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NRG Series Trial - Chicago (Modern)

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Format: Modern
Date: 2021-10-23

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Four-color Elementals Robert Hayes $ 1,567 1,049 tix Expand
2nd Dimir Mill DanielMTG $ 819 237 tix Expand
3rd Orzhov Hammer Matt Dow $ 872 383 tix Expand
4th Temur Crashing Footfalls Connor Mullaly $ 1,434 749 tix Expand
5th Izzet Control Philips Nguyen $ 1,004 341 tix Expand
6th Azorius Control Ivan Espinosa $ 1,511 883 tix Expand
7th Four-Color Rhinos Victor Wood $ 1,774 1,305 tix Expand
9th Orzhov Hammer Travis Williams $ 857 381 tix Expand
11th Amulet Titan Crabby_Joe $ 897 490 tix Expand
12th Azorius Control Alex Hamilton $ 1,453 837 tix Expand
13th Orzhov Hammer James Bush $ 817 448 tix Expand
14th Four-color Yorion Bill Comminos $ 1,792 1,165 tix Expand
15th Orzhov Hammer Matthew Hoey $ 876 374 tix Expand
16th Four-color Elementals Mack Endress $ 1,443 834 tix Expand
17th Living End Daniel Kress $ 977 515 tix Expand
18th Orzhov Hammer Harrison Fang $ 902 403 tix Expand
19th Orzhov Hammer Will Krueger $ 885 388 tix Expand
20th Azorius Control Carlo Negrete $ 1,471 868 tix Expand
21st Esper Reanimator Fletcher Hartman $ 1,100 755 tix Expand
22nd Amulet Titan Ross Krueger $ 881 547 tix Expand
23rd Hardened Scales Taylor Herfindahl $ 618 244 tix Expand
24th Bant Combo Shea Strausman $ 1,191 764 tix Expand
25th Azorius Control Ian Cullinan $ 1,302 777 tix Expand
26th Four-color Control James Farina $ 1,749 1,154 tix Expand
27th Four-color Elementals Tyler Klein $ 1,567 1,049 tix Expand
28th Jund Sam Zakrzewski $ 1,735 626 tix Expand
29th Azorius Control Hunter Anderson $ 1,216 743 tix Expand
30th Gruul Midrange Kyle Veronda $ 994 620 tix Expand
31st Jeskai Whirza Ben Scarsella $ 834 456 tix Expand
32nd Jund Jacob Gluhovski $ 1,823 1,049 tix Expand
33rd Grixis Midrange Luke Browning $ 1,286 565 tix Expand
34th Orzhov Hammer Noah Strasler $ 871 378 tix Expand
35th Izzet Tempo Dominick Paolercio $ 1,181 717 tix Expand
36th Bant Soulherder Brandon Diaz $ 1,317 866 tix Expand
38th Izzet Affinity Andrew Wolthuis $ 261 258 tix Expand
39th Azorius Control Rodney Bedell $ 1,162 760 tix Expand
40th Living End Matthew Minniear $ 955 497 tix Expand
41st Azorius Control KatMuerte $ 1,213 796 tix Expand
42nd Gruul Midrange Nathan Kainste $ 1,444 995 tix Expand
43rd Jeskai Combo Jacob Havard $ 972 532 tix Expand
44th Temur Crashing Footfalls Sean Ryder $ 1,459 819 tix Expand
45th 8-Rack Joshua Pears $ 850 353 tix Expand
46th Jund Midrange Richard Thompson $ 1,733 1,005 tix Expand
48th Izzet Tempo Darren Rucker $ 1,239 746 tix Expand
50th Golgari Elves josh dory $ 763 143 tix Expand
51st Boros Burn Hobie Hagen $ 547 225 tix Expand
53rd Mono-White Hammer Tim Hatch $ 944 318 tix Expand
54th Jund Max Matteson $ 1,854 1,052 tix Expand
55th Sultai Zombies Matthew Viscuso $ 759 178 tix Expand
56th Four-color Yorion Michael Li $ 1,996 1,414 tix Expand
