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Melee sur Arena STD Octobre#9

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Format: Standard
Date: 2021-10-31

Place Deck Pilot Tabletop Price MTGO Price Toggle Deck
1st Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Nathan Laumann $ 210 181 tix Expand
2nd Esper Control Poppa_Capp $ 195 110 tix Expand
3rd Dimir Control❄ gersen67 $ 263 198 tix Expand
4th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Lucas Paternoster $ 187 149 tix Expand
5th Simic Ramp Mattja $ 226 228 tix Expand
6th Mono-White Aggro Felipe Mansur $ 164 214 tix Expand
7th Mono-White Humans al carrer al carrer $ 172 213 tix Expand
8th Izzet Dragons ❄️ Daniel Guevara $ 345 280 tix Expand
9th Izzet Turns jerome HICAUBE $ 171 221 tix Expand
10th Temur Epiphany Aldorus $ 357 234 tix Expand
11th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Julio Gandra $ 215 186 tix Expand
12th Mono-Red Aggro ❄ Tuno Uys $ 95 147 tix Expand
13th Naya Werewolves Lordhebus $ 328 252 tix Expand
14th Mono-White Aggro ARIS CHIOTELIS $ 116 180 tix Expand
15th Izzet Epiphany Gonzalo Santiago $ 165 157 tix Expand
16th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Inaste Noquar $ 206 151 tix Expand
17th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Michael Thisse $ 156 177 tix Expand
18th Sultai Midrange Fabien Rigoulet $ 260 205 tix Expand
19th Jund Treasures Antonio Rosso $ 260 119 tix Expand
20th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ tdias $ 165 207 tix Expand
21st Azorius Tempo Franck Goubier $ 173 205 tix Expand
22nd Temur Treasures Maciej Szmidt $ 357 266 tix Expand
23rd Izzet Epiphany Emanuele Nuzzo $ 231 183 tix Expand
24th Izzet Aggro Sabri Topal-Katuzi $ 206 147 tix Expand
25th Izzet Dragons ❄️ Kristien Woodcock $ 305 267 tix Expand
26th Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Brissy Gregory $ 210 179 tix Expand
27th Mono-Red Aggro charlyy phoenix $ 175 62 tix Expand
28th Mono-White Aggro ❄️ Tiago De Oliveira $ 141 167 tix Expand
29th Dimir Rogues Jean Lecigne $ 39 17 tix Expand
30th Izzet Dragons ❄️ Daniel Louw $ 264 229 tix Expand
31st Mono-Green Aggro ❄ Tristan Brandily $ 142 97 tix Expand
32nd Izzet Control HerbalRooney $ 81 70 tix Expand
33rd Temur Treasures Mortal Francis $ 438 339 tix Expand
34th Jeskai Control Luccas Gabriel da Silva $ 204 155 tix Expand
Displaying all 34 decks

New Cards Being Played

Card Decks
Fading Hope (10) Esper Control (2nd) , Simic Ramp (5th) , Izzet Dragons ❄️ (8th) , Izzet Turns (9th) , Izzet Epiphany (15th) , ...
Negate (9) Dimir Control❄ (3rd) , Izzet Dragons ❄️ (8th) , Temur Epiphany (10th) , Izzet Epiphany (15th) , Sultai Midrange (18th) , ...
Snakeskin Veil (8) Mono-Green Aggro ❄ (1st) , Mono-Green Aggro ❄ (4th) , Temur Epiphany (10th) , Mono-Green Aggro ❄ (11th) , Mono-Green Aggro ❄ (16th) , ...
Maul of the Skyclaves (7) Mono-White Aggro (6th) , Naya Werewolves (13th) , Mono-White Aggro (14th) , Mono-White Aggro ❄️ (17th) , Mono-White Aggro ❄️ (20th) , ...
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (7) Mono-White Aggro (6th) , Mono-White Humans (7th) , Mono-White Aggro (14th) , Mono-White Aggro ❄️ (17th) , Mono-White Aggro ❄️ (20th) , ...
Dragon's Fire (5) Izzet Dragons ❄️ (8th) , Jund Treasures (19th) , Temur Treasures (22nd) , Izzet Dragons ❄️ (25th) , Mono-Red Aggro (27th)
Infernal Grasp (3) Esper Control (2nd) , Dimir Control❄ (3rd) , Sultai Midrange (18th)
Duress (3) Esper Control (2nd) , Dimir Control❄ (3rd) , Dimir Rogues (29th)
Briarbridge Tracker (3) Sultai Midrange (18th) , Jund Treasures (19th) , Mono-Green Aggro ❄ (26th)
Deadly Dispute (1) Dimir Control❄ (3rd)
Shambling Ghast (1) Dimir Control❄ (3rd)
Play with Fire (1) Mono-Red Aggro ❄ (12th)
Roil Eruption (1) Mono-Red Aggro ❄ (12th)
Lotus Cobra (1) Mono-Green Aggro ❄ (16th)
Immersturm Predator (1) Jund Treasures (19th)
Cathar Commando (1) Azorius Tempo (21st)
Teach by Example (1) Izzet Control (32nd)
Locked in the Cemetery (1) Izzet Control (32nd)

Metagame Summary

Deck Percentage Total
Mono-Green Aggro 17.65% 6
Mono-White Aggro ️ 17.65% 6
Izzet Dragons 14.71% 5
Temur Midrange 8.82% 3
Izzet Control 5.88% 2
Jeskai Control 2.94% 1
Other 2.94% 1
Dimir Rogues 2.94% 1
Mono-Red Control 2.94% 1
Azorius Aggro 2.94% 1
Jund Midrange 2.94% 1
Sultai Midrange 2.94% 1
Naya Werewolves 2.94% 1
Mono-Red Aggro 2.94% 1
Simic Ramp 2.94% 1
Sultai Control 2.94% 1
Esper Control 2.94% 1
Total 100.00% 34

Most-Played Cards

Top Cards
Card Copies Decks
1 Esika's Chariot 45 35%
2 Alrund's Epiphany 36 29%
3 Expressive Iteration 36 29%
4 Ranger Class 36 29%
5 Goldspan Dragon 34 29%
6 Burning Hands 33 35%
7 Luminarch Aspirant 32 24%
8 Divide by Zero 30 29%
9 Malevolent Hermit 29 29%
10 Test of Talents 29 38%
Top Creatures
Card Copies Decks
1 Goldspan Dragon 34 29%
2 Luminarch Aspirant 32 24%
3 Malevolent Hermit 29 29%
4 Kazandu Mammoth 28 21%
5 Usher of the Fallen 28 21%
6 Intrepid Adversary 26 21%
7 Smoldering Egg 25 21%
8 Werewolf Pack Leader 25 21%
9 Old-Growth Troll 22 18%
10 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar 21 18%
Top Spells
Card Copies Decks
1 Esika's Chariot 45 35%
2 Alrund's Epiphany 36 29%
3 Expressive Iteration 36 29%
4 Ranger Class 36 29%
5 Burning Hands 33 35%
6 Divide by Zero 30 29%
7 Test of Talents 29 38%
8 Fading Hope 26 29%
9 Jwari Disruption 25 26%
10 Tangletrap 24 26%

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