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Modern League 2024-11-04

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Format: Modern
Date: 2024-11-04

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide 66yui $ 634 324 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Aka_Manni $ 816 216 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide albertoSD $ 742 340 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp ArchieCoder $ 734 220 tix Expand
5 - 0 Bant Midrange Casket2 $ 398 103 tix Expand
5 - 0 The Rock Control4Daze $ 1,069 336 tix Expand
5 - 0 Naya Energy DavidDaBridges $ 540 104 tix Expand
5 - 0 U DB_InspiringTimmy $ 872 405 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy dude12233 $ 778 191 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide EnricoSLS91 $ 850 364 tix Expand
5 - 0 Twiddle Storm hihi0250 $ 586 194 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Ivan_Draw_Go $ 669 241 tix Expand
5 - 0 Jeskai Control jaiimechuu $ 892 302 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Jumba $ 862 227 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo k0ro $ 770 261 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy K1ttySlay3r $ 814 215 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher katabami2 $ 382 159 tix Expand
5 - 0 Simic Hardened Scales kePs $ 706 177 tix Expand
5 - 0 Azorius Tameshi Combo Kyzlex $ 523 163 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach Lightspirit $ 799 265 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy LockedCore0 $ 833 216 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy MayoDominaria $ 753 188 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grixis Death's Shadow Mormegil_ $ 615 164 tix Expand
5 - 0 Tron MrMarthius $ 631 227 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide NicolasGEM $ 751 406 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi nightwitch $ 760 250 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher OfFrost9 $ 410 162 tix Expand
5 - 0 Belcher Pascal3000 $ 431 157 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide PhilLesh $ 816 362 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy PintuMtg $ 953 250 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy PintuMtg $ 953 250 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Red Prowess Player44 $ 369 97 tix Expand
5 - 0 Izzet Control Poderosisimo $ 593 205 tix Expand
5 - 0 Amulet Titan PuntThenWhine $ 892 243 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy Qua4tre $ 923 258 tix Expand
5 - 0 Hammer Time quizz0 $ 527 122 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy RubyXillia $ 871 247 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp Swiftspear $ 825 227 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Vekx3r $ 760 352 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy Vrym $ 915 262 tix Expand
5 - 0 Amulet Titan wutey $ 770 225 tix Expand
5 - 0 Twiddle Storm Yaahtzee $ 567 190 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo yriel $ 715 255 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy _izuKi_ $ 885 258 tix Expand
Displaying all 44 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Plains (16) Mardu Energy (5 - 0) , Boros Energy (5 - 0) , Bant Midrange (5 - 0) , Boros Energy (5 - 0) , Naya Energy (5 - 0) , ...
Mountain (14) Mardu Energy (5 - 0) , Boros Energy (5 - 0) , Boros Energy (5 - 0) , Naya Energy (5 - 0) , Boros Energy (5 - 0) , ...
Forest (14) Through the Breach (5 - 0) , Eldrazi Ramp (5 - 0) , Bant Midrange (5 - 0) , Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo (5 - 0) , Naya Energy (5 - 0) , ...
Island (12) Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , Twiddle Storm (5 - 0) , Twiddle Storm (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , ...
Swamp (7) Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , Dimir Murktide (5 - 0) , ...
Soul-Guide Lantern (7) Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo (5 - 0) , Naya Energy (5 - 0) , Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo (5 - 0) , U (5 - 0) , Hammer Time (5 - 0) , ...
Expedition Map (5) Twiddle Storm (5 - 0) , Twiddle Storm (5 - 0) , Amulet Titan (5 - 0) , Tron (5 - 0) , Amulet Titan (5 - 0)
Duress (4) Mardu Energy (5 - 0) , Mardu Energy (5 - 0) , Mardu Energy (5 - 0) , Mardu Energy (5 - 0)
Omniscience (1) Through the Breach (5 - 0)
Demolition Field (1) U (5 - 0)
Patchwork Automaton (1) Simic Hardened Scales (5 - 0)
Explore (1) Amulet Titan (5 - 0)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Boros Energy 15.91% 7
Dimir Murktide 13.64% 6
Mardu Energy 11.36% 5
Belcher 6.82% 3
Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo 6.82% 3
Eldrazi Ramp 4.55% 2
Twiddle Storm 4.55% 2
Amulet Titan 4.55% 2
Through the Breach 2.27% 1
Bant Midrange 2.27% 1
Naya Energy 2.27% 1
Other 2.27% 1
Hardened Scales 2.27% 1
Death's Shadow 2.27% 1
Hammer Time 2.27% 1
Mono-Red Prowess 2.27% 1
Tron 2.27% 1
Jeskai Control 2.27% 1
Azorius Tameshi Combo 2.27% 1
The Rock 2.27% 1
Eldrazi 2.27% 1
Izzet Control 2.27% 1
Total 100.00% 44

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Abhorrent Oculus 4 100%
2 Orcish Bowmasters 4 100%
3 Psychic Frog 4 100%
4 Consider 4 100%
5 Fatal Push 4 100%
6 Stern Scolding 4 100%
7 Thought Scour 4 100%
8 Thoughtseize 4 100%
9 Unearth 4 100%
10 Harbinger of the Seas 3 100%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Abhorrent Oculus 4 100%
2 Orcish Bowmasters 4 100%
3 Psychic Frog 4 100%
4 Harbinger of the Seas 3 100%
5 Murktide Regent 2 100%
6 Undercity Informer 2 100%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Consider 4 100%
2 Fatal Push 4 100%
3 Stern Scolding 4 100%
4 Thought Scour 4 100%
5 Thoughtseize 4 100%
6 Unearth 4 100%
7 Consign to Memory 3 100%
8 Force of Negation 3 100%
9 Ghost Vacuum 2 100%
10 Sink into Stupor 2 100%

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