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NRG Series Trial - Milwaukee (Modern)

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Format: Modern
Date: 2021-12-12

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Sultai Infect jblaze5996 $ 1,037 544 tix Expand
2nd Orzhov Hammer Dominick Paolercio $ 970 434 tix Expand
3rd Four-color Midrange Collin Bradley $ 2,064 1,339 tix Expand
4th Rakdos Lurrus Bill Comminos $ 1,528 1,083 tix Expand
5th Golgari Yawgmoth Cody Burton $ 909 439 tix Expand
6th Azorius Control Jesse Robkin $ 1,412 732 tix Expand
7th Orzhov Hammer Will Krueger $ 1,025 448 tix Expand
8th Grixis Death's Shadow Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney $ 1,229 868 tix Expand
9th Golgari Yawgmoth masonglange $ 898 493 tix Expand
10th Golgari Yawgmoth Nicholas Montesdeoca $ 821 385 tix Expand
11th Rakdos Lurrus William Bradley $ 1,333 945 tix Expand
12th Orzhov Hammer Connor Mullaly $ 973 425 tix Expand
13th Orzhov Hammer Matt Dow $ 993 433 tix Expand
14th Mono-Blue Merfolk Forrest Winstead $ 755 290 tix Expand
15th Jund Ian Neudecker $ 1,900 1,345 tix Expand
16th Orzhov Hammer Harrison Fang $ 962 418 tix Expand
17th Boros Burn Ryan Carr $ 505 446 tix Expand
18th Four-color Midrange John Slimak $ 1,808 1,161 tix Expand
19th Azorius Spirits Dustin Giffin $ 1,020 339 tix Expand
20th Azorius Control Joseph Bernal $ 1,271 758 tix Expand
21st Temur Crashing Footfalls Rodney Bedell $ 1,286 807 tix Expand
22nd Grixis Death’s Shadow Corey Baumeister $ 1,250 885 tix Expand
23rd Five-color Zoo Kyle Maloney $ 795 289 tix Expand
24th Naya Midrange Tyler Clark $ 1,333 918 tix Expand
25th Four-color Elementals Robert Hayes $ 1,568 1,097 tix Expand
26th Orzhov Hammer Tyler Alvarez $ 945 424 tix Expand
27th Gruul Ponza GREG PINO $ 1,371 1,112 tix Expand
28th Amulet Titan Keenan Davidson $ 997 605 tix Expand
29th Grixis Death's Shadow Ethan Cummins $ 1,233 883 tix Expand
30th Four-Color Rhinos Benjamin Solomon $ 1,957 1,442 tix Expand
31st Orzhov Hammer Matthew Hoey $ 971 423 tix Expand
32nd Four-color Control Ivan Espinosa $ 2,166 1,508 tix Expand
33rd Orzhov Hammer Nadher Tabash $ 1,291 769 tix Expand
34th Azorius Control Andrew Gove $ 1,289 702 tix Expand
35th Four-color Elementals Alex Ernst $ 2,166 1,513 tix Expand
36th Jund Sam Zakrzewski $ 1,651 585 tix Expand
37th Four-color Elementals kalileo yang $ 1,599 1,051 tix Expand
38th Four-color Elementals Austin Peters-Roberts $ 1,557 1,097 tix Expand
39th Grixis Death's Shadow Ally Warfield $ 1,251 896 tix Expand
40th Dimir Mill zach_dubin $ 637 242 tix Expand
41st 8-Rack Shea Strausman $ 1,223 843 tix Expand
42nd Four-color Control James Farina $ 1,763 1,085 tix Expand
43rd Golgari Yawgmoth Jaren Hergert $ 723 367 tix Expand
44th Four-color Elementals Jacob Gonzalez $ 1,568 1,097 tix Expand
45th Boros Burn Zoe $ 547 305 tix Expand
46th Jund Ray Smith $ 1,838 1,305 tix Expand
47th Temur Crashing Footfalls Richard Thompson $ 1,278 803 tix Expand
48th Grixis Control George Jabbour $ 1,415 988 tix Expand
49th Boros Burn Trevor Rambatt $ 438 393 tix Expand
