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Pauper Challenge 64 2024-02-25

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-02-25

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Golgari Gardens NickNorman $ 69 79 tix Expand
2nd Azorius Affinity newbarola $ 111 90 tix Expand
3rd Burn _against_ $ 83 53 tix Expand
4th Azorius Affinity PauloCabral_Br $ 93 68 tix Expand
5th Familiars Gn42 $ 81 80 tix Expand
6th Familiars saidin.raken $ 89 83 tix Expand
7th Familiars IAB_MaGiC $ 85 75 tix Expand
8th Dimir Control JakeTMS $ 102 91 tix Expand
9th Dimir Faeries Beicodegeia $ 99 106 tix Expand
10th Caw-Gates lampalot $ 75 105 tix Expand
11th W jwaves $ 72 60 tix Expand
12th Burn Ixidor29 $ 80 65 tix Expand
13th Walls Combo apas72 $ 43 43 tix Expand
14th Burn Blargh1111 $ 82 66 tix Expand
15th Dimir Control Hamuda $ 102 84 tix Expand
16th Burn MichaelArmando $ 83 64 tix Expand
17th Dimir Control Firetruck $ 102 91 tix Expand
18th Burn yesicabyalexisf $ 70 48 tix Expand
19th Burn ________________M10 $ 83 64 tix Expand
20th Dimir Control TopLeitche $ 102 84 tix Expand
21st Mono-Blue Delver 8salazzar8 $ 60 47 tix Expand
22nd WB billster47 $ 136 94 tix Expand
23rd Grixis Control Loerien $ 57 83 tix Expand
24th Dimir Control pepeteam $ 102 91 tix Expand
25th Ephemerate Tron Hampuse1 $ 79 83 tix Expand
26th Dimir Control Lollopollo2001 $ 102 91 tix Expand
27th Ephemerate Tron HughC $ 73 77 tix Expand
28th Gruul Ponza hockeybro26 $ 69 83 tix Expand
29th Burn boom_bust $ 80 65 tix Expand
30th Burn bernardocssa $ 77 59 tix Expand
31st Boros Synthesizer PedraStone $ 120 101 tix Expand
32nd UR SpockVidaLoka $ 91 93 tix Expand
33rd Burn Arkany1 $ 72 48 tix Expand
34th Azorius Affinity DavidGauthier $ 97 71 tix Expand
35th Jeskai Ephemerate cicciogire $ 87 88 tix Expand
36th Boros Synthesizer Cabezadebolo $ 102 90 tix Expand
37th Dimir Control Killah_SUV $ 102 91 tix Expand
38th Burn JonTomJova $ 79 53 tix Expand
39th Burn msskinbolic $ 83 65 tix Expand
40th Tron uicswim $ 58 22 tix Expand
41st Elves wallofspikes $ 71 22 tix Expand
42nd Azorius Affinity DobleP $ 99 72 tix Expand
43rd Dimir Control Viatt $ 102 91 tix Expand
44th Burn fingers1991 $ 88 66 tix Expand
45th Burn _Shatun_ $ 80 65 tix Expand
46th Grixis Affinity LuffyDoChapeuDePalha $ 58 96 tix Expand
47th Boros Synthesizer LordEgg $ 101 79 tix Expand
48th BG TiagoFuguete $ 55 63 tix Expand
49th Burn Lennny $ 88 66 tix Expand
50th Gruul Ponza xFalz $ 69 83 tix Expand
51st Burn carrot_eater $ 84 65 tix Expand
52nd Dimir Faeries joker10289 $ 94 104 tix Expand
53rd Caw-Gates Nmt-LaContea $ 86 105 tix Expand
54th Burn BERNASTORRES $ 82 66 tix Expand
55th Boros Synthesizer Mikokiko $ 97 75 tix Expand
56th Burn Mahers $ 80 65 tix Expand
57th Goblins manigoldo888 $ 38 49 tix Expand
58th Boros Synthesizer thelobstrocities $ 109 82 tix Expand
59th Bant Control RGrzywocz $ 50 65 tix Expand
60th Caw-Gates nekonekoneko $ 87 114 tix Expand
61st Burn outZEROo $ 86 66 tix Expand
62nd Azorius Affinity Drugo $ 101 74 tix Expand
63rd Jeskai Affinity heisenberg1983 $ 87 56 tix Expand
64th Azorius Affinity Gianhunter $ 101 74 tix Expand
65th Walls Combo Terminus0 $ 44 35 tix Expand
66th Monarch Lord_Beerus $ 91 85 tix Expand
67th Boros Synthesizer AdryannTheHero04 $ 88 47 tix Expand
68th Jeskai Ephemerate albertoSD $ 86 93 tix Expand
69th Caw-Gates grumart $ 75 105 tix Expand
70th Golgari Gardens Nojord $ 74 80 tix Expand
Displaying all 70 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Mountain (26) Burn (44th) , Burn (19th) , Burn (39th) , Boros Synthesizer (47th) , Burn (30th) , ...
