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Modern League 2025-01-25

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Format: Modern
Date: 2025-01-25

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
5 - 0 Ruby Storm azax $ 498 134 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi BuyMoreBread $ 691 212 tix Expand
5 - 0 Esper Murktide chknnugget $ 783 343 tix Expand
5 - 0 Esper Murktide CLChad $ 806 323 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Midrange Crunchwrap_Supreme $ 792 388 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Midrange DB_YungDingo $ 756 378 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm elvin7 $ 444 102 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide evanjm $ 779 333 tix Expand
5 - 0 Rakdos Midrange ExtraEasy88 $ 1,084 198 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide F4LCO $ 741 324 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Midrange Gn42 $ 793 250 tix Expand
5 - 0 Affinity Golden91 $ 1,201 351 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher i_b_TRUE $ 468 171 tix Expand
5 - 0 WURG joaobelo92 $ 849 329 tix Expand
5 - 0 Rakdos Delirium Kate_ $ 516 152 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher kuro777rakdos $ 500 181 tix Expand
5 - 0 4c Omnath Kurusu $ 783 315 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy LaturatheLucis $ 884 252 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide LotusLore $ 720 317 tix Expand
5 - 0 WB meanfannypack $ 774 429 tix Expand
5 - 0 Amulet Titan mERAZED $ 814 197 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Blue Tron montego6 $ 451 187 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide NotSnype315 $ 779 343 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy OdinFk $ 961 255 tix Expand
5 - 0 Rakdos Delirium percussion_mike $ 537 174 tix Expand
5 - 0 4c Breach Pugface $ 1,693 578 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy qbturtle15 $ 801 235 tix Expand
5 - 0 BG RizoTv $ 501 64 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi svessesvv $ 670 167 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Midrange Tarquinio_Dg $ 821 384 tix Expand
5 - 0 WU teichou_aisu $ 1,412 533 tix Expand
5 - 0 Temur Breach temur4life $ 1,633 572 tix Expand
5 - 0 Indomitable Creativity thatMagic $ 528 134 tix Expand
5 - 0 Goryo's Vengeance Trikru $ 869 314 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp xdragon55x $ 554 361 tix Expand
5 - 0 Yawgmoth XXFromMarsToSiriusXX $ 852 210 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp Yut0kun $ 602 326 tix Expand
5 - 0 WU zeekington $ 1,412 533 tix Expand
Displaying all 38 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Mox Opal (5) WU (5 - 0) , 4c Breach (5 - 0) , Temur Breach (5 - 0) , Affinity (5 - 0) , WU (5 - 0)
Green Sun's Zenith (4) Yawgmoth (5 - 0) , WURG (5 - 0) , 4c Omnath (5 - 0) , Amulet Titan (5 - 0)
Soul-Guide Lantern (4) WU (5 - 0) , 4c Breach (5 - 0) , Temur Breach (5 - 0) , WU (5 - 0)
Thoughtcast (3) WU (5 - 0) , Affinity (5 - 0) , WU (5 - 0)
Faithless Looting (3) Rakdos Delirium (5 - 0) , Indomitable Creativity (5 - 0) , Rakdos Delirium (5 - 0)
Reckless Impulse (2) Ruby Storm (5 - 0) , Ruby Storm (5 - 0)
Sire of Seven Deaths (2) Eldrazi (5 - 0) , Eldrazi (5 - 0)
Scavenging Ooze (1) Yawgmoth (5 - 0)
Secluded Courtyard (1) Eldrazi (5 - 0)
Kiora, the Rising Tide (1) Goryo's Vengeance (5 - 0)
Thought Monitor (1) Affinity (5 - 0)
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose (1) BG (5 - 0)
Expedition Map (1) Mono-Blue Tron (5 - 0)
Reclamation Sage (1) 4c Omnath (5 - 0)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Other 13.16% 5
Dimir Murktide 10.53% 4
Boros Energy 7.89% 3
Orzhov Midrange 7.89% 3
Belcher 5.26% 2
Eldrazi 5.26% 2
Ruby Storm 5.26% 2
Rakdos Delirium 5.26% 2
Eldrazi Ramp 5.26% 2
Esper Murktide 5.26% 2
Temur Breach 2.63% 1
4c Breach 2.63% 1
Yawgmoth 2.63% 1
Rakdos Midrange 2.63% 1
Goryo's Vengeance 2.63% 1
Affinity 2.63% 1
Mono-Blue Tron 2.63% 1
Boros Midrange 2.63% 1
4/5c Omnath 2.63% 1
Indomitable Creativity 2.63% 1
Amulet Titan 2.63% 1
Total 100.00% 38

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Abhorrent Oculus 4 100%
2 Psychic Frog 4 100%
3 Consign to Memory 4 100%
4 Fatal Push 4 100%
5 Thought Scour 4 100%
6 Unearth 4 100%
7 Consider 3 100%
8 Force of Negation 3 100%
9 Nihil Spellbomb 3 100%
10 Pest Control 3 100%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Abhorrent Oculus 4 100%
2 Psychic Frog 4 100%
3 Harbinger of the Seas 2 100%
4 Murktide Regent 2 100%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Consign to Memory 4 100%
2 Fatal Push 4 100%
3 Thought Scour 4 100%
4 Unearth 4 100%
5 Consider 3 100%
6 Force of Negation 3 100%
7 Nihil Spellbomb 3 100%
8 Pest Control 3 100%
9 Spell Snare 3 100%
10 Stony Silence 3 100%

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