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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-11-16

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
6 - 0 Gruul Ramp Frank Robert Flrenes $ 38 105 tix Expand
5 - 1 Naya Bogles Kiroli $ 37 52 tix Expand
3 - 2 Mono-Blue Faeries jokko4 $ 44 61 tix Expand
3 - 2 Rakdos Goblins Maliderp $ 40 50 tix Expand
2 - 2 Golgari Combo Ahar94 $ 84 65 tix Expand
1 - 2 Rakdos Madness Blodroed $ 58 39 tix Expand
1 - 2 Orzhov Control Zaroni $ 39 22 tix Expand
- Mono-Red Tron Catzors $ 30 89 tix Expand
- Gruul Ramp QueenRecky $ 38 100 tix Expand
Displaying all 9 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Vault of Whispers (4) Rakdos Goblins (3 - 2) , Golgari Combo (2 - 2) , Orzhov Control (1 - 2) , Rakdos Madness (1 - 2)
Deadly Dispute (3) Rakdos Goblins (3 - 2) , Golgari Combo (2 - 2) , Orzhov Control (1 - 2)
Duress (3) Rakdos Goblins (3 - 2) , Golgari Combo (2 - 2) , Orzhov Control (1 - 2)
Cartouche of Solidarity (1) Naya Bogles (5 - 1)
Faerie Seer (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (3 - 2)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (3 - 2)
Moon-Circuit Hacker (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (3 - 2)
Witness Protection (1) Mono-Blue Faeries (3 - 2)
Shambling Ghast (1) Golgari Combo (2 - 2)
Ash Barrens (1) Orzhov Control (1 - 2)
Burglar Rat (1) Orzhov Control (1 - 2)
Voldaren Epicure (1) Rakdos Madness (1 - 2)
Expedition Map (1) Mono-Red Tron (-)
Maelstrom Colossus (1) Mono-Red Tron (-)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Gruul Ramp 22.22% 2
Bogles 11.11% 1
Mono-Blue Faeries 11.11% 1
Goblins 11.11% 1
Golgari Broodscale Combo 11.11% 1
Orzhov Ephemerate 11.11% 1
Madness Burn 11.11% 1
Tron 11.11% 1
Total 100.00% 9

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Malevolent Rumble 16 44%
2 Boarding Party 12 33%
3 Deadly Dispute 12 33%
4 Utopia Sprawl 12 33%
5 Weather the Storm 12 33%
6 Duress 9 33%
7 Annoyed Altisaur 8 22%
8 Arbor Elf 8 22%
9 Avenging Hunter 8 22%
10 Eldrazi Repurposer 8 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Boarding Party 12 33%
2 Annoyed Altisaur 8 22%
3 Arbor Elf 8 22%
4 Avenging Hunter 8 22%
5 Eldrazi Repurposer 8 22%
6 Writhing Chrysalis 8 22%
7 Generous Ent 6 22%
8 Oliphaunt 6 33%
9 Gorilla Shaman 5 33%
10 Accursed Marauder 4 11%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Malevolent Rumble 16 44%
2 Deadly Dispute 12 33%
3 Utopia Sprawl 12 33%
4 Weather the Storm 12 33%
5 Duress 9 33%
6 Cast into the Fire 8 33%
7 Ichor Wellspring 8 22%
8 Lightning Bolt 8 22%
9 Relic of Progenitus 8 44%
10 Unearth 8 22%

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