Island (25) Caw-Gates (10th) , Dimir Faeries (52nd) , Azorius Affinity (4th) , Ephemerate Tron (25th) , Caw-Gates (60th) , ...
Plains (18) WB (22nd) , Azorius Affinity (4th) , Boros Synthesizer (47th) , Monarch (66th) , Boros Synthesizer (67th) , ...
Voldaren Epicure (18) Burn (44th) , Burn (19th) , Burn (39th) , Burn (30th) , Burn (45th) , ...
Murmuring Mystic (16) Familiars (6th) , Dimir Faeries (52nd) , Jeskai Ephemerate (68th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (35th) , Dimir Faeries (9th) , ...
Destroy Evil (12) Caw-Gates (10th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (68th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (35th) , Caw-Gates (60th) , Caw-Gates (69th) , ...
Deep Analysis (11) Familiars (6th) , Dimir Control (24th) , Dimir Control (26th) , Mono-Blue Delver (21st) , Dimir Control (15th) , ...
Swamp (10) WB (22nd) , Dimir Faeries (52nd) , Tron (40th) , Dimir Faeries (9th) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , ...
Tolarian Terror (10) Dimir Control (24th) , Dimir Control (26th) , Mono-Blue Delver (21st) , Dimir Control (15th) , Dimir Control (17th) , ...
Seat of the Synod (9) Azorius Affinity (4th) , Jeskai Affinity (63rd) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , Azorius Affinity (64th) , Azorius Affinity (2nd) , ...
Myr Enforcer (9) Azorius Affinity (4th) , Jeskai Affinity (63rd) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , Azorius Affinity (64th) , Azorius Affinity (2nd) , ...
Thoughtcast (9) Azorius Affinity (4th) , Jeskai Affinity (63rd) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , Azorius Affinity (64th) , Azorius Affinity (2nd) , ...
Deadly Dispute (8) WB (22nd) , Tron (40th) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , Golgari Gardens (1st) , BG (48th) , ...
Reckless Impulse (8) Burn (45th) , Burn (54th) , Burn (51st) , Burn (12th) , Burn (14th) , ...
Crawl from the Cellar (8) Dimir Control (24th) , Dimir Control (26th) , Dimir Control (15th) , Dimir Control (17th) , Dimir Control (20th) , ...
Gingerbrute (7) Azorius Affinity (4th) , Jeskai Affinity (63rd) , Azorius Affinity (64th) , Azorius Affinity (2nd) , Azorius Affinity (62nd) , ...
Moon-Circuit Hacker (7) Azorius Affinity (4th) , Jeskai Affinity (63rd) , Azorius Affinity (64th) , Azorius Affinity (2nd) , Azorius Affinity (62nd) , ...
Archaeomancer (6) Familiars (6th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (68th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (35th) , Familiars (7th) , Familiars (5th) , ...
Wind-Scarred Crag (6) Boros Synthesizer (47th) , Monarch (66th) , Boros Synthesizer (67th) , Boros Synthesizer (36th) , Boros Synthesizer (31st) , ...