50th Four-color Elementals zach cavers $ 1,593 1,095 tix Expand
51st Eldrazi Tron Devin Saunders $ 898 329 tix Expand
52nd Four-color Elementals Stephen Dykman $ 1,659 1,177 tix Expand
53rd Grixis Death's Shadow Dale Gamez $ 1,296 919 tix Expand
54th Orzhov Hammer Adam Hawthorne $ 997 467 tix Expand
55th Orzhov Stoneblade Max Tornow $ 967 377 tix Expand
56th Orzhov Hammer Tim Hatch $ 1,051 428 tix Expand
57th Four-color Reanimator Scott Pulera $ 1,174 604 tix Expand
58th Amulet Titan Mack Endress $ 1,073 699 tix Expand
59th Rakdos Lurrus Andrew Tenjum $ 1,522 1,080 tix Expand
60th Mono-White Hammer Adam Saba $ 870 379 tix Expand
61st Boros Burn Jonathan Bohn $ 503 311 tix Expand
62nd 8-Rack Ben Tarnowski $ 932 426 tix Expand
63rd Amulet Titan Joseph Crooks $ 1,024 626 tix Expand
64th Infect Cristin Jelden $ 493 220 tix Expand
65th Golgari Yawgmoth Michael Cardoza $ 907 548 tix Expand
66th Jund Ethan Alm $ 1,483 603 tix Expand
67th Four-color Control Michael Aquino $ 2,056 1,368 tix Expand
68th Mono-Red Prison kyle gundersen $ 777 714 tix Expand
69th Izzet Tempo Will Kowalczyk $ 1,278 925 tix Expand
70th Golgari Yawgmoth Isaac Sherman $ 881 500 tix Expand
71st Four-color Yorion VenocStorm $ 1,821 1,098 tix Expand
72nd Abzan Prison Brendan Hansen $ 676 536 tix Expand
73rd Four-color Control Andrew Pierson $ 1,328 1,025 tix Expand
74th Grixis Death’s Shadow Thomas Porter $ 1,224 853 tix Expand
75th Jund Death's Shadow Noah White $ 1,008 555 tix Expand
76th Other Decklists Amado Romero $ 1,184 1,003 tix Expand
77th Boros Burn Jake Maro $ 591 336 tix Expand
78th Rakdos Midrange John Wager $ 1,329 950 tix Expand
79th Izzet Control Philips Nguyen $ 964 307 tix Expand
80th Azorius Control Philip Silberman $ 1,300 684 tix Expand
81st Golgari Yawgmoth Connor McManus $ 844 439 tix Expand
82nd Izzet Affinity Simon Kamerow $ 304 242 tix Expand
83rd Azorius Control Michael Olson $ 1,166 662 tix Expand
84th The Rock Bradley Allhiser $ 973 619 tix Expand
85th Four-color Control Sean Gallagher $ 1,833 1,162 tix Expand
86th Orzhov Hammer Travis Williams $ 1,013 476 tix Expand
87th The Rock Jamie Kelly $ 741 435 tix Expand
88th Boros Burn Broden Large $ 486 321 tix Expand
89th Gifts Storm Jared Hamel $ 542 148 tix Expand
90th Golgari Infect Brandon McCullough $ 944 439 tix Expand
91st Bogles Justin shmauz $ 475 210 tix Expand
92nd Jund Jerret Rocha $ 2,115 1,307 tix Expand
93rd Izzet Midrange PhilosoBat $ 1,272 954 tix Expand
94th Amulet Titan Colin Proctor $ 864 686 tix Expand
95th Mono-Green Tron Dan Becker $ 669 197 tix Expand
96th Boros Burn Darren Magnotti $ 548 333 tix Expand
97th Boros Burn Brandon Carodine $ 502 327 tix Expand
98th Izzet Midrange Cody Roberts $ 1,371 1,000 tix Expand
99th Eldrazi Tron Charles Powell $ 846 329 tix Expand
100th Four-color Elementals James Hammes $ 1,341 947 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 183 in total

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Soul-Guide Lantern (24) Grixis Death’s Shadow (22nd) , Grixis Death's Shadow (29th) , Grixis Death's Shadow (39th) , Dimir Mill (40th) , 8-Rack (41st) , ...