57th Eldrazi Tron Joseph Tucker $ 933 418 tix Expand
58th Jund Midrange John Wager $ 1,720 1,007 tix Expand
60th Esper Reanimator Anthony Lira $ 821 412 tix Expand
61st Mono-Green Elves Sam Grimes $ 913 348 tix Expand
62nd Four-color Elementals Nicholas Homann $ 1,635 1,047 tix Expand
63rd Azorius Control Zachary Kidd $ 1,294 835 tix Expand
64th Azorius Control Ken-Min Yeoh $ 1,221 774 tix Expand
65th Orzhov Stoneblade Sam Kearns $ 870 304 tix Expand
66th Izzet Tempo Brandon Lunt $ 1,252 800 tix Expand
67th Jund Nik Scharenbroch $ 1,790 754 tix Expand
68th Jeskai Control Richie Sledz $ 1,126 611 tix Expand
69th Azorius Control Jess Robkin $ 1,352 793 tix Expand
70th Izzet Midrange Holden Leffman $ 1,263 711 tix Expand
71st Izzet Tempo Michael Heup $ 1,194 707 tix Expand
72nd Boros Burn David Charlton $ 539 225 tix Expand
73rd Azorius Control Christian Upschulte $ 1,390 831 tix Expand
74th Sultai Reclamation Andrew Pelletier $ 1,066 454 tix Expand
76th Temur Crashing Footfalls Scott Pulera $ 1,309 771 tix Expand
78th Gruul Ponza Simon Hillebrands $ 1,431 802 tix Expand
79th Golgari Yawgmoth Zachary Auten $ 795 356 tix Expand
80th Boros Burn Bryan Cole $ 524 197 tix Expand
81st Grixis Death's Shadow Jaymond Mead $ 1,174 605 tix Expand
82nd Izzet Tempo Marco Ordoñez $ 1,384 757 tix Expand
83rd Orzhov Hammer Jacob Bauer $ 986 363 tix Expand
84th Boros Burn Zoe $ 546 217 tix Expand
85th Jeskai Aggro Richard Tanner $ 1,093 751 tix Expand
88th Jeskai Control Andrew Fiedler $ 1,304 779 tix Expand
89th Jeskai Blitz Nicholas Marino $ 650 350 tix Expand
90th Orzhov Hammer GREG PINO $ 1,100 369 tix Expand
91st Grixis Death's Shadow mitchell castaldini $ 1,206 630 tix Expand
92nd Izzet Aggro Angel Luna $ 1,435 765 tix Expand
94th Four-color Yorion Keenan Davidson $ 2,022 1,391 tix Expand
95th Orzhov Hammer Ethan Cummins $ 933 344 tix Expand
96th Izzet Tempo Rick Courtney $ 1,247 715 tix Expand
97th Mardu Burn Brandon Carodine $ 619 215 tix Expand
98th Golgari Control Tetsuya Akutsu $ 1,031 394 tix Expand
99th Jund Michael Myers $ 1,748 1,040 tix Expand
100th Izzet Midrange Cristin Jelden $ 844 530 tix Expand
102nd Four-color Affinity colby lyons $ 411 254 tix Expand
103rd Jeskai Stoneblade Turner Madick $ 1,717 959 tix Expand
104th Izzet Tempo Leif Pallo $ 1,351 787 tix Expand
106th Temur Combo Ben Garlets $ 1,015 620 tix Expand
107th Azorius Stoneblade Martin Scheeler $ 994 519 tix Expand
108th Grixis Storm Christoph Schlom $ 1,232 808 tix Expand
109th Izzet Tempo Olivier Darmouni $ 1,131 829 tix Expand
110th Boros Burn Andrew Croy $ 513 221 tix Expand
111th Azorius Control Michael Aquino $ 1,370 813 tix Expand
112th Mono-White Hammer Sebastian Payne $ 823 358 tix Expand
113th Jund Samuel Garlets $ 1,752 752 tix Expand
114th Mono-Red Eldrazi Reed Anderson $ 1,277 656 tix Expand
Displaying decks 1 - 100 of 186 in total

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Soul-Guide Lantern (24) Hardened Scales (23rd) , Gruul Midrange (42nd) , Izzet Tempo (48th) , Izzet Tempo (66th) , Azorius Stoneblade (107th) , ...
