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Pauper Challenge 32 2024-03-02

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Format: Pauper
Date: 2024-03-02

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Azorius Affinity PauloCabral_Br $ 96 77 tix Expand
2nd Azorius Affinity SorryImSoTilted $ 96 77 tix Expand
3rd Azorius Affinity bernardocssa $ 100 85 tix Expand
4th Azorius Affinity Jose Guillermo $ 83 63 tix Expand
5th UBG pat0presidente $ 141 142 tix Expand
6th Dimir Faeries ZAAAAMU $ 91 100 tix Expand
7th Dimir Control bombaj $ 99 83 tix Expand
8th UR Kampo $ 81 122 tix Expand
9th Bogles Make_it_Right $ 46 50 tix Expand
10th Gruul Ponza _Shatun_ $ 70 113 tix Expand
11th Caw-Gates AliEnWaRe_ $ 86 139 tix Expand
12th Caw-Gates Backoff $ 112 144 tix Expand
13th Dimir Control Mikhathara1994 $ 98 76 tix Expand
14th Caw-Gates carrot_eater $ 89 124 tix Expand
15th Dimir Control handsomePPZ $ 98 76 tix Expand
16th Dimir Faeries Beicodegeia $ 108 104 tix Expand
17th Azorius Affinity CAM_13 $ 94 95 tix Expand
18th WBRG Kirblinxy $ 53 30 tix Expand
19th BG PedraStone $ 48 65 tix Expand
20th Caw-Gates twister66 $ 113 147 tix Expand
21st UR Drugo $ 100 110 tix Expand
22nd Golgari Gardens Lollopollo2001 $ 70 81 tix Expand
23rd UR Skpchino $ 102 111 tix Expand
24th WBRG MisterAsiago $ 57 35 tix Expand
25th Caw-Gates ezocratto $ 104 148 tix Expand
26th Bogles galeogiao $ 46 52 tix Expand
27th Jeskai Ephemerate Foresterf $ 66 79 tix Expand
28th Gruul Ponza Dreddybajs $ 70 113 tix Expand
29th UR SpockVidaLoka $ 90 107 tix Expand
30th Grixis Affinity LuffyDoChapeuDePalha $ 61 96 tix Expand
31st Dimir Faeries Ixidor29 $ 94 101 tix Expand
32nd Dimir Control Gravetrayal $ 98 76 tix Expand
33rd Burn kaikas $ 81 55 tix Expand
34th Dimir Control MTGMoneyMaker $ 98 76 tix Expand
35th Burn Magic4ever_MTGO $ 93 60 tix Expand
36th Mono-Black Burn medvedev $ 48 31 tix Expand
37th Burn Mahers $ 90 61 tix Expand
38th Boros Synthesizer Mistr $ 86 76 tix Expand
39th Familiars DenisevichAlexey $ 80 78 tix Expand
40th Boros Synthesizer FerMTG $ 118 83 tix Expand
41st Kiln Fiend numberonenoob $ 76 54 tix Expand
42nd Burn Magdaregina $ 75 41 tix Expand
43rd Caw-Gates _rash_ $ 78 117 tix Expand
44th UBG grumgrum $ 139 145 tix Expand
45th Jeskai Ephemerate immvp $ 73 88 tix Expand
46th Azorius Affinity billster47 $ 116 95 tix Expand
47th Grixis Affinity oxenarf $ 58 84 tix Expand
48th Bogles Squiggy686 $ 43 40 tix Expand
49th Azorius Affinity DobleP $ 101 78 tix Expand
50th Ephemerate Tron Modern_Monkey $ 83 89 tix Expand
51st Dimir Control GzusReturned $ 98 76 tix Expand
52nd Dimir Faeries SHAKELION $ 97 114 tix Expand
53rd Jeskai Ephemerate ziofrancone $ 86 100 tix Expand
54th Dimir Faeries outZEROo $ 102 103 tix Expand
55th Familiars kasa $ 83 78 tix Expand
56th Golgari Gardens HouseOfManaMTG $ 68 80 tix Expand
Displaying all 56 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 16.07% 9
Azorius Affinity 12.50% 7
Caw-Gates 10.71% 6
Dimir Control 10.71% 6
Dimir Faeries 8.93% 5
Burn 7.14% 4
Jeskai Ephemerate 5.36% 3
Bogles 5.36% 3
Gruul Ponza 3.57% 2
Familiars 3.57% 2
Grixis Affinity 3.57% 2
Golgari Gardens 3.57% 2
Boros Synthesizer 3.57% 2
Black Burn 1.79% 1
Kiln Fiend 1.79% 1
Ephemerate Tron 1.79% 1
Total 100.00% 56

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Counterspell 102 48%
2 Lorien Revealed 100 52%
3 Hydroblast 85 46%
4 Brainstorm 83 41%
5 Blue Elemental Blast 65 34%
6 Relic of Progenitus 54 43%
7 Pyroblast 53 29%
8 Snuff Out 51 25%
9 Preordain 50 29%
10 Augur of Bolas 48 21%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Augur of Bolas 48 21%
2 Tolarian Terror 40 18%
3 Myr Enforcer 36 16%
4 Murmuring Mystic 35 34%
5 Thraben Inspector 35 16%
6 Novice Inspector 30 16%
7 Gingerbrute 28 12%
8 Gurmag Angler 28 20%
9 Ornithopter 28 12%
10 Moon-Circuit Hacker 26 12%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Counterspell 102 48%
2 Lorien Revealed 100 52%
3 Hydroblast 85 46%
4 Brainstorm 83 41%
5 Blue Elemental Blast 65 34%
6 Relic of Progenitus 54 43%
7 Pyroblast 53 29%
8 Snuff Out 51 25%
9 Preordain 50 29%
10 Lightning Bolt 45 23%

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