Boros Charm (17) Boros Burn (17th) , Boros Burn (45th) , Boros Burn (49th) , Boros Burn (77th) , Boros Burn (61st) , ...
Expedition Map (13) Amulet Titan (28th) , Eldrazi Tron (51st) , Amulet Titan (94th) , Amulet Titan (58th) , Mono-Green Tron (95th) , ...
Gingerbrute (12) Orzhov Hammer (2nd) , Orzhov Hammer (7th) , Orzhov Hammer (12th) , Orzhov Hammer (13th) , Orzhov Hammer (16th) , ...
Scavenging Ooze (11) Golgari Yawgmoth (9th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (10th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (81st) , Golgari Yawgmoth (65th) , The Rock (87th) , ...
Violent Outburst (9) Temur Crashing Footfalls (21st) , Four-Color Rhinos (30th) , Temur Crashing Footfalls (47th) , Temur Rhinos (113th) , Four-color Combo (136th) , ...
Obstinate Baloth (8) Golgari Yawgmoth (5th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (9th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (10th) , Gruul Ponza (27th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (43rd) , ...
Maelstrom Pulse (5) Jund (36th) , Jund (66th) , The Rock (87th) , Jund Death's Shadow (75th) , Golgari Planeswalkers (175th)
Explore (5) Amulet Titan (94th) , Amulet Titan (63rd) , Amulet Titan (101st) , Amulet Titan (122nd) , Titanshift (133rd)
Sorcerous Spyglass (4) Eldrazi Tron (51st) , Mono-Green Tron (95th) , Eldrazi Tron (99th) , Eldrazi Tron (148th)
Basilisk Collar (4) Eldrazi Tron (51st) , Hardened Scales (106th) , Hardened Scales (142nd) , Eldrazi Tron (148th)
Abrade (4) Jund (130th) , Rakdos Unearth (145th) , Izzet Tempo (183rd) , Izzet Midrange (178th)
Lonely Sandbar (4) Four-color Control (32nd) , Four-color Control (85th) , Four-color Control (67th) , Abzan Affinity (105th)
Bloodbraid Elf (4) Five-color Zoo (23rd) , Gruul Ponza (27th) , Jund (36th) , Jund (66th)
Dark Confidant (3) The Rock (84th) , The Rock (87th) , Orzhov Smallpox (162nd)
Reclamation Sage (3) Golgari Yawgmoth (5th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (43rd) , Mono-Green Elves (173rd)
Tireless Tracker (2) Amulet Titan (122nd) , Titanshift (133rd)
Remand (2) Gifts Storm (89th) , Dimir Mill (103rd)
Thoughtcast (2) Izzet Affinity (82nd) , Dimir Affinity (141st)
Elvish Archdruid (2) Golgari Elves (127th) , Mono-Green Elves (173rd)
Llanowar Elves (2) Golgari Elves (127th) , Mono-Green Elves (173rd)
Dwynen's Elite (2) Golgari Elves (127th) , Mono-Green Elves (173rd)
Thought Monitor (2) Izzet Affinity (82nd) , Dimir Affinity (141st)
Feed the Swarm (2) Rakdos Midrange (78th) , Rakdos Unearth (145th)
Cathar Commando (2) Orzhov Hammer (26th) , Orzhov Hammer (33rd)
Groundswell (2) Sultai Infect (1st) , Golgari Infect (90th)
Harbinger of the Tides (1) Mono-Blue Merfolk (157th)
Goblin Rabblemaster (1) Boros Control (154th)