Boros Charm (15) Boros Burn (51st) , Boros Burn (72nd) , Boros Burn (80th) , Boros Burn (84th) , Boros Burn (110th) , ...
Expedition Map (14) Amulet Titan (11th) , Amulet Titan (22nd) , Jund Midrange (46th) , Eldrazi Tron (57th) , Orzhov Hammer (83rd) , ...
Violent Outburst (10) Four-Color Rhinos (7th) , Temur Crashing Footfalls (4th) , Living End (17th) , Living End (40th) , Temur Crashing Footfalls (44th) , ...
Abrade (8) Izzet Control (5th) , Izzet Tempo (66th) , Grixis Death's Shadow (81st) , Izzet Tempo (82nd) , Mono-Red Eldrazi (114th) , ...
Bloodbraid Elf (7) Jund (28th) , Gruul Midrange (30th) , Jund (67th) , Gruul Ponza (78th) , Jund (113th) , ...
Scavenging Ooze (6) Jund (28th) , Golgari Elves (50th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (79th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (157th) , Jund (182nd) , ...
Dark Confidant (6) 8-Rack (45th) , Orzhov Hammer (83rd) , Orzhov Hammer (90th) , Orzhov Hammer (147th) , Rakdos Lurrus (168th) , ...
Knight of Malice (5) Orzhov Hammer (3rd) , Orzhov Hammer (9th) , Orzhov Hammer (18th) , Orzhov Hammer (19th) , Orzhov Hammer (34th)
Sorcerous Spyglass (5) Eldrazi Tron (129th) , Golgari Control (98th) , Eldrazi Tron (152nd) , Eldrazi Tron (122nd) , Eldrazi Tron (172nd)
Maelstrom Pulse (5) Jund (67th) , Golgari Control (98th) , Jund (182nd) , Jund (197th) , Jund Midrange (206th)
Cathar Commando (4) Orzhov Hammer (3rd) , Orzhov Hammer (15th) , Orzhov Hammer (18th) , Orzhov Hammer (19th)
Explore (4) Amulet Titan (11th) , Amulet Titan (22nd) , Amulet Titan (160th) , Amulet Titan (201st)
Waker of Waves (4) Living End (17th) , Living End (40th) , Living End (121st) , Living End (173rd)
Opt (3) Jeskai Blitz (89th) , Azorius Control (194th) , Azorius Control (208th)
Reclamation Sage (3) Golgari Elves (50th) , Mono-Green Elves (61st) , Amulet Titan (160th)
Remand (3) Dimir Mill (2nd) , Mono-Blue Tron (190th) , Four-color Combo (167th)
Obstinate Baloth (3) Gruul Midrange (30th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (79th) , Golgari Yawgmoth (157th)
Banishing Light (2) Selesnya Control (118th) , Abzan Prison (193rd)
Tireless Tracker (2) Amulet Titan (22nd) , Amulet Titan (201st)
Basilisk Collar (2) Eldrazi Tron (57th) , Eldrazi Tron (152nd)
Elvish Archdruid (2) Golgari Elves (50th) , Mono-Green Elves (61st)
Llanowar Elves (2) Golgari Elves (50th) , Mono-Green Elves (61st)
Thought Monitor (2) Izzet Affinity (38th) , Azorius Stoneblade (107th)
Gingerbrute (2) Izzet Affinity (38th) , Orzhov Hammer (147th)
Day of Judgment (1) Four-color Planeswalkers (188th)
Speaker of the Heavens (1) Mono-White Midrange (138th)
Righteous Valkyrie (1) Mono-White Midrange (138th)
Authority of the Consuls (1) Mono-White Midrange (138th)
Ajani's Pridemate (1) Mono-White Midrange (138th)
