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Modern League 2025-01-04

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Format: Modern
Date: 2025-01-04

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp ABetterMarin $ 616 542 tix Expand
5 - 0 RG alexjett $ 666 221 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Ambrose00 $ 846 392 tix Expand
5 - 0 Death & Taxes arara $ 694 519 tix Expand
5 - 0 Goryo's Vengeance Aureban $ 780 327 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station CanadianNinja $ 1,663 757 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide caronte1991 $ 794 400 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy chuyingfei $ 772 364 tix Expand
5 - 0 Izzet Splinter Twin CptNixon $ 564 254 tix Expand
5 - 0 Crashing Footfalls D-Ruck $ 706 285 tix Expand
5 - 0 Domain Zoo dack_fayden07 $ 739 337 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station Deathnote1999 $ 1,560 758 tix Expand
5 - 0 Domain Zoo EddDeedoo $ 592 239 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Stoneblade Elias $ 588 448 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grixis Death's Shadow EsperWTB $ 437 229 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy FaganH $ 837 386 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station Fatcaster_Mage $ 1,680 789 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station Fatcaster_Mage $ 1,636 775 tix Expand
5 - 0 Izzet Splinter Twin ForThoseWhoHaveHeart $ 817 413 tix Expand
5 - 0 4c Omnath GimmexGimme $ 736 302 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Griath2 $ 780 364 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide haileysworld $ 781 429 tix Expand
5 - 0 Kethis Combo hateatos $ 889 208 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station HelpfulHobo $ 1,681 778 tix Expand
5 - 0 Crashing Footfalls hugo.viani $ 725 263 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide jabujabu88 $ 566 349 tix Expand
5 - 0 Indomitable Creativity JeromeAlce $ 586 184 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp key_locker $ 463 488 tix Expand
5 - 0 WG Kk- $ 632 228 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher LindenPaine $ 422 162 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher Madiba $ 457 189 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy MagicEd $ 771 366 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi MarkusBetts $ 630 221 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide martsjo $ 799 391 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Black Coffers Meatballsub $ 574 134 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Midrange Mr-Jackpots $ 566 501 tix Expand
5 - 0 Simic Hardened Scales MrSeri $ 1,121 402 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy mtgobazaar8 $ 835 391 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Midrange Never28 $ 549 486 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher nj741 $ 570 198 tix Expand
5 - 0 BR nsw1074 $ 519 175 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi O551 $ 575 601 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp ODlS $ 591 541 tix Expand
5 - 0 UB OldManOfTheC $ 1,667 815 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp piercem $ 477 523 tix Expand
5 - 0 Affinity Player44 $ 1,185 484 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher porterops $ 537 221 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Samky21 $ 746 404 tix Expand
5 - 0 Merfolk seitahn $ 478 162 tix Expand
5 - 0 Izzet silverinwolf $ 782 426 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy sokos13 $ 848 411 tix Expand
5 - 0 4c Omnath Spezzagatti23 $ 833 311 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station Spiritmonger4391 $ 1,689 778 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Sven745 $ 804 427 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station Swarm_OF_Mats $ 1,691 755 tix Expand
5 - 0 Amulet Titan Thelucky1 $ 816 218 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station TheWitchKling $ 1,677 742 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy TobyWang $ 772 364 tix Expand
5 - 0 Rakdos Delirium TomHany $ 503 186 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher Tonarym123 $ 500 212 tix Expand
5 - 0 5c Omnath TOP_AI $ 963 369 tix Expand
5 - 0 Jund Breach Trollolas $ 1,290 479 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm txepi $ 508 183 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp wisnudel $ 673 594 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp wisnudel $ 673 594 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm Zorro7x4 $ 495 165 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy _StN_ $ 781 358 tix Expand
Displaying all 67 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Mox Opal (12) Grinding Station (5 - 0) , Grinding Station (5 - 0) , Affinity (5 - 0) , Grinding Station (5 - 0) , Grinding Station (5 - 0) , ...
Soul-Guide Lantern (11) Domain Zoo (5 - 0) , Grinding Station (5 - 0) , Grinding Station (5 - 0) , Affinity (5 - 0) , Merfolk (5 - 0) , ...
Faithless Looting (5) BR (5 - 0) , Indomitable Creativity (5 - 0) , Rakdos Delirium (5 - 0) , Ruby Storm (5 - 0) , Ruby Storm (5 - 0)
Green Sun's Zenith (5) 5c Omnath (5 - 0) , RG (5 - 0) , Kethis Combo (5 - 0) , Amulet Titan (5 - 0) , 4c Omnath (5 - 0)
Expedition Map (2) Amulet Titan (5 - 0) , Jund Breach (5 - 0)
Reckless Impulse (2) Ruby Storm (5 - 0) , Ruby Storm (5 - 0)
Kiora, the Rising Tide (2) Goryo's Vengeance (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0)
Splinter Twin (2) Izzet Splinter Twin (5 - 0) , Izzet Splinter Twin (5 - 0)
Sire of Seven Deaths (2) Eldrazi Ramp (5 - 0) , Eldrazi (5 - 0)
Massacre Wurm (1) Indomitable Creativity (5 - 0)
Feed the Swarm (1) BR (5 - 0)
Muldrotha, the Gravetide (1) 5c Omnath (5 - 0)
Demolition Field (1) Mono-Black Coffers (5 - 0)
Secluded Courtyard (1) Eldrazi (5 - 0)
Thought Monitor (1) Affinity (5 - 0)
Thoughtcast (1) Affinity (5 - 0)
Scavenging Ooze (1) Kethis Combo (5 - 0)
Dryad Militant (1) Kethis Combo (5 - 0)
Chart a Course (1) Grinding Station (5 - 0)
Night's Whisper (1) Mono-Black Coffers (5 - 0)
Deadly Dispute (1) Jund Breach (5 - 0)
Blood Fountain (1) Jund Breach (5 - 0)
Patchwork Automaton (1) Simic Hardened Scales (5 - 0)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Boros Energy 13.43% 9
Grinding Station 11.94% 8
Eldrazi Ramp 8.96% 6
Dimir Murktide 8.96% 6
Belcher 7.46% 5
Other 5.97% 4
4/5c Omnath 4.48% 3
Orzhov Midrange 2.99% 2
Domain Zoo 2.99% 2
Izzet Splinter Twin 2.99% 2
Crashing Footfalls 2.99% 2
Eldrazi 2.99% 2
Ruby Storm 2.99% 2
Hardened Scales 1.49% 1
Orzhov Stoneblade 1.49% 1
Jund Breach 1.49% 1
Amulet Titan 1.49% 1
Rakdos Delirium 1.49% 1
Death & Taxes 1.49% 1
Merfolk 1.49% 1
IzzetControl 1.49% 1
Kethis Combo 1.49% 1
Affinity 1.49% 1
Goryo's Vengeance 1.49% 1
Death's Shadow 1.49% 1
Indomitable Creativity 1.49% 1
Mono-Black Coffers 1.49% 1
Total 100.00% 67