Progenitus (1) Four-color Copycat (172nd)
Day of Judgment (1) Boros Control (154th)
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (1) Five-color Humans (132nd)
Blink of an Eye (1) Dimir Mill (149th)
Into the Roil (1) Dimir Mill (149th)
Disenchant (1) Orzhov Smallpox (162nd)
Elvish Visionary (1) Mono-Green Elves (173rd)
Blood Fountain (1) Dimir Affinity (141st)
Witching Well (1) Jeskai Whirza (123rd)
Omniscience (1) Four-color Combo (136th)
Goblin Dark-Dwellers (1) Four-color Combo (136th)
Snakeskin Veil (1) Sultai Infect (107th)
Go for the Throat (1) Rakdos Aggro (116th)
Night's Whisper (1) The Rock (87th)
Forgotten Cave (1) Mono-Red Prison (68th)
Opt (1) Izzet Control (79th)
Duress (1) Orzhov Hammer (33rd)
Knight of Malice (1) Orzhov Hammer (16th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Burn 8.74% 16
Hammer Time 7.10% 13
Murktide Regent 5.46% 10
Death's Shadow 5.46% 10
Elementals 4.92% 9
Yawgmoth 4.92% 9
Blink 4.92% 9
Azorius Control 4.37% 8
Jund 4.37% 8
Crashing Footfalls 4.37% 8
Rakdos Midrange 3.83% 7
Amulet Titan 3.83% 7
Other 3.83% 7
Mill 2.73% 5
Infect 2.19% 4
Jeskai Control 2.19% 4
Generic Ragavan 1.64% 3
Mono-Green Tron 1.64% 3
Eldrazi Tron 1.64% 3
Elves 1.09% 2
Merfolk 1.09% 2
Spirits 1.09% 2
Hardened Scales 1.09% 2
Bogles 1.09% 2
Mono-Red Midrange 1.09% 2
The Rock 1.09% 2
Grixis Control 1.09% 2
4/5c Omnath 1.09% 2
Naya Midrange 1.09% 2
Affinity 1.09% 2
Faeries 0.55% 1
Smallpox 0.55% 1
Saheeli Combo 0.55% 1
Asmo Food 0.55% 1
8-Rack 0.55% 1
Land Destruction 0.55% 1
Titan Shift 0.55% 1
Grinding Station 0.55% 1
Humans 0.55% 1
Belcher 0.55% 1
Thopter Combo 0.55% 1
Glimpse Combo 0.55% 1
Gruul Midrange 0.55% 1
Reanimator 0.55% 1
Izzet Control 0.55% 1
Lantern 0.55% 1
Storm 0.55% 1
General Ferrous 0.55% 1
Total 100.00% 183

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 227 43%
2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 179 25%
3 Mishra's Bauble 175 24%
4 Dragon's Rage Channeler 158 22%
5 Solitude 154 21%
6 Prismatic Ending 152 23%
7 Unholy Heat 152 24%
8 Expressive Iteration 149 21%
9 Engineered Explosives 142 42%
10 Teferi, Time Raveler 142 21%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 179 25%
2 Dragon's Rage Channeler 158 22%
3 Solitude 154 21%
4 Fury 125 20%
5 Endurance 114 29%
6 Omnath, Locus of Creation 94 13%
7 Sanctifier en-Vec 72 16%
8 Monastery Swiftspear 68 9%
9 Esper Sentinel 67 9%
10 Ignoble Hierarch 65 10%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 227 43%
2 Mishra's Bauble 175 24%
3 Prismatic Ending 152 23%
4 Unholy Heat 152 24%
5 Expressive Iteration 149 21%
6 Engineered Explosives 142 42%
7 Teferi, Time Raveler 142 21%
8 Counterspell 135 21%
9 Force of Vigor 129 29%
10 Inquisition of Kozilek 113 19%

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