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Pauper Challenge 64 2024-02-04

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-02-04

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Jeskai Ephemerate cicciogire $ 87 86 tix Expand
2nd Boros Synthesizer __Noob__ $ 108 71 tix Expand
3rd Dimir Faeries Beicodegeia $ 102 92 tix Expand
4th Burn ecobaronen $ 78 59 tix Expand
5th Burn LikeAFerro $ 80 61 tix Expand
6th Azorius Affinity LasVegasChaos $ 108 75 tix Expand
7th BR FerMTG $ 47 39 tix Expand
8th Turbo Fog RitualSinkhole $ 84 50 tix Expand
9th Turbo Fog karatedom $ 90 50 tix Expand
10th Burn Gregoriusil $ 82 59 tix Expand
11th Golgari Gardens NickNorman $ 66 69 tix Expand
12th Grixis Affinity LuffyDoChapeuDePalha $ 57 73 tix Expand
13th UR Skpchino $ 91 76 tix Expand
14th Mono-Red Synthesizer fingers1991 $ 77 59 tix Expand
15th Burn Cabezadebolo $ 66 43 tix Expand
16th Turbo Fog Tunaktunak $ 92 48 tix Expand
17th Jeskai Affinity Viatt $ 81 60 tix Expand
18th Golgari Gardens PieGonti $ 71 80 tix Expand
19th Boros Synthesizer rob85tx $ 89 68 tix Expand
20th Jeskai Affinity jvidarte $ 86 75 tix Expand
21st Jeskai Affinity Walker735 $ 83 62 tix Expand
22nd Mono-Red Synthesizer pokerswizard $ 79 56 tix Expand
23rd Golgari Gardens Gravetrayal $ 65 69 tix Expand
24th Grixis Affinity vini_torres $ 54 78 tix Expand
25th Caw-Gates carrot_eater $ 71 111 tix Expand
26th Jund Gardens Leobertucci $ 61 83 tix Expand
27th Elves Komatu $ 51 21 tix Expand
28th Mono-Red Synthesizer nuninman $ 79 67 tix Expand
29th Familiars Gn42 $ 60 56 tix Expand
30th Mono-Red Synthesizer PauloCabral_Br $ 71 55 tix Expand
31st Jeskai Ephemerate gartuyzz $ 82 81 tix Expand
32nd BRG GiorgioCombo $ 53 37 tix Expand
33rd Dimir Faeries Make_it_Right $ 91 82 tix Expand
34th W jwaves $ 72 49 tix Expand
35th Burn Magic4ever_MTGO $ 78 58 tix Expand
36th Grixis Affinity gasimpar $ 60 74 tix Expand
37th Jeskai Affinity pepeteam $ 91 78 tix Expand
38th Dimir Faeries LeeMajorsJedi $ 99 84 tix Expand
39th WBRG HolyShamgar $ 44 25 tix Expand
40th Caw-Gates Jose Guillermo $ 56 80 tix Expand
41st UBR TFB3 $ 63 26 tix Expand
42nd BR LBBL $ 47 39 tix Expand
43rd B BrunoGuerra $ 26 52 tix Expand
44th Caw-Gates auzzie51 $ 103 119 tix Expand
45th Grixis Affinity Mogged $ 66 88 tix Expand
46th Dimir Control magiclaszlo $ 81 81 tix Expand
47th Familiars TopLeitche $ 83 65 tix Expand
48th Mono-Blue Delver outZEROo $ 69 58 tix Expand
49th Burn MichaelArmando $ 82 58 tix Expand
50th Azorius Affinity newbarola $ 92 74 tix Expand
51st WB rasvd $ 104 63 tix Expand
52nd Dimir Control RogeDeckWins $ 98 76 tix Expand
53rd WBRG Capitano_CL $ 44 25 tix Expand
54th Dimir Control NimblestMongoose $ 99 87 tix Expand
55th Mono-Red Synthesizer PaoloSanto $ 79 64 tix Expand
56th Orzhov Ephemerate Heskariot $ 81 66 tix Expand
57th Jeskai Affinity kaikas $ 75 54 tix Expand
58th Caw-Gates yesicabyalexisf $ 103 119 tix Expand
59th Pestilence ThieresTMS $ 70 41 tix Expand
60th Dimir Control O_danielakos $ 100 83 tix Expand
61st Boros Synthesizer LordEgg $ 95 65 tix Expand
62nd Boros Synthesizer viashinoperuano $ 50 10 tix Expand
63rd WB Rocardito $ 80 68 tix Expand
64th Dimir Control Oscar_Franco $ 93 75 tix Expand
65th Azorius Affinity DavidGauthier $ 84 72 tix Expand
66th R Xxkevo87xX $ 92 60 tix Expand
67th WBG IAB_MaGiC $ 56 64 tix Expand
68th Burn billster47 $ 90 87 tix Expand
69th Jeskai Affinity FXLRS509 $ 75 43 tix Expand
70th Burn Baizan $ 80 60 tix Expand
71st Boros Synthesizer TadaMoon $ 101 58 tix Expand
72nd BG MomToucher $ 41 44 tix Expand
73rd Grixis Affinity JAmes1099 $ 52 70 tix Expand
74th UR SpockVidaLoka $ 91 98 tix Expand
75th Dimir Control LouieG5705 $ 65 32 tix Expand