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Fallaji Archaeologist 4 50%
2 Hydroelectric Specimen 4 50%
3 Nulldrifter 4 50%
4 Sowing Mycospawn 4 50%
5 Thundertrap Trainer 4 50%
6 Disrupting Shoal 4 50%
7 Flare of Denial 4 50%
8 Goblin Charbelcher 4 50%
9 Jwari Disruption 4 50%
10 Karn, the Great Creator 4 50%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Fallaji Archaeologist 4 50%
2 Hydroelectric Specimen 4 50%
3 Nulldrifter 4 50%
4 Sowing Mycospawn 4 50%
5 Thundertrap Trainer 4 50%
6 Devourer of Destiny 3 50%
7 Emrakul, the Promised End 3 50%
8 Tameshi, Reality Architect 3 50%
9 Harbinger of the Seas 2 50%
10 Haywire Mite 2 50%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Disrupting Shoal 4 50%
2 Flare of Denial 4 50%
3 Goblin Charbelcher 4 50%
4 Jwari Disruption 4 50%
5 Karn, the Great Creator 4 50%
6 Kozilek's Command 4 50%
7 Kozilek's Return 4 50%
8 Lotus Bloom 4 50%
9 Malevolent Rumble 4 50%
10 Sea Gate Restoration 4 50%

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