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Pauper League 2020-03-04

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2020-03-04

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
5 - 0 WR Alleyezonme $ 36 47 tix Expand
5 - 0 WB Amoras27 $ 29 27 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUR Amoras27 $ 46 31 tix Expand
5 - 0 UG Ankylosaur $ 57 38 tix Expand
5 - 0 WBR BobbyFoundDead $ 41 51 tix Expand
5 - 0 UR Danillomira $ 74 65 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUBRG Hfgripkey $ 45 21 tix Expand
5 - 0 U jherzha3078 $ 55 32 tix Expand
5 - 0 URG lindoso01 $ 50 48 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUBRG LiturgijskaKnjiga $ 41 43 tix Expand
5 - 0 G lupercun $ 30 21 tix Expand
5 - 0 R MatheusPonciano $ 51 22 tix Expand
5 - 0 W Mathonical $ 23 14 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUR nathanp01 $ 59 45 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUBRG Parallax $ 49 40 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUBRG rEPTILIUM_ $ 45 41 tix Expand
5 - 0 WUR saidin.raken $ 38 47 tix Expand
5 - 0 URG Sarlanga $ 64 38 tix Expand
5 - 0 UB vonSchwarz8 $ 41 36 tix Expand
Displaying all 19 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Ash Barrens (6) WUBRG (5 - 0) , UB (5 - 0) , UR (5 - 0) , WUR (5 - 0) , WUR (5 - 0) , ...
Evolving Wilds (6) WR (5 - 0) , WUR (5 - 0) , UB (5 - 0) , UR (5 - 0) , WUR (5 - 0) , ...
Prophetic Prism (3) URG (5 - 0) , WUBRG (5 - 0) , WBR (5 - 0)
Cartouche of Solidarity (3) WUBRG (5 - 0) , W (5 - 0) , WUBRG (5 - 0)
Llanowar Elves (3) UG (5 - 0) , URG (5 - 0) , WUBRG (5 - 0)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (3) U (5 - 0) , UR (5 - 0) , WUR (5 - 0)
Augur of Bolas (3) UB (5 - 0) , UR (5 - 0) , WUR (5 - 0)
Forgotten Cave (2) R (5 - 0) , WBR (5 - 0)
Secluded Steppe (2) W (5 - 0) , WBR (5 - 0)
Wind-Scarred Crag (2) WR (5 - 0) , WBR (5 - 0)
Duress (2) WB (5 - 0) , UB (5 - 0)
Disfigure (2) WB (5 - 0) , UB (5 - 0)
Ghitu Lavarunner (1) R (5 - 0)
Firebrand Archer (1) R (5 - 0)
Gearseeker Serpent (1) URG (5 - 0)
Myr Enforcer (1) URG (5 - 0)
Thoughtcast (1) URG (5 - 0)
Fling (1) URG (5 - 0)
Witching Well (1) URG (5 - 0)
Seat of the Synod (1) URG (5 - 0)
Blossoming Sands (1) WUBRG (5 - 0)
Akroan Skyguard (1) W (5 - 0)
Night's Whisper (1) WB (5 - 0)
Read the Bones (1) WB (5 - 0)
Kabira Crossroads (1) WB (5 - 0)
Scoured Barrens (1) WB (5 - 0)
Kiln Fiend (1) WUR (5 - 0)
Terramorphic Expanse (1) UB (5 - 0)
Faerie Seer (1) UR (5 - 0)
Deep Analysis (1) WUR (5 - 0)
Negate (1) WUR (5 - 0)
Archaeomancer (1) WUR (5 - 0)
Mystical Teachings (1) WUBRG (5 - 0)
Expedition Map (1) WUBRG (5 - 0)
Azorius Guildgate (1) WUBRG (5 - 0)
Cave of Temptation (1) WUBRG (5 - 0)
Tranquil Cove (1) WUBRG (5 - 0)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 100.00% 19
Total 100.00% 19

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Hydroblast 25 47%
2 Hydroblast 25 47%
3 Preordain 20 26%
4 Preordain 20 26%
5 Pyroblast 19 32%
6 Pyroblast 19 32%
7 Quirion Ranger 15 21%
8 Quirion Ranger 15 21%
9 Lightning Bolt 15 26%
10 Lightning Bolt 15 26%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Quirion Ranger 15 21%
2 Quirion Ranger 15 21%
3 Gorilla Shaman 14 37%
4 Gorilla Shaman 14 37%
5 Augur of Bolas 12 16%
6 Augur of Bolas 12 16%
7 Delver of Secrets 12 16%
8 Delver of Secrets 12 16%
9 Mulldrifter 10 16%
10 Mulldrifter 10 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Hydroblast 25 47%
2 Hydroblast 25 47%
3 Preordain 20 26%
4 Preordain 20 26%
5 Pyroblast 19 32%
6 Pyroblast 19 32%
7 Lightning Bolt 15 26%
8 Lightning Bolt 15 26%
9 Ponder 15 32%
10 Ponder 15 32%

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