Blood Fountain (6) Tron (40th) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , Golgari Gardens (1st) , BG (48th) , Golgari Gardens (70th) , ...
Negate (5) Familiars (6th) , Caw-Gates (60th) , Grixis Affinity (46th) , Familiars (7th) , Familiars (5th)
Duress (5) WB (22nd) , Golgari Gardens (1st) , BG (48th) , Golgari Gardens (70th) , Goblins (57th)
Augur of Bolas (5) Dimir Faeries (52nd) , Jeskai Ephemerate (68th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (35th) , Dimir Faeries (9th) , UR (32nd)
Forest (4) Walls Combo (13th) , Elves (41st) , Walls Combo (65th) , Bant Control (59th)
Ash Barrens (4) Familiars (6th) , Familiars (7th) , Familiars (5th) , UR (32nd)
Azorius Guildgate (4) Caw-Gates (10th) , Caw-Gates (60th) , Caw-Gates (69th) , Caw-Gates (53rd)
Essence Scatter (3) Familiars (6th) , Caw-Gates (10th) , Caw-Gates (69th)
Expedition Map (3) Tron (40th) , Ephemerate Tron (25th) , Ephemerate Tron (27th)
Thornwood Falls (3) Ephemerate Tron (25th) , Ephemerate Tron (27th) , Bant Control (59th)
Vault of Whispers (3) Grixis Affinity (46th) , Goblins (57th) , Grixis Control (23rd)
Faerie Seer (2) Dimir Faeries (52nd) , Dimir Faeries (9th)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (2) Dimir Faeries (52nd) , Dimir Faeries (9th)
Llanowar Elves (2) Elves (41st) , Walls Combo (65th)
Llanowar Visionary (2) Gruul Ponza (28th) , Gruul Ponza (50th)
Mystical Teachings (2) Ephemerate Tron (25th) , Ephemerate Tron (27th)
Scoured Barrens (1) WB (22nd)
Abrade (1) Goblins (57th)
Tranquil Cove (1) Bant Control (59th)
Gearseeker Serpent (1) Grixis Control (23rd)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Burn 25.71% 18
Dimir Control 11.43% 8
Azorius Affinity 8.57% 6
Boros Synthesizer 8.57% 6
Other 5.71% 4
Caw-Gates 5.71% 4
Familiars 4.29% 3
Walls Combo 2.86% 2
Dimir Faeries 2.86% 2
Jeskai Ephemerate 2.86% 2
Gruul Ponza 2.86% 2
Ephemerate Tron 2.86% 2
Golgari Gardens 2.86% 2
Elves 1.43% 1
Tron 1.43% 1
Jeskai Affinity 1.43% 1
Monarch 1.43% 1
Grixis Affinity 1.43% 1
Mono-Blue Delver 1.43% 1
Goblins 1.43% 1
Bant Control 1.43% 1
Grixis Control 1.43% 1
Total 100.00% 70

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 109 40%
2 Galvanic Blast 99 37%
3 Experimental Synthesizer 96 34%
4 Relic of Progenitus 90 50%
5 Lorien Revealed 87 34%
6 Counterspell 83 33%
7 Hydroblast 83 34%
8 Pyroblast 82 43%
9 Kuldotha Rebirth 79 29%
10 Goblin Tomb Raider 76 27%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Goblin Tomb Raider 76 27%
2 Goblin Bushwhacker 74 30%
3 Voldaren Epicure 72 26%
4 Thraben Inspector 63 23%
5 Goblin Blast-Runner 58 26%
6 Tolarian Terror 40 14%
7 Novice Inspector 39 16%
8 Myr Enforcer 36 13%
9 Gurmag Angler 35 16%
10 Gorilla Shaman 33 26%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 109 40%
2 Galvanic Blast 99 37%
3 Experimental Synthesizer 96 34%
4 Relic of Progenitus 90 50%
5 Lorien Revealed 87 34%
6 Counterspell 83 33%
7 Hydroblast 83 34%
8 Pyroblast 82 43%
9 Kuldotha Rebirth 79 29%
10 Implement of Combustion 70 26%

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