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Modern League 2024-08-27

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Format: Modern
Date: 2024-08-27

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
5 - 0 Jeskai Control alejandrofp $ 1,142 641 tix Expand
5 - 0 Living End Alisa $ 602 183 tix Expand
5 - 0 Goryo's Vengeance All_About_That_Jace $ 888 333 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach AmosOrion $ 1,223 481 tix Expand
5 - 0 Living End AzureMoon $ 653 201 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide beitianjay $ 865 441 tix Expand
5 - 0 WB bless_von $ 751 188 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grinding Station BONK101 $ 1,333 640 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy burrarun $ 1,134 561 tix Expand
5 - 0 Goryo's Vengeance bweezy $ 675 226 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy chachibuoh $ 1,004 352 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy Cheeseinat0r $ 992 327 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Coachinho $ 1,092 556 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy CoffeeHouseRyan $ 1,018 438 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach CoffeeHouseRyan $ 1,156 478 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy DB_bamzing $ 1,134 561 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Black Midrange DB_Disgruntled_Elk $ 1,320 551 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Black Midrange DB_Disgruntled_Elk $ 1,320 551 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm DB_YungDingo $ 611 269 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Black Midrange ddrd $ 1,307 546 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Black Coffers DerpityDerpz $ 1,087 507 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm DethFrmAbove $ 432 137 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy DobleP $ 941 293 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Downfall89 $ 920 290 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach drew_9873 $ 1,237 482 tix Expand
5 - 0 Jund EL_Zanetti $ 912 286 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy EridanAmpora $ 1,102 494 tix Expand
5 - 0 Grixis Murktide FarFromMythic $ 556 264 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Fatcaster_Mage $ 916 382 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy fengchangle0625 $ 838 259 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp franrico $ 1,126 477 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp GnarChikito $ 1,165 461 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Golgarburr $ 801 367 tix Expand
5 - 0 The Rock heredia593 $ 1,395 562 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy iShambler $ 1,004 352 tix Expand
5 - 0 Tron IvanPablo $ 1,034 473 tix Expand
5 - 0 Bant Control Ivc $ 836 539 tix Expand
5 - 0 Domain Zoo Ivo_06 $ 516 160 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mono-Blue Tron Izzy90 $ 905 461 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy jakobpablo $ 997 358 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy jakobpablo $ 971 335 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy joohyun $ 1,114 561 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide justinlieberman $ 862 376 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach Kane_III $ 1,271 478 tix Expand
5 - 0 Gruul Hardened Scales kePs $ 927 327 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach koh_ann $ 1,206 492 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide LAURI_PROTOUR $ 922 384 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy Magic4ever_MTGO $ 973 317 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm Malox11 $ 465 145 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy matthewgig $ 874 273 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm mechint $ 508 142 tix Expand
5 - 0 Amulet Titan Melicard $ 969 473 tix Expand
5 - 0 Living End MeninooNey $ 623 196 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy MikeyCoppola365 $ 973 317 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Mox_Emperor $ 800 381 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy mtgua $ 799 257 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy NickPuiKia $ 882 257 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide NicolasGEM $ 914 393 tix Expand
5 - 0 Izzet Ox0 $ 537 124 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide PCW21 $ 866 375 tix Expand
5 - 0 Orzhov Midrange r3tract $ 1,106 337 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm R4Cgobrrr $ 432 137 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Rinbo $ 904 288 tix Expand
5 - 0 Jeskai Control RSS29 $ 1,105 613 tix Expand
5 - 0 Goryo's Vengeance Rvng $ 885 281 tix Expand
5 - 0 Tron Saviall $ 1,312 514 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide selekt $ 919 391 tix Expand
5 - 0 Mardu Energy shopna813 $ 973 319 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide Spezzagatti23 $ 847 363 tix Expand
5 - 0 Jeskai Control stevo_bo_bevo $ 1,219 708 tix Expand
5 - 0 Hammer Time SuperCow12653 $ 616 114 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Theripper17x $ 850 255 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide thirstythievin $ 866 375 tix Expand
5 - 0 Dimir Murktide tmp03 $ 795 376 tix Expand
5 - 0 Jeskai Energy Toscanini $ 1,111 514 tix Expand
5 - 0 RG trubler04 $ 363 158 tix Expand
5 - 0 Boros Energy Valimoth $ 897 281 tix Expand
5 - 0 Domain Zoo vdboule $ 516 160 tix Expand
5 - 0 Rakdos Zombies walshi4life $ 542 159 tix Expand
5 - 0 Izzet Tron We1lPlayed $ 1,068 525 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp whiterknight $ 1,005 451 tix Expand
5 - 0 Eldrazi Ramp yriel $ 1,037 442 tix Expand
5 - 0 Through the Breach Yumas2 $ 1,246 479 tix Expand
5 - 0 Indomitable Creativity ziofrancone $ 630 197 tix Expand
5 - 0 Ruby Storm _Vern_ $ 427 132 tix Expand
Displaying all 85 decks

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Boros Energy 17.65% 15
Dimir Murktide 14.12% 12
Mardu Energy 9.41% 8
Through the Breach 7.06% 6
Ruby Storm 7.06% 6
Eldrazi Ramp 4.71% 4
Jeskai Control 3.53% 3
Living End 3.53% 3
Mono-Black Midrange 3.53% 3
Goryo's Vengeance 3.53% 3
Mono-Blue Tron 2.35% 2
Tron 2.35% 2
Domain Zoo 2.35% 2
Other 2.35% 2
IzzetControl 1.18% 1
Rakdos Zombies 1.18% 1
Mono-Black Coffers 1.18% 1
Hammer Time 1.18% 1
Bant Control 1.18% 1
Orzhov Midrange 1.18% 1
Jeskai Energy 1.18% 1
Hardened Scales 1.18% 1
The Rock 1.18% 1
Grinding Station 1.18% 1
Grixis Murktide 1.18% 1
Jund 1.18% 1
Amulet Titan 1.18% 1
Indomitable Creativity 1.18% 1
Total 100.00% 85

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 12 75%
2 Amped Raptor 12 75%
3 Guide of Souls 12 75%
4 Ocelot Pride 12 75%
5 Galvanic Discharge 11 75%
6 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 10 75%
7 Suncleanser 9 75%
8 Orcish Bowmasters 8 50%
9 Thoughtseize 7 50%
10 Damping Sphere 6 75%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 12 75%
2 Amped Raptor 12 75%
3 Guide of Souls 12 75%
4 Ocelot Pride 12 75%
5 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 10 75%
6 Suncleanser 9 75%
7 Orcish Bowmasters 8 50%
8 Devourer of Destiny 4 25%
9 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 4 25%
10 Sowing Mycospawn 4 25%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Galvanic Discharge 11 75%
2 Thoughtseize 7 50%
3 Damping Sphere 6 75%
4 Goblin Bombardment 6 75%
5 Static Prison 6 75%
6 The One Ring 6 50%
7 Ancient Stirrings 4 25%
8 Fatal Push 4 50%
9 Kozilek's Command 4 25%
10 Lightning Bolt 4 25%

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