Goblin Rabblemaster (1) Living End (173rd)
Brineborn Cutthroat (1) Izzet Midrange (100th)
Groundswell (1) Sultai Infect (124th)
Trail of Crumbs (1) Golgari Titan (144th)
Duress (1) Golgari Control (98th)
Mazemind Tome (1) Golgari Control (98th)
Rogue's Passage (1) Golgari Control (98th)
Shambling Ghast (1) Rakdos Zombies (130th)
Myr Enforcer (1) Izzet Affinity (38th)
Omen of the Sea (1) Azorius Control (12th)
Goblin Dark-Dwellers (1) Temur Combo (106th)
Mystical Teachings (1) Sultai Reclamation (74th)
Maul of the Skyclaves (1) Orzhov Stoneblade (65th)
Witching Well (1) Jeskai Whirza (31st)
Broken Wings (1) Gruul Midrange (30th)
Dwynen's Elite (1) Golgari Elves (50th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Murktide Regent 11.29% 21
Jund 9.68% 18
Hammer Time 8.60% 16
Azorius Control 8.06% 15
Burn 7.53% 14
Other 5.91% 11
Blink 3.23% 6
Reanimator 2.69% 5
Eldrazi Tron 2.69% 5
Crashing Footfalls 2.69% 5
Elementals 2.15% 4
Amulet Titan 2.15% 4
Living End 2.15% 4
Death's Shadow 2.15% 4
Jeskai Control 2.15% 4
Enchantress 1.61% 3
Gruul Midrange 1.61% 3
Sacrifice 1.61% 3
Azorius Stoneblade 1.08% 2
Yawgmoth 1.08% 2
Eldrazi 1.08% 2
Mardu Midrange 1.08% 2
Selesnya Lifegain 1.08% 2
Elves 1.08% 2
Affinity 1.08% 2
Grixis Control 1.08% 2
Mill 1.08% 2
Generic Ragavan 0.54% 1
Land Destruction 0.54% 1
Humans 0.54% 1
Mono-Green Tron 0.54% 1
Prowess 0.54% 1
Abzan Stoneblade 0.54% 1
Izzet Control 0.54% 1
Death & Taxes 0.54% 1
Jeskai Stoneblade 0.54% 1
Rakdos Midrange 0.54% 1
Indomitable Creativity 0.54% 1
Mono-Blue Tron 0.54% 1
Infect 0.54% 1
Asmo Food 0.54% 1
Hardened Scales 0.54% 1
Thopter Combo 0.54% 1
Spirits 0.54% 1
Jeskai Phoenix 0.54% 1
Glimpse Combo 0.54% 1
Grinding Station 0.54% 1
Wilderness Reclamation 0.54% 1
8-Rack 0.54% 1
Crab Vine 0.54% 1
Total 100.00% 186

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 281 44%
2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 207 29%
3 Mishra's Bauble 193 28%
4 Prismatic Ending 190 30%
5 Counterspell 185 27%
6 Dragon's Rage Channeler 177 24%
7 Unholy Heat 161 24%
8 Teferi, Time Raveler 156 23%
9 Archmage's Charm 136 24%
10 Expressive Iteration 130 18%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 207 29%
2 Dragon's Rage Channeler 177 24%
3 Solitude 124 19%
4 Stoneforge Mystic 103 14%
5 Murktide Regent 94 13%
6 Tarmogoyf 84 11%
7 Endurance 84 19%
8 Esper Sentinel 76 11%
9 Fury 70 11%
10 Ornithopter 68 9%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Lightning Bolt 281 44%
2 Mishra's Bauble 193 28%
3 Prismatic Ending 190 30%
4 Counterspell 185 27%
5 Unholy Heat 161 24%
6 Teferi, Time Raveler 156 23%
7 Archmage's Charm 136 24%
8 Expressive Iteration 130 18%
9 Engineered Explosives 112 38%
10 Inquisition of Kozilek 109 16%

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