76th Dimir Faeries serajh $ 93 86 tix Expand
77th Dimir Control manjyui $ 100 83 tix Expand
78th Turbo Fog hodortimebaby $ 84 50 tix Expand
79th Dimir Control albertoSD $ 101 83 tix Expand
80th Jeskai Affinity HermonHero $ 120 82 tix Expand
81st Mardu Synthesizer Hamuda $ 70 36 tix Expand
82nd Burn Ixidor29 $ 69 51 tix Expand
83rd WBRG KidBlightning $ 44 25 tix Expand
84th Dimir Control BrentJ $ 101 84 tix Expand
Displaying all 84 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Swamp (28) Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Control (46th) , Grixis Affinity (24th) , WBRG (53rd) , WBRG (83rd) , ...
Island (25) Caw-Gates (40th) , Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Control (46th) , Dimir Control (79th) , Dimir Control (60th) , ...
Mountain (24) Burn (68th) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (22nd) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (14th) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (30th) , Burn (35th) , ...
Murmuring Mystic (21) Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Control (46th) , Dimir Control (79th) , Dimir Control (60th) , UR (13th) , ...
Deadly Dispute (18) Caw-Gates (40th) , Grixis Affinity (24th) , Grixis Affinity (45th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , WB (63rd) , ...
Plains (17) Burn (68th) , Caw-Gates (40th) , Boros Synthesizer (61st) , Caw-Gates (44th) , Caw-Gates (25th) , ...
Myr Enforcer (17) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Jeskai Affinity (80th) , Grixis Affinity (45th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Grixis Affinity (12th) , ...
Voldaren Epicure (15) Mono-Red Synthesizer (22nd) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (14th) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (30th) , Burn (35th) , Burn (4th) , ...
Seat of the Synod (15) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Jeskai Affinity (80th) , Grixis Affinity (45th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Grixis Affinity (12th) , ...
Thoughtcast (14) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Jeskai Affinity (80th) , Grixis Affinity (45th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Grixis Affinity (12th) , ...
Tolarian Terror (13) Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Control (46th) , Dimir Control (79th) , Dimir Control (60th) , UR (13th) , ...
Vault of Whispers (13) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Grixis Affinity (45th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Grixis Affinity (12th) , Golgari Gardens (18th) , ...
Deep Analysis (13) Dimir Control (79th) , Dimir Control (60th) , Turbo Fog (78th) , Turbo Fog (16th) , Turbo Fog (9th) , ...
Destroy Evil (12) Caw-Gates (40th) , Jeskai Affinity (80th) , Caw-Gates (44th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (1st) , Jeskai Ephemerate (31st) , ...
Reckless Impulse (12) Mono-Red Synthesizer (22nd) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (14th) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (30th) , Burn (4th) , Mono-Red Synthesizer (28th) , ...
Blood Fountain (12) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Grixis Affinity (45th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Golgari Gardens (23rd) , Grixis Affinity (12th) , ...
Gingerbrute (12) Jeskai Affinity (80th) , Jeskai Affinity (37th) , Boros Synthesizer (19th) , Jeskai Affinity (21st) , Jeskai Affinity (20th) , ...
Duress (11) Dimir Control (46th) , WB (63rd) , Golgari Gardens (23rd) , Golgari Gardens (18th) , Golgari Gardens (11th) , ...
Augur of Bolas (10) Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Control (46th) , UR (13th) , Jeskai Ephemerate (1st) , Dimir Faeries (3rd) , ...
