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Modern Challenge 64 2024-10-05 (1)

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Format: Modern
Date: 2024-10-05

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Boros Energy Dursty $ 1,025 422 tix Expand
2nd Domain Zoo Flamel88 $ 737 271 tix Expand
3rd Living End haoqinglangou $ 649 187 tix Expand
4th Dimir Murktide Diem4x $ 760 373 tix Expand
5th Boros Energy Varo $ 1,024 428 tix Expand
6th Eldrazi Ramp Gerardo94 $ 968 415 tix Expand
7th Goryo's Vengeance GodOfSlaughter $ 860 251 tix Expand
8th Golgari Ygra Combo summon_legend $ 516 128 tix Expand
9th Boros Energy AttillA $ 988 435 tix Expand
10th Boros Energy EthanDaniely $ 922 355 tix Expand
11th Twiddle Storm Aardos $ 655 349 tix Expand
12th Belcher SanPop $ 438 189 tix Expand
13th Yawgmoth MTG_Vince $ 878 206 tix Expand
14th Mono-Black Midrange jev_ $ 1,190 429 tix Expand
15th Boros Energy AlpInco $ 1,051 425 tix Expand
16th Dimir Murktide SoIMBAGallade $ 872 443 tix Expand
17th Domain Zoo psycho8854718 $ 514 168 tix Expand
18th Boros Energy termidor $ 980 437 tix Expand
19th Jeskai Control Patxi $ 918 425 tix Expand
20th Boros Energy Silentstorm1003 $ 945 364 tix Expand
21st Dimir Murktide Bugsy69 $ 816 418 tix Expand
22nd 4c Control RespectTheCat $ 1,027 501 tix Expand
23rd Affinity IzzetSignetIsTheBest $ 246 95 tix Expand
24th Eldrazi Ramp joker240sx $ 905 389 tix Expand
25th Dimir Mill Razdan08 $ 392 105 tix Expand
26th Dimir Murktide TSPJendrek $ 790 281 tix Expand
27th Dimir Murktide ThatGuyFromFNM $ 760 485 tix Expand
28th Living End Hazarsta $ 627 167 tix Expand
29th Jeskai Control Mathieu23 $ 1,078 593 tix Expand
30th Amulet Titan wutey $ 858 354 tix Expand
31st Dimir Murktide MagicalSnap $ 785 376 tix Expand
32nd Dimir Murktide Dreddybajs $ 935 415 tix Expand
Displaying all 32 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Soul-Guide Lantern (5) Dimir Mill (25th) , Boros Energy (15th) , Jeskai Control (29th) , Affinity (23rd) , Domain Zoo (2nd)
Expedition Map (2) Twiddle Storm (11th) , Amulet Titan (30th)
Go for the Throat (2) Dimir Murktide (27th) , Dimir Murktide (21st)
Duress (1) Dimir Murktide (27th)
Thought Monitor (1) Affinity (23rd)
Thoughtcast (1) Affinity (23rd)
Reclamation Sage (1) Yawgmoth (13th)
Explore (1) Amulet Titan (30th)
Waker of Waves (1) Living End (28th)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Dimir Murktide 21.88% 7
Boros Energy 21.88% 7
Domain Zoo 6.25% 2
Jeskai Control 6.25% 2
Eldrazi Ramp 6.25% 2
Living End 6.25% 2
Golgari Ygra Combo 3.12% 1
Goryo's Vengeance 3.12% 1
Twiddle Storm 3.12% 1
Mill 3.12% 1
Belcher 3.12% 1
Affinity 3.12% 1
4c Control 3.12% 1
Yawgmoth 3.12% 1
Mono-Black Midrange 3.12% 1
Amulet Titan 3.12% 1
Total 100.00% 32

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Consign to Memory 62 56%
2 The One Ring 58 47%
3 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 38 34%
4 Fatal Push 38 31%
5 Force of Negation 38 44%
6 Psychic Frog 32 25%
7 Counterspell 32 25%
8 Orcish Bowmasters 31 28%
9 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 28 22%
10 Amped Raptor 28 22%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 38 34%
2 Psychic Frog 32 25%
3 Orcish Bowmasters 31 28%
4 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah 28 22%
5 Amped Raptor 28 22%
6 Guide of Souls 28 22%
7 Ocelot Pride 28 22%
8 Obsidian Charmaw 27 25%
9 Abhorrent Oculus 24 19%
10 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 23 25%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Consign to Memory 62 56%
2 The One Ring 58 47%
3 Fatal Push 38 31%
4 Force of Negation 38 44%
5 Counterspell 32 25%
6 Spell Snare 28 34%
7 Lightning Bolt 26 25%
8 Static Prison 25 22%
9 Galvanic Discharge 24 25%
10 Thought Scour 24 19%

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