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Modern Preliminary 2023-12-14

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Format: Modern
Date: 2023-12-14

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Boros Burn Janisss $ 262 96 tix Expand
2nd Orzhov Scam bomberboss $ 1,243 403 tix Expand
3rd Mono-Green Tron ItsSwiftyTime $ 659 384 tix Expand
4th Mono-Green Tron HamburgerJung $ 633 359 tix Expand
5th Golgari Scam albertoSD $ 1,317 536 tix Expand
6th Yawgmoth teyi $ 1,091 521 tix Expand
7th Selesnya Lifegain Jositoshekel $ 899 290 tix Expand
8th Yawgmoth keyzoo $ 1,118 520 tix Expand
9th Murktide Regent i_b_TRUE $ 717 303 tix Expand
10th Yawgmoth karatedom $ 1,117 524 tix Expand
11th Mono-Black Coffers skullcrobatjoker $ 1,106 559 tix Expand
12th Crashing Footfalls BlueLips $ 981 572 tix Expand
13th Crashing Footfalls markdm $ 1,084 601 tix Expand
14th Esper Mill DemonicTutors $ 519 123 tix Expand
15th Rakdos Scam Kazuga $ 1,346 509 tix Expand
16th Dimir Death's Shadow 8salazzar8 $ 788 466 tix Expand
17th Rakdos Scam Gerardo94 $ 1,330 505 tix Expand
18th Amulet Titan RogeDeckWins $ 898 527 tix Expand
19th Esper Control McWinSauce $ 1,481 829 tix Expand
20th Murktide Regent azatoyellow $ 724 328 tix Expand
21st Yawgmoth boytriton $ 1,060 495 tix Expand
22nd Murktide Regent ColorlessPizza $ 784 348 tix Expand
23rd Crashing Footfalls goatpig $ 1,025 562 tix Expand
24th Yawgmoth 1337Waffles $ 1,060 495 tix Expand
25th Rakdos Scam Spaz696969 $ 1,408 493 tix Expand
26th Crashing Footfalls Filyoni $ 1,041 539 tix Expand
27th Rakdos Scam jev_ $ 1,329 504 tix Expand
28th Golgari Elves numberonenoob $ 395 114 tix Expand
29th Boros Burn sandydogmtg $ 412 118 tix Expand
30th Amulet Titan pepeteam $ 935 530 tix Expand
31st Yawgmoth Pumdaddy6 $ 1,170 562 tix Expand
32nd Mono-Green Tron Erik157751 $ 597 342 tix Expand
33rd Mono-Green Tron Oderus Urungus $ 683 377 tix Expand
34th Belcher TheManLand $ 399 137 tix Expand
35th Crashing Footfalls LanternFoot $ 1,012 557 tix Expand
36th Crashing Footfalls KIMCHIMAN $ 975 501 tix Expand
37th Living End ConnorM426 $ 955 408 tix Expand
Displaying all 37 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Violent Outburst (7) Crashing Footfalls (35th) , Living End (37th) , Crashing Footfalls (23rd) , Crashing Footfalls (12th) , Crashing Footfalls (26th) , ...
Expedition Map (6) Mono-Green Tron (33rd) , Amulet Titan (18th) , Mono-Green Tron (4th) , Amulet Titan (30th) , Mono-Green Tron (32nd) , ...
Reclamation Sage (4) Yawgmoth (8th) , Yawgmoth (24th) , Yawgmoth (21st) , Yawgmoth (6th)
Scavenging Ooze (3) Yawgmoth (24th) , Yawgmoth (21st) , Yawgmoth (6th)
Boros Charm (2) Boros Burn (29th) , Boros Burn (1st)
Abrade (1) Murktide Regent (22nd)
Demolition Field (1) Mono-Black Coffers (11th)
Play with Fire (1) Boros Burn (1st)
Go for the Throat (1) Dimir Death's Shadow (16th)
Night's Whisper (1) Orzhov Scam (2nd)
An Offer You Can't Refuse (1) Belcher (34th)
Explore (1) Amulet Titan (18th)
Waker of Waves (1) Living End (37th)
Llanowar Elves (1) Golgari Elves (28th)
Leaf-Crowned Visionary (1) Golgari Elves (28th)
Elvish Archdruid (1) Golgari Elves (28th)
Maelstrom Pulse (1) Golgari Scam (5th)
Destroy Evil (1) Esper Control (19th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Yawgmoth 16.22% 6
Crashing Footfalls 16.22% 6
Rakdos Scam 10.81% 4
Mono-Green Tron 10.81% 4
Murktide Regent 8.11% 3
Amulet Titan 5.41% 2
Boros Burn 5.41% 2
Golgari Elves 2.70% 1
Living End 2.70% 1
Golgari Scam 2.70% 1
Esper Control 2.70% 1
Belcher 2.70% 1
Orzhov Scam 2.70% 1
Selesnya Lifegain 2.70% 1
Death's Shadow 2.70% 1
Mill 2.70% 1
Mono-Black Coffers 2.70% 1
Total 100.00% 37

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 60 41%
2 Endurance 49 46%
3 Force of Vigor 48 51%
4 Thoughtseize 44 35%
5 Chalice of the Void 37 57%
6 Fatal Push 34 38%
7 Force of Negation 33 24%
8 The One Ring 32 22%
9 Subtlety 29 27%
10 Grief 28 19%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Orcish Bowmasters 60 41%
2 Endurance 49 46%
3 Subtlety 29 27%
4 Grief 28 19%
5 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 28 19%
6 Shardless Agent 28 19%
7 Dauthi Voidwalker 27 19%
8 Tishana's Tidebinder 26 24%
9 Delighted Halfling 24 16%
10 Wall of Roots 24 16%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Force of Vigor 48 51%
2 Thoughtseize 44 35%
3 Chalice of the Void 37 57%
4 Fatal Push 34 38%
5 Force of Negation 33 24%
6 The One Ring 32 22%
7 Engineered Explosives 28 46%
8 Grist, the Hunger Tide 28 19%
9 Violent Outburst 28 19%
10 Chord of Calling 26 19%

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