 21 1 tix Expand
- Dimir Control treeek22 $ 30 1 tix Expand
Displaying all 30 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Mountain (15) Red Deck Wins (5 - 2) , Mardu Life (4 - 2) , Goblins (3 - 2) , Gruul Madness (3 - 2) , Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , ...
Swamp (14) Zombies (6 - 1) , Mardu Life (4 - 2) , Zombies (4 - 1) , Goblins (3 - 2) , Reanimator (2 - 2) , ...
Island (9) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Dimir Control (1 - 3) , Mill (1 - 3) , Izzet Tempo (1 - 2) , Mill (1 - 2) , ...
Forest (8) Selesnya Tokens (4 - 1) , Gruul Madness (3 - 2) , Pollute the Planet (4 - 1) , Elves (2 - 2) , Combo (1 - 3) , ...
Flashfreeze (8) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Dimir Control (1 - 3) , Mill (1 - 3) , Izzet Tempo (1 - 2) , Mill (1 - 2) , ...
Burst Lightning (7) Red Deck Wins (5 - 2) , Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Red Deck Wins (2 - 2) , Izzet Tempo (1 - 2) , Dragonstorm (1 - 3) , ...
Plains (5) Selesnya Tokens (4 - 1) , Midrange (2 - 2) , Serve It Up (2 - 2) , Combo (2 - 1) , Dragonstorm (1 - 3)
Izzet Guildgate (4) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Tempo (1 - 2) , Mill (1 - 2) , Mill (1 - 3)
Beetleback Chief (3) Goblins (3 - 2) , Goblins (2 - 2) , Goblins (2 - 2)
Rakdos Guildgate (3) Goblins (3 - 2) , Goblins (2 - 2) , Goblins (2 - 2)
Dimir Guildgate (3) Dimir Control (1 - 3) , Mindcrank (-) , Dimir Control (-)
Diregraf Ghoul (2) Zombies (6 - 1) , Zombies (4 - 1)
Read the Bones (2) Zombies (6 - 1) , Reanimator (2 - 2)
Gruul Guildgate (2) Gruul Madness (3 - 2) , Gruul Madness (1 - 3)
Enigma Drake (2) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1) , Izzet Tempo (1 - 2)
Vampire Nighthawk (2) Reanimator (2 - 2) , Combo (2 - 1)
Desecration Demon (2) Reanimator (2 - 2) , Midrange (-)
Shock (2) Red Deck Wins (2 - 2) , Dragonstorm (1 - 3)
Temple of Mystery (2) Mill (1 - 3) , Temur Ascendancy (1 - 0)
Lonely Sandbar (2) Mindcrank (-) , Dimir Control (-)
Fling (1) Mardu Life (4 - 2)
Incorrigible Youths (1) Gruul Madness (3 - 2)
Guttersnipe (1) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1)
Mindsparker (1) Izzet Tempo (3 - 1)
Faith's Fetters (1) Midrange (2 - 2)
Chief of the Foundry (1) Serve It Up (2 - 2)
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen (1) Elves (2 - 2)
Golgari Guildgate (1) Elves (2 - 2)
Imperious Perfect (1) Elves (2 - 2)
Orzhov Guildgate (1) Combo (2 - 1)
Rampant Growth (1) Combo (1 - 3)
Sporemound (1) Combo (1 - 3)
Ulcerate (1) Combo (1 - 3)
Tribute to Hunger (1) Dimir Control (1 - 3)
Fog Bank (1) Mill (1 - 3)
Simic Guildgate (1) Mill (1 - 3)
Azorius Guildgate (1) Mill (1 - 3)
Reassembling Skeleton (1) Midrange (-)
Murder (1) Dimir Control (-)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 100.00% 30
Total 100.00% 30

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Sentinel Totem 58 67%
2 Sentinel Totem 58 67%
3 Vulshok Refugee 29 30%
4 Vulshok Refugee 29 30%
5 Burst Lightning 28 23%
6 Burst Lightning 28 23%
7 Flashfreeze 23 27%
8 Flashfreeze 23 27%
9 Nature's Ruin 20 30%
10 Nature's Ruin 20 30%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Vulshok Refugee 29 30%
2 Vulshok Refugee 29 30%
3 Boggart Ram-Gang 12 10%
4 Boggart Ram-Gang 12 10%
5 Frogtosser Banneret 12 10%
6 Frogtosser Banneret 12 10%
7 Goblin Lackey 12 10%
8 Goblin Lackey 12 10%
9 Goblin Ringleader 12 10%
10 Goblin Ringleader 12 10%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Sentinel Totem 58 67%
2 Sentinel Totem 58 67%
3 Burst Lightning 28 23%
4 Burst Lightning 28 23%
5 Flashfreeze 23 27%
6 Flashfreeze 23 27%
7 Nature's Ruin 20 30%
8 Nature's Ruin 20 30%
9 Anticipate 19 17%
10 Anticipate 19 17%

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