Forest (9) WBRG (53rd) , WBRG (83rd) , WBRG (39th) , Turbo Fog (78th) , Turbo Fog (9th) , ...
Crawl from the Cellar (7) Dimir Control (79th) , Dimir Control (60th) , Dimir Control (52nd) , Dimir Control (77th) , Dimir Control (64th) , ...
Negate (6) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Caw-Gates (25th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Grixis Affinity (36th) , Dimir Control (75th) , ...
Ninja of the Deep Hours (4) Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Faeries (3rd) , Dimir Faeries (33rd) , Dimir Faeries (38th)
Faerie Seer (4) Dimir Faeries (76th) , Dimir Faeries (3rd) , Dimir Faeries (33rd) , Dimir Faeries (38th)
Wind-Scarred Crag (4) Boros Synthesizer (61st) , Boros Synthesizer (2nd) , Boros Synthesizer (19th) , Boros Synthesizer (62nd)
Ash Barrens (4) UR (13th) , Familiars (29th) , UR (74th) , Familiars (47th)
Thornwood Falls (4) Turbo Fog (78th) , Turbo Fog (16th) , Turbo Fog (9th) , Turbo Fog (8th)
Archaeomancer (4) Jeskai Ephemerate (1st) , Jeskai Ephemerate (31st) , Familiars (29th) , Familiars (47th)
Gearseeker Serpent (3) Grixis Affinity (24th) , Grixis Affinity (73rd) , Grixis Affinity (36th)
Azorius Guildgate (3) Caw-Gates (44th) , Caw-Gates (25th) , Caw-Gates (58th)
Moon-Circuit Hacker (3) Azorius Affinity (50th) , Azorius Affinity (6th) , Azorius Affinity (65th)
Inspiring Overseer (2) Boros Synthesizer (71st) , Orzhov Ephemerate (56th)
Scoured Barrens (2) Pestilence (59th) , Orzhov Ephemerate (56th)
Boros Guildgate (1) Burn (68th)
Abrade (1) Jeskai Ephemerate (31st)
Dismal Backwater (1) Dimir Control (75th)
Disfigure (1) WBG (67th)
Shambling Ghast (1) UBR (41st)
Village Rites (1) UBR (41st)
Tragic Slip (1) UBR (41st)
Spirited Companion (1) Orzhov Ephemerate (56th)
Kabira Crossroads (1) Orzhov Ephemerate (56th)
Llanowar Visionary (1) BG (72nd)
Llanowar Elves (1) Elves (27th)
Fling (1) Elves (27th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 19.05% 16
Burn 10.71% 9
Dimir Control 10.71% 9
Jeskai Affinity 8.33% 7
Mono-Red Synthesizer 5.95% 5
Grixis Affinity 5.95% 5
Boros Synthesizer 5.95% 5
Caw-Gates 4.76% 4
Dimir Faeries 4.76% 4
Turbo Fog 4.76% 4
Golgari Gardens 4.76% 4
Azorius Affinity 3.57% 3
Jeskai Ephemerate 2.38% 2
Familiars 2.38% 2
Mardu Synthesizer 1.19% 1
Mono-Blue Delver 1.19% 1
Pestilence 1.19% 1
Orzhov Ephemerate 1.19% 1
Elves 1.19% 1
Total 100.00% 84

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Experimental Synthesizer 111 33%
2 Galvanic Blast 108 36%
3 Relic of Progenitus 104 46%
4 Lorien Revealed 100 33%
5 Lightning Bolt 90 29%
6 Hydroblast 89 32%
7 Pyroblast 88 36%
8 Counterspell 87 26%
9 Cast Down 79 35%
10 Brainstorm 76 25%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Myr Enforcer 68 20%
2 Glint Hawk 60 18%
3 Goblin Tomb Raider 60 18%
4 Voldaren Epicure 60 18%
5 Thraben Inspector 56 17%
6 Goblin Blast-Runner 55 17%
7 Frogmite 54 17%
8 Tolarian Terror 51 15%
9 Goblin Bushwhacker 50 17%
10 Gingerbrute 48 14%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Experimental Synthesizer 111 33%
2 Galvanic Blast 108 36%
3 Relic of Progenitus 104 46%
4 Lorien Revealed 100 33%
5 Lightning Bolt 90 29%
6 Hydroblast 89 32%
7 Pyroblast 88 36%
8 Counterspell 87 26%
9 Cast Down 79 35%
10 Brainstorm 